Seeing the other party flying over without any scruples, Xia Yan could conclude that the other party did not know that the light source was ineffective in the hotel.

"These bastards, they are using living people as bait again!" Qiao Zhen walked to her side, clenched his fists and was suffocated.

Xia Yan glanced at her and agreed, "They are indeed not human."

Last time, they used mother and daughter to threaten and intimidate, and now they have increased the dosage.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar →𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

Upon closer inspection, there were men, women, young and old, and the same thing was that there was a grinning skull under the right eye. The tattered clothes could barely cover the key parts, revealing the deep concave abdominal cavity inside, and the lower body was even more unbearable to look at. After a long period of dragging, the legs were worn into a bloody mess, and the deep white bones were vaguely exposed.

The winged man put them on the ground. The men in protective suits chose their positions very well. They formed thin long lenses in their hands, stuck them deep into the soil, and then tied a knot on the rope and hung it on top...

Qiao Zhen endured it again and again, but still couldn't help taking out the gun from his pocket, loading it and aiming at the other person's head, "Can I shoot?"

This question was asked to Xia Yan.

Although Xia Yan would not care about the outside world and be her boss, he would not stop customers.

"Of course." Xia Yan replied with a smile, after all, TV is not as good as live broadcast.

The long lens turned into a half-person-high box-like object in an instant. Before she figured out what it did, she saw the "bait" thrown into it, and the mirror quickly closed up. As for whether there was a hole, she didn't know.

After getting the boss's consent, Qiao Zhen pulled the trigger with his finger. With a "bang", the defenseless winged man had a blood hole on his forehead and slowly fell to the ground.

"They can see it! Retreat quickly!!" The remaining people were frightened by this sudden situation, and grabbed the winged man who was still alive and asked them to fly quickly.

The death of a winged man means that one of them can only run back with his legs, and everyone's superpowers are exhausted, no different from ordinary people, unable to defend themselves...

Thinking of this, everyone panicked and clung to the winged man and refused to let go.

"Fly quickly! If I die here, you will be buried with me!"

A certain person in the protective suit wanted to take off the special mask and yell in his ear, and kicked down the colleague who tried to take his position, and gathered the last bit of superpowers to turn his fingertips into mirrors, and roared at the artery of the winged man.

The winged man dared not hesitate any longer, flapped his wings and tried his best to fly upwards.

Seeing this, the four people in the protective suits fought more and more.

The remaining winged men saw him leave and prepared to follow him, grabbing one and flying up, as for the unlucky guy who was weak in fighting, whether he could survive depended on fate.

"Don't abandon me!" The unlucky guy cried out in despair.


The winged man who was already flying in the air was hit in the chest. He screamed and tilted his body, and fell down with the screaming protective suit.

The unlucky guy was stunned, and ran out with a laugh.

"It's what he deserves, it's what he deserves!"

Qiao Zhen narrowed his eyes and aimed at the winged man who was obviously speeding up, and pulled the trigger directly.

With a whoosh, the bullet slid past his ear, and the winged man was frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. Fearing that he would be shot, he made an S-bend in the air, using the method used in driving school practice.

At the same time, the "light bulb" who just realized something was wrong flew out dozens of superpowers.

"The support is here, can you still aim?" Xia Yan looked at the superpowers in the sky and doubted whether she could hit it.

Qiao Zhen rubbed his eyes and raised his gun again, "If you can't hit the wings, can't you hit the moving target below? Just wait and see."

Xia Yan looked at the unusual light shining on the protective suit, and was about to say that it should be able to withstand the damage, when she heard Qiao Zhen firing neatly.

Although you can't see the trajectory of the bullet clearly, if you keep a close eye on the person, you can still tell whether it hits or not.

The man in the protective suit was forced to lean back, indicating that the bullet hit, but the clothes were not torn, and there was not even a mark left.

On the contrary, the winged man flew faster, and his wings were almost smoking.

Qiao Zhen fired two shots in a row, both of which hit the superpower and exploded. He pulled the trigger again but there was no bullet, so he could only watch them fly back.

"It's annoying." She curled her lips at the superpower on the safety cover that looked like fireworks.

"Your shooting skills are getting more and more accurate." Xia Yan was surprised at her accurate shooting skills. Basically, every shot hit the target. It was amazing.

Qiao Zhen raised his eyebrows, made a beautiful gun flower, and accepted the praise generously, "I have practiced for a long time, and hard work is rewarded."


"What? Two more people were killed? What do you do for a living? You have cannons, guns, and 30 superpowers, but you can't protect a few mirror superpowers?"

The control interface in front showed that it was a video call. The one-eyed man in the room suddenly stood up from the bed, his eyes wide open, full of doubt and anger.

A nurse in white clothes happened to come in with a tray for him to take medicine. The furious man grabbed it and smashed it on the ground, shouting: "Get out!"

He stared at the camera, and the blood vessels on his neck were clearly visible.

"How do you want me to explain to the higher-ups that I've handed the person over to you after borrowing him?"

The group of people on the opposite side lowered their heads, trying to downplay their presence, and secretly replied in their hearts: Actually, he didn't die, but there were a lot of bloody holes on his feet, and what was pulled out was a rusty nail...

Ru Yongnan was about to go crazy. He had clearly arranged everything properly and even made a promise to the higher-ups that it would work, but he didn't expect that he would lose an important person as soon as they met?

His forehead was twitching in pain, and he fell on the backrest, pinched his forehead and took a deep breath to calm his anger.

It had already happened, and he couldn't get there for the time being, and he had boasted too much, so he had to find a way to remedy it.

This damn hotel, why is it so tricky...

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind, and his one eye lit up and he thought it was very feasible.

He was trapped in a strange circle of thought. He could have directly implemented the containment plan, so why did he force it and force them out of the tortoise shell!

He didn't believe it. So many people didn't need to eat? There were so many edible foods on the island, which was not a temptation? After his observation, the residents inside had a very low level of supernatural power and could be killed easily.

"I'll give you a chance to make amends. If you mess up again this time, haha, the 'feed factory' is short of food now..."

Ru Yongnan sneered.

The three words 'feed factory' successfully aroused fear in everyone's hearts, and they shuddered.

"No, no, no, we can't mess up again. Please give us another chance."

"We will do it well this time..."

"The mission is simple. Didn't you lead the zombie tide over? Surround the hotel and guard it. As long as you see someone coming out, take action. It's best to capture them alive, but don't just kill them directly."

"Remember to bring the body back. Do you understand?"

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