I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 209 Enhanced version of

Xizhi's feet went soft, and his body tilted to one side, and the shovel on his shoulder fell to the ground with a ping-pong sound.

"Ahem, can you please tell me before throwing things over here next time?"

He slid down the protective cover and sat down, looking at Xia Yan with a bit of helplessness and resentment, meaning that she should manage the employees well and not be so deceiving.

Xia Yan looked at Zhikang and Xiongxiong. The former walked over to pick up the shovel without changing his expression, while the latter quietly moved behind her and hooked his fingers, rolling his eyes but not daring to look at her, obviously feeling guilty.

Xia Yan suddenly felt funny. What else was there to not understand, but she didn't expect Xiongxiong to be so clever.

She patted Xiongxiong on the shoulder and asked him to fetch water. She walked to Xizhi and observed him roughly. Except for a few purple lines on his face, she didn't see any external injuries.

Xizhi's body gradually stiffened as she approached, and his hands hanging at his sides remained uncomfortably still. He felt Xia Yan's eyes moving on his face, and it seemed as if magma was about to erupt from his heart.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Xia Yan asked.

Unexpectedly, Xizhi seemed to hear some harsh sound, the veins on his neck popped up, his face turned red in an instant, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from his teeth, "It's okay."

After saying that, he adjusted his center of gravity to the other side away from Xia Yan, revealing a fake smile that couldn't be more fake.

Xia Yan was stunned, feeling his rejection, and then he thought about the disgust he showed when he saw the opposite sex approaching inadvertently, and smiled knowingly.

She stood up and stopped Zhikang, "Please help him check if there is any external injury. If you need ointment, come to me."

Xizhi breathed a sigh of relief, took the lead in holding Zhikang's outstretched hand to stand up, and walked in the opposite direction of the crowd.

Xiongxiong pushed a cart of water over. Xia Yan took two bottles from it and threw them to Zhikang. She also threw a pack of medical wipes over and led Xiongxiong to Qi Hua and the others.

Their relatives and friends rushed out of the hotel as soon as possible. They saw the people lying on the ground with blood all over their faces. After screaming, their legs and knees fell to the ground with weak legs. They couldn't wake them up no matter how hard they slapped and hit them. They couldn't help but tremble and stare at Xia Yan with wide eyes.

"Xia, Boss Xia, please save my child. He can't be woken up." Qi's mother rushed over and grabbed her arm tightly.

"My brother hasn't woken up yet. I pinched him but he didn't wake up." Wang Zili was sweating profusely.

"Don't panic, let me take a look first."

Xia Yan shook their hands tightly, stabilized them first, and walked to Qi Hua and the others along the path made by the crowd.

The person lying on the ground had blood on his face and closed his eyes. He looked like he was seriously injured.

Ignoring everyone's hopeful eyes, Xia Yan squatted down and pulled out a wet towel. When she was about to wipe it on her face, she hesitated and took it back after a few seconds.

If there is a wound, you can't use wet towels to clean it.

She touched the other person's breath, raised her head and called Zhikang over.

Zhikang quickly checked Xizhi's body. It's okay, vomiting blood is an internal injury, he can't treat it, and rushed over after telling him to rest and calm down.

"Don't be afraid, Manager Zhikang has interned as a doctor's assistant for a few days before, and knows a little about cleaning external injuries." Xia Yan stood up and made way, and a simple sentence dispelled everyone's concerns.

Zhikang looked around and said in a light tone: "Please don't gather here, the air is not circulating."

Dispersing the crowd, he touched the carotid artery, adjusted several people to lie on their backs, checked the mouth for foreign objects, and then carefully touched the limbs and chest. After confirming that there were no fractures, he used clean water to clean the blood on his face, revealing the slight scratches below...

Everyone was quiet, afraid that any movement would affect Zhikang, and stared at his expression, afraid that he would frown and show a desperate expression.

A few minutes later, Zhikang stood up and looked at Qi's parents who were so nervous that they kept rubbing their hands on their pants.

"He's fine, he will wake up in a while. Rest well afterwards and don't do any heavy exercise."

Qi's parents burst into joy in their eyes, nodded repeatedly and said "I know, thank you Manager Zhikang".

The customers around also smiled happily.

Fortunately, he is fine.

He walked straight to the next person to continue the inspection. Wang Zili, who was standing by, had just raised her lips and her eyes were filled with worry.

On the other side, Qi's father half-crouched down and asked a familiar neighbor to help put his son on the back, ready to carry him back.

Qi Hua was nearly 1.85 meters tall. When he lay on his father's back, his feet were still on the ground, which made it very inconvenient to walk.

At this time, Xiong Xiong pulled a cart.

"Wait a minute, I can pull him back." Xiong Xiong patted the carefully selected big box, "Put it here."

"This..." Qi's father's expression changed from surprise to gratitude, "Then I'll trouble Manager Xiong."

The two cooperated to put Qi Hua's butt down in the box, and Qi's father held his two long legs in his hands. Xiong Xiong stood in front and pulled it up and walked away, looking very relaxed.

"He's fine too. He just has some minor bruises, nothing serious. Just take a few days of rest."

Zhikang took out a medical wipe and wiped his hands. Seeing that Wang Zili was the only girl there, he added, "When Manager Xiong comes back, ask him to take him back for you."

After repeating the same operation several times, except for Ye Qizhen's minor arm fracture, everyone else was fine. They just needed to rest for a few days. Of course, sequelae such as dizziness and nausea were inevitable.

While Zhikang was putting a mold on Ye Qizhen's arm, Bai Zuo and Bai You stood not far away without saying a word, as if they were going to carry him back to the room in a while, or just watching the fun.

As Zhikang moved mercilessly, Ye Qizhen's face turned pale, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his eyelashes trembled again and again. He was clearly awake but refused to open his eyes.

During the time when Zhikang treated them, the protective shield had been bearing the damage of the enemy. Various different colors of superpowers exploded on it, splashing ripples of different colors, one circle after another, which was beautiful but also blocked the vision.

Xia Yan walked to the protective shield, stretched out her hand and pressed it on it. A transparent light circle appeared from the position of her palm, swallowing other ripples.

The protective shield gradually became transparent, and she could finally see the situation outside clearly.

Five armored vehicles that were much taller than the last time stopped silently at the outermost edge of the farm, and several people wearing special protective clothing inserted shiny lenses around the car.

In a few blinks, the lens quickly evolved and directly wrapped the armored vehicle.

It was dusk at this time, and the orange-yellow light shone through. After repeated refraction through the lens, the light was enhanced, like an enhanced version of a huge light bulb, which could blind the eyes with just one glance.

Xia Yan was stimulated, and her thin eyelids seemed to be non-existent. Even if she covered her eyes with her palms, she could see a bright red.

She couldn't help but be shocked. It was still dusk. If it was the sun, wouldn't she think there were five suns on the ground?

"System, quickly block the light pollution, I can't open my eyes."


[The universal protective cover turns on the function of isolating pseudo-sunlight. When the light pollution reaches the specified value, it will automatically turn on]

As the scene in front of her returned to normal, she put down her palm, and sure enough, the "light bulb" opposite was much dimmer.

She clearly saw that several winged men flew out from inside, grabbed people wearing protective clothing and flew here. There was a rope in their hands, and at the end were five men and women who were hanging in the air and struggling helplessly.

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