I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 211 Different Cannon Barrels

After dinner, Xia Yan went out for a walk.

The super bright light bulb on the top floor illuminated the safe zone, while the area outside the safe zone was pitch black.

However, Xia Yan did not want to see the situation outside -

More than two hours ago, I don’t know what the other side was thinking, but they actually stopped attacking.

Just when Xia Yan thought they were going to set up camp and take a rest, he heard a few crisp cracking sounds, and saw the "Mirror House" cracked into spider web-like gaps, and the next second it was scattered all over the ground.

Several people inside fell to the ground, and their withered faces had already shown an ominous deathly gray, their eye sockets were deeply sunken and obviously black, and their high cheekbones made their cheeks look more sunken. Their dry lips were unable to open, and a few light and painful and helpless moans were faintly leaked out.

They just looked at the safe zone, and their eyes began to become cloudy.


A violent roar sounded, and the protective shield blocking the zombie tide was withdrawn.

At the same time, the body of one of the "bait" swelled up rapidly, as if someone was pumping air into it with a machine, and its body became rounder and rounder, and its belly became thinner and thinner...


The zombies that were originally surrounding the armored vehicle turned their heads at the same time, and thousands of gray and white bulging eyeballs looked in this direction.

The next moment, a wave of zombies poured out...

Five armored vehicles raised another kind of barrel on top, and the smooth and integrated barrel body looked extraordinary just by looking at it. Aim, fire, and a bunch of fiery red energy balls rushed out!

Qiao Zhen and others standing in the safe zone saw this scene and their faces turned pale. They didn't expect that the other side had a top-level energy cannon.

She couldn't help but take a step back, and her legs began to shake with fear.

She had seen two bases fighting for territory with her own eyes. When they were evenly matched, the other side used this thing to directly blow up the protective shield and killed many high-level psychics! It was as easy as crushing an ant.

Now there are five...

Qiao Zhen took a breath and turned around and ran back to the hotel lobby. She bought a bunch of things from the vending machine with shaking hands. Her panicked appearance scared the residents around her.

"What happened? Why did you buy so many things?"

"What happened outside? Why are you panicking?"

"Don't be silent. We are all neighbors. Help each other."

"Is the hotel going to fail?"

Qiao Zhen turned a deaf ear to these questions and took a lot of water and hamburgers. From time to time, he turned his head to look outside. Seeing that time was running out, he threw the packaging bag on his back and ran straight to the holiday gate.

When she ran, everyone followed her panic, and unspeakable anxiety entangled everyone's heart.

No one tried to find out why she ran. The words "Zombie tide is coming!" frightened them so much that they lost their reason. They rushed to the brunch machine to buy all the stocks inside, and bought a huge bag of fruit from the store manager Xiongxiong. They even bought two sets of heavy clothes that they were reluctant to buy.

When danger comes, points are really just numbers if they are not used!

"Hurry up, run to Lidai Island!!"

Someone shouted, and the crowd, like headless flies, finally found their target. One person carried a big bag and squeezed in front of the resort gate, no one let anyone else.

"I'll go first!"

"I've already used up all the points, you guys get out of the way!"

"Hurry up, those in front, why are you blocking there?"

The people behind were so anxious, and those in front wanted to get in first, and they were so crowded that their faces were red.

Just as they were about to quarrel, the resort gate, which could only accommodate one person, suddenly became wider, and several people squeezed in front of the gate lost their balance and fell in, and bananas and oranges were scattered all over the beach.

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"Wait a minute, don't step on my fruit if it falls! ”

But the people behind him who were in a hurry to take refuge didn’t care about so much, and squeezed in actively or passively, and accidentally stepped on his outstretched hand.

“Stepped on my hand! !”

He squatted down and blocked the road seriously. The people behind him who didn’t have time to lift their legs to avoid fell directly on him, and the people behind him fell down...

At this time, the holiday gate moved to the beach in front, avoiding a small-scale trampling accident.

Xia Yan, who was in the safe zone, didn’t know what was happening in the hall. She looked at the remaining four people lying on the ground. They also heard the movement of the zombie tide. The exhausted body suddenly surged with vitality, the haze in front of them was dispelled, and they forced themselves to walk towards the safe zone.

“Save, save me. "

The body, which had not taken in energy for a long time, was so weak that he fell to the ground after walking a few steps and could only stretch out his arms to ask her for help.

In the sky behind them, several fiery red energy balls quickly passed by and headed straight for the hotel.

Just as they finished speaking, something inside the body seemed to be awakened, and the belly began to inflate crazily, squeezing the shriveled internal organs, and the bones made a creepy creaking sound.

The time of death... has come...


Energy balls bombarded the protective shield one after another, and the huge energy caused the hotel to vibrate. The red light in the sky covered the sin of the power, and the scattered debris was crushed by the zombies and sank into the mud.

Three repair lights flashed on the protective shield in succession, and it returned to its original firm appearance.

Just when Xia Yan thought that the zombie tide would stop because of losing its target, he found something wrong——

The zombies were still crowded around the periphery of the safe zone, shaking their heads as if attracted by something. Not only did they not leave, but they gradually surrounded the hotel.

Could it be?

She recalled the energy ball that was different in color from the others. It exploded at the top. When the protective shield was repaired, a layer of light water-like substance was scraped off and disappeared when it touched the soil.

A closer look at the active state of the zombies outside showed that something was attracting them nearby.

Xia Yan thought that it must be that thing that was causing the trouble.

While thinking, the last ray of afterglow in the sky dissipated, darkness descended on the earth, and the hideous zombies were close at hand. She had the illusion of doing a hell mission in a trance.

How could she have such an unlucky idea...

She shook off the non-existent cold and sticky underworld breath with great disdain, retracted her thoughts and walked into the hall.

"Xiongxiong, what are you doing?"

As soon as she stepped into the door, she saw Xiongxiong's front half inside the holiday door and his back half outside the door, and she couldn't help asking.

Behind it, holding his hands horizontally and refusing to let go, was Qi Hua, who had just woken up. His parents were carrying large packages and pulling his arms to force him to persuade him.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yan looked at the stalemate in confusion.

What are you going to do with all those bags? Are you moving to Lidai Island?

Are the crystal cores collected in just a few days enough to move?

Qi Hua was visibly relieved when he saw her coming back, "Boss Xia, I--"

Before he could finish, his mother interrupted him with an anxious look on her face.

"Boss Xia, is everything okay outside? Is the hotel safe? They all ran away!"

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