I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 214: Business is booming

After the movie was over, Xia Yan got up and wrapped the unfinished food with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator, ready to eat it when she was hungry later.

She turned on the vacuum cleaner and let it work by itself, put the dirty clothes into the washing machine to wash, and then replaced the bedding with a new set, and Xia Yan was free again.

She walked around naked on the beach outside, planning to ask Xiongxiong to play with her while the sun was not so strong.

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Back to the hall, Xiongxiong was not here. Some customers were chatting in the rest area, and some were playing poker, all in peace.

Xia Yan walked over and knocked on the door of Xiongxiong's room. After three seconds, there was still no movement, so she was sure that it was not here.

Maybe it went outside.

She walked through the hall and went out. There were also many people gathered in the safe zone. Everyone sat on the ground and talked and laughed, and they remained calm in the face of the hordes of zombies outside.

The young man stood in front of the protective shield and attacked the zombies when they turned their backs.

The breath of living creatures instantly attracted the zombies to surround them. They were forced to withdraw their hands before they could take out the crystal cores. They could only watch the dead zombies fall down and be stepped on.

"Oh, what a pity, it's a waste of effort." Bai Zuo was very regretful and strongly asked Bai You to aim before taking action.

The crystal core in hand flew away just like that, which made no one happy.

Bai You didn't care, "Don't panic, you can hook it back when it is exposed."

The two brothers squatted down and tried to hook the crystal core out of a pile of pickles with a homemade small hook.

The older residents didn't get involved, watching with a smile on their faces. This was the first time they saw so many zombies without being afraid. Thinking about the comfortable days they had lived during this period, it was like living in a dream.

Thinking about this time last year, it was already unbearably cold outside, and there were already people wearing thin clothes on the roadside who were frozen to death or starved to death. Oh, cherish the present.

All this is thanks to Boss Xia. If there weren't such a hotel...

Just thinking this, I saw Boss Xia passing by leisurely. The residents quickly put away their legs to avoid being in the way, with warm smiles on their faces.

"Boss Xia is here."

"Yeah, everyone is basking in the sun." Xia Yan replied with a smile.

The others also greeted him. Everywhere I looked, there were smiling faces. Everyone looked relaxed. This was such a rare scene in the end times.

"I couldn't stay in the house, so I ran out to take a look."

"Also, I wanted to see how those kids took the crystal cores. Maybe I could hook one back later and then go to the buffet restaurant to spend money!"

"Haha, you're right, I'll try it later and buy more clothes for my wife!"

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Zou Yu laughed and hugged the woman beside him, causing her to shyly hit him lightly, and their eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.

Xia Yan smiled and teased: "Then I have to buy a few more styles. "

Everyone burst into laughter.

The atmosphere was so harmonious that Xia Yan walked around the crowd with ease and headed for the outdoor restaurant. She had already seen Xiong Xiong holding a menu and helping customers order.

The outdoor tables were full of customers. Zhi Kang must be busy in the kitchen.

She avoided the employees holding tea and walked into the kitchen. As expected, she saw Zhi Kang cooking in a formal dress, but the comfort in his eyes revealed his inner emotions.

Sure enough, a doctor who doesn't want to be a chef is not a good employee.

Xia Yan glanced at another employee who was helping on the side. He worked very neatly and the food hygiene was absolutely guaranteed.

She found a chair and sat down casually, declined the employee who came to help her pour water, and smiled at Xiong Xiong who looked serious.

The two furry ears trembled from time to time, and the milky boy's voice was full of vitality.

I really want to rub it.

Xiong Xiong repeated it after ordering the meal. After confirming that there was no problem, he turned around and saw the smiling boss. The next second, the corners of his mouth were raised high.

"Boss, you are here! "

Xiongxiong came quickly, handed the customer's order to Zhikang, then jumped over, hugged her arm, looked at her eagerly, like a child asking for candy.

Xia Yan endured it again and again, and her evil hand finally touched the furry ears.

Press down, let go, and it bounced back. She was happy after just one look.

Xiongxiong was so obedient that she didn't move and let her toss her ears. She was also a little happy in her heart. Who doesn't like to be close to the boss?

Xia Yan gently touched its wet nose tip. The touch was also wonderful. There were also furry and soft front paws and very elastic pads.

It really healed my heart!

She deliberately pulled out a hair to tickle its ears. Xiongxiong shook his head violently and looked at her with an expression of both grievance and helplessness. It was so cute that Xia Yan was touched.

"Xiongxiong! You are so cute! "

Xiongxiong Nai snorted softly, and seeing that her claws were about to reach out again, she quickly snatched the plate from the employee's hand, and ran away after saying "Boss, I'll go serve the food first."

Xia Yan looked at its fleeing back and laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist.

With Xiongxiong around, how could life be boring.

Xia Yan waited until the outdoor restaurant's business hours were over before calling Zhikang and Xiongxiong and asked them to pack up and go to Lidai Island to play for a while.

"No one will come to see the store now, I'll stay." Zhikang took off his chef's uniform, folded it neatly and put it in the closet.

"No, Zhikang goes this time, I'll go next time." Xiongxiong also said.

"No, both of you go. There will be no problem in the store, and the customers can't go out, don't worry." Xia Yan made up his mind without hesitation, "I'll call Xiaowan in a while, let's have fun today, it's a rare holiday, no one is allowed to slack off."

She has been staying in the main store all this time, and she didn't bother to take care of the branch store when Xiaowan was in charge, so she couldn't forget Xiaowan this time.

Let Xiongxiong and Zhikang wait and play on the private island first, and run back to the courtyard and step into the door of the branch store.

After not coming for a long time, the branch store was re-decorated neatly by Xiaowan, and the store was full of guests, and some people even squatted to eat.

"Is the business so good?" Xia Yan muttered, and saw the mermaid Xiaowan guarding the window at a glance.

Xia Yan walked over and called her, "What are you thinking about so intently?"

"Ah, boss, you're here." Xiao Wan was surprised, "I wasn't thinking about anything, I was just distracted by the snow, and I was just talking about the boss, and you came over, I'm so happy."

"Is it snowing here?" Xia Yan just noticed that the streets outside were covered with white snowflakes, and the places that no one cleaned were deep to the calf.

"Well, the temperature dropped overnight a few days ago, and it snowed overnight. The next day it was all white." Xiao Wan saw that she was wearing a thin long-sleeved shirt and continued, "Boss, don't go out, be careful of freezing."

Xia Yan has been staying in the store. Whether it is a hotel or a safe area, the temperature has always been constant. I didn't expect it to snow here.

The residential buildings in the distance are all sealed with thick films, and there is no light. No one is walking on the street, as if it is an empty city and silent.

She looked around the store and saw that many customers had finished plates in front of them and coats hanging on the backs of their chairs.

Only then did Xia Yan understand why the store was so crowded and customers had to squat to eat.

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