I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 208 The gap between the two sides

When the other party saw that they were all outside the safe zone, several heads popped out from the roof of the car. Their eyes locked and activated their powers. Several fireballs spun rapidly in their palms and grew larger and larger.

The leader gave an order, and countless fireballs rushed out of control, the scorching temperature causing the air to twist.

"Go back to the safe area!!" Xia Yan shouted.

The fireball roared towards me.

Everyone ran away, and the safe zone that was so close now seemed extremely far away.

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"You go first! I'll take the back seat!" Bai You shouted. He also had fire powers and gathered fireballs in his hands to fight back, but the color was much inferior.

It was obvious that there was a huge gap in power levels between him and the opponent.

Qi Hua winked at Wang Yi's sister Wang Zili, who understood and picked up a few slower children and rushed madly into the safe zone.

"Those without special powers should retreat first! We are here to support you!" Qi Hua said solemnly.

Apart from the children, the only one with no fighting ability except Wang Xuewei was Qiao Zhen. Just as Wang Xuewei was about to pull her along and run together, she heard a gust of wind passing by her ears. When she looked closely, it turned out to be Qiao Zhen running very fast.

The fireball is approaching, and heat waves are coming in waves. The air is full of heat and dryness, and people's skin is burning.

Qi Hua led his team members to line up in a straight line, retreating while holding various supernatural powers in preparation, aiming at the approaching fireball and rushing forward.


A huge collision sounded. After the impact, the momentum of the fireball was reduced, and then it exploded in the air, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye hit.

Xia Yan's long hair was thrown back in a swish. She quickly pulled Bai Zuo and Baiyou, who was about to rush forward to force him, and said with a stern voice: "Do you want to die? Go back to the safe zone!"

Bai Zuo and Bai You were already a little afraid of her, but after such a drink, all the recklessness in his body disappeared without a trace. He murmured, lowered his head and quietly raised his eyes to look at her.

"...We...just want to help..."

"Let's go back with me." Xia Yan tightened the arms of the two of them, fearing that they would rush out again and lose their lives in vain. As he ran back, he shouted to Qi Hua and the others: "Go back! Don't be tough! Go back. You can fight again in the safe zone!”

"Got it!" Qi Hua responded.

The enemy's second wave of strong attacks came very intensively, and the fireballs seemed to ignite the sky, making it a bright red.

Qi Hua and others felt their scalps go numb.

Xizhi finally stopped watching the excitement at this moment, his eyes were filled with fighting spirit. He curled his lips and waved his hands with several thick purple electric currents. The explosion caused by hitting the fireball was even more powerful.

"Come on! Come harder!"

Xizhi seemed to have turned on the special effect of red eyes, his eyes were full of madness, and his superpowers were rapidly outputted outwards. Soon, a dark cloud brewing with ultra-high voltage current appeared in the low sky, constantly flashing blue and purple electric light, and the world was full of moisture. A shocking sound.

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His ten fingers moved gracefully as if they were playing a piano, and the dark cloud that made people fearful at a glance actually started to move, and a bunch of pulsating electric currents appeared as if they were exploding, and they collided with the fireball. The moment it hits and explodes, it spreads out in a network shape with the fireball as the center.

Xizhi spread his fingers and moved his lips with a smile, "touch~"

All fireballs explode simultaneously.

"Run!" The change lasted only a moment. Qi Hua didn't expect that Wang Zha would be the one he attacked. In desperation, he just yelled and started running for his life.

Wang Yi and Li Qiang moved faster than their brains. After running a few steps, they felt a huge push on their backs. Their bodies floated upward and their legs pedaled in the air.

It's over.


After a loud noise that resounded throughout the world, a white light flashed in front of several people's eyes. Their ears were slightly numb and then buzzed to the point of deafness. Their bodies spun a few times in the air and bumped into a very elastic object. They could no longer hold on and fainted. past.

"Zhichi! Xiongxiong!"

Xia Yan tried hard to find the two of them in the dark fog.

Just now I saw them packing up their tools and running back like crazy, but in the blink of an eye they were nowhere to be found.

Xia Yan panicked when he thought about Xiong Xiong's fatal weakness of being afraid of fire. But then he saw Qi Hua and others falling from the air with their faces covered in blood. If they were to fall freely from this height, they would not die...


The block instantly appeared beside them, then slowly fell under Xia Yan's control, and disappeared until they were placed on the floor.

Xia Yan quickly felt the airflow at the tip of their noses, and after confirming that all of them were still alive but unconscious, he stood up and prepared to go out to find someone.

"Xia, boss, you can't go out." The Bai brothers, who were watching her closely, stood up and stood in front of her like a wall.

"Get out of the way, they can't hurt me." Xia Yan walked around, then was blocked, "Get out of the way!"

Bai Zuo and Baiyou didn't dare to look at her, and refused to let her go out. He just said, "Let's go out and look for her."

Xia Yan was anxious and speechless, not understanding what they were doing. In desperation, his tone became harsh again, "Come back!"

Who would have thought that the two little guys would run out as soon as they heard her voice, which made Xia Yan very angry. She had brought them back to prevent them from losing their lives outside, and now they were going out again?

Xia Yan was so angry that she just wanted to catch them and give them a slap.

It happened that Zhikang rushed back with a dark face holding a round fat ball. He threw the fat ball on the ground when he stepped into the safe area, bent over and supported his knees, gasping for breath.

The fat ball was very smart. The moment it landed, the fat on its body trembled to release the force, and it rolled around and finally stopped at Xia Yan's feet.

der stretched out his limbs, revealing the cute bear face protected in the innermost.

"Boss! Xiongxiong is back!"

Xiongxiong jumped up from the ground, and knowing her, he raised his arms and turned around. "Nothing is wrong. Zhikang protected me at the first time."

"Xiongxiong! Zhikang!" Xia Yan exclaimed, and anxiously grabbed it from beginning to end. She was relieved when she was sure that it was really not injured.

She pulled Zhikang to look at him carefully again, wiped the dust off his face with a wet towel, and confirmed that he was not injured either. The big stone in her heart finally fell.

The moment she saw the two of them standing in front of her safely and intact, her mood was like a roller coaster, and her eyes were a little sore.

"I told you to come back quickly, but you had to go back to get the tools. If that little thing is broken, it's broken. If you...what should I do?" Xia Yan complained a lot, pinched Xiong's ears, glared at Zhikang, and vented all the gloom in her heart.

It's impossible to say that I'm not scared...

This time it was really too risky, and I will never allow them to do this in the future...

"Boss, don't worry, we are fine, and we got the things back. After all, they belong to the store, how can we just throw them away? Hehe." Xiongxiong smiled and touched Zhikang's shoulder, blinking his black eyes.

Xiongxiong's honest look made Xia Yan laugh, but she was a little confused. Just now Zhikang held the bear in both hands, and the bear was a ball. They didn't have space ability, so where did the tools go?

"Where are the tools?" She was really curious. Xiongxiong and Zhikang would never lie to her, but she really didn't see anything, it was amazing.

"Here, it's there."

At this time, Xizhi coughed up blood, carried several shovels on his shoulders, and walked slowly into the safe zone with heavy steps.

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