I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 212 It's all hers

"Them? Who are you referring to?" Xia Yan walked over and reached in and patted Xiong Xiong on the shoulder, "Xiong Xiong, what are you doing inside.

"I'm talking about the residents upstairs. Most of them have gone to Lidai Island. We are the only ones left." Qi's mother said.

Xiongxiong stepped back from the door and watched her raise her hand to scratch her head, her smooth fur shining beautifully in the light of the lamp.

"Boss, you are back."


"Well, are all the customers inside?"

Xiong Xiong glanced at the big bag on Qi's father's back, and said Nununu: "The customers thought the hotel was about to be closed, so they all ran inside and said they were seeking refuge, and I didn't stop them."

"Okay, I understand. Don't worry about the customers inside." Xia Yan probably understood what was going on and waved to him to do other things first.

When she didn't get a positive answer, Qi Hua's mother was still worried. She would not give up until she heard her say it was okay, even if Qi Hua ran outside to take a look.

In Qi's mother's heart, Boss Xia always means what she says, and as long as she says it's okay, it will be okay!

Seeing this, Xia Yan smiled gently, but did not feel irritated. He replied to her politely, "Don't worry, as long as I am here, the hotel will be absolutely safe and no one can break in."

"Not even bombs?"


"What about that big red fireball?"

"It's no use."

"Hey, hey!" Qi's mother then regained her smile, "I feel relieved with your words. If you're sorry, Boss Xia, we'll go up right now and won't cause any trouble to you."

Qi Hua then took the package and shook his head helplessly at Xia Yan with a smile, "My mother doesn't believe anyone but you. It's not even easy for me. It's causing trouble for the boss."


Xia Yan watched them go upstairs with crooked eyebrows, and thought about a plan to take a look at Lidai Island.

The sun on Lidai Island always sets later than the sun here. She could easily see customers sitting in small groups around the central lake with bitter expressions on their faces, and large and small bags piled around them.

It was really like Xiong Xiong said he hid there to "escape".

Xia Yan originally didn't plan to go in and explain to the customers. When the time comes, Lidai Island will automatically teleport the customers out. By then, they will naturally know how high the safety factor of the hotel is.

But when she saw the originally naughty half-year-old children clinging to their loved ones, cowering with their legs and feet, their round eyes revealed the fear of the unknown displacement.

She sighed deeply.

Forget it, your face is nothing.

Thinking of this, she walked in, feeling the dense gravel under her feet, and the salty sea breeze completely blew away the last trace of unhappiness in her heart.

If you think about it from their perspective, they are right to do this. After all, they are all doing it to survive.

Xia Yan raised her smile again and slowly approached, and soon a sharp-eyed customer spotted her.

"Get up quickly, Boss Xia is here."

For a moment, everyone turned their heads and looked, surprised and ecstatic.

Boss Xia is still alive? Is the hotel okay? !

"Boss Xia is here!" The children quickly jumped up from the ground and jumped around. How could there be any trace of the previous fear on their reddish faces?

"Yeah." Xia Yan smiled and patted their heads one by one.

This made the children so happy that they kept circling around her, talking about Boss Xia, Boss Xia.

The big customers also gathered around at this moment, asking about the situation of the hotel.

Has the protective shield been broken?

What was the reason for the earthquake in the hotel?

They were not sure if something happened in the hotel, but they just panicked when they saw others running away and followed the crowd.

After the question was asked, there were pairs of eager and anxious eyes. They were worried that the hotel would collapse, but they thought it was unlikely. After all, Boss Xia didn't look sad at all.

It wasn't until all the sounds disappeared in the air that Xia Yan coughed lightly.

"Don't worry, everyone. The hotel is absolutely safe and no one or anything can get in. Live with peace of mind, I'm outside."

"But I felt an earthquake and the house was shaking."

"No matter how high the magnitude of the earthquake, the resort hotel will never fall down."

The customers asked several more questions one after another, and Xia Yan answered them one by one with a humble attitude. They completely cleared their worries and started to carry their packages and start on their way home.

Qiao Zhen walked among the crowd with his head lowered, muttering to others, "I don't know who took the lead in running away. I bought two pairs of clothes. I feel really bad." and other words, pretending not to hear them. .

She sneered in her heart. She would follow others if they ran away. If something happened, she would say she was smart. If nothing happened, she would say others were messing around. But she really took advantage of everything.

Qiao Zhen vented his inner frustration on his hands, threw the packaging bag over his shoulder, and carried it with great difficulty.

As I walked, I felt that the packaging bag was getting lighter and lighter. I was surprised, but the bag was leaking!

When she looked back, she realized that it was the boy of the same age who lived next door who was holding her back and taking on most of the strength.

"Um, thank you, I can do it myself." She didn't want to accept other people's favor and couldn't afford it.

The boy let go of his hand.

The heavy weight came down again, but Qiao Zhen felt much lighter.

She didn't want to engage in ambiguous affairs, she was so cool by herself, and she didn't even dare to turn her back to her when she found a boyfriend to sleep with.

Xia Yan sent all the customers out of Lidai Island, followed them out and walked straight into the cafeteria. She was already hungry after being busy all afternoon.

She found that the hungrier she was, the more she wanted to eat sweets, especially cakes, pizza, burgers, etc.

No, I have to restrain myself.

The tongs that were stretched out changed direction abruptly and picked up several pieces of black willow steak. She comforted herself: Beef is good, high in protein.

She picked up a few vegetables she liked and sat down at a random table.

There were not many customers dining in the restaurant at the moment. Most of the customers would not come down to eat in the evening because they had several boxes of food bought from the brunch machine.

Xia Yan ate quietly, trying to ignore the gaze of the man across from her who thought he would not be discovered.

When she looked up, he pretended to look in another direction.

Please, it's obvious, okay.

Xia Yan rolled her eyes and recognized who he was. It was the man who had been eating and drinking here with Ace before. I think his name was Fan Jie?

Is there something wrong with him? Instead of sharing dinner with his wife and children, what is he thinking about?

Maybe he is the same as Ace, and if he makes her unhappy again, he will be put on the blacklist.

Fortunately, he returned to normal and did not continue, otherwise Xia Yan would definitely turn hostile.

After eating and drinking, she did not rush back to the room, but walked slowly in the safe zone. There was not even a moon tonight, and the gloomy clouds blocked all the scenery.

The only bright and dazzling thing in the world was her hotel, the huge sign on the top, the windows with light, and the safe zone hundreds of meters away.

All of them belonged to her.

Just when she was feeling proud, a figure approached.

"Boss Xia, so you are here."

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