I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 215: Employees enjoy a day off

As long as they do not violate the store rules, the resort hotel will not drive any customers out.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

Xiao Wan abides by the rules very much. Even if the store is full and new customers have no tables to eat, as long as everyone does not fight or make trouble, let them stay as long as they want until the restaurant closes.

"Is there a lot of people on the second floor?" Xia Yan asked.

"It's okay, there are fewer people than on the first floor." Xiao Wan answered.

Since the cold weather and snow, customers know that they can't go out to "hunt", and the crystal cores in their hands are used up one by one. They basically eat on the first floor and rarely go to the buffet restaurant.

Without Xiao Wan's detailed explanation, Xia Yan naturally understands.

"I'll ask Xiongxiong to bring a water heater when I get back. It's so cold, so selling hot water should be good. Also, starting tomorrow, the dining time in the buffet restaurant will be increased by half an hour. Every customer who eats in the buffet restaurant will be given a bottle of hot water to take away."

"Then we have to prepare cups?"

"It doesn't matter, just give it away."

Xia Yan is going to find a place to put the cabinet and put the free cups in the most conspicuous place for all customers to see.

After walking around the store, no other place is suitable, as it will occupy the position of existing customers, so it's better to put it directly next to the cashier.

Xia Yan took out the multi-layer glass cabinet she bought before from the system grid and placed it, and asked Xiaowan to wipe it simply. During this time, she placed an order for 80 double-layer glass cups in the mall.

This cup is good, the double layer has a certain heat preservation function, and the glass texture is good-looking but not practical, so it is perfect for gifts.

Her purpose is not to give everyone a durable thermos cup. Xia Yan is not a charity person.

The cup was quickly in hand, but she was not in a hurry to take it out. After Xiaowan had packed up, she handed over the rest of the work and the task of watching the store to several employees of Qing Mingzi, and she took Xiaowan to the back door.

If she took the cup out now, it would be enough to deal with the eager customers on the first floor. After explaining, it would be dark. How could she go out to play?

Xiaowan did not ask the boss where he was taking her. She followed quietly until the boss took her into the private island and heard the sound of Xiongxiong and Zhigang playing on the beach. Only then did she seem to understand that the boss brought her here to play?

Abandoning work to play?

Xiaowan's beautiful big eyes flashed with confusion, but her tail followed her obediently to the beach.

"We're here! You two are having a lot of fun. I heard your laughter from a long distance away."

Xia Yan smiled and took out the special seaside entertainment equipment he had bought in advance from the system grid, including banana boats, big flying fish, crazy sofas, parasailing, and long and short boards for surfing. The most eye-catching one was the motorboat, a total of four.

"Wow, the boss is generous!" Xiongxiong's eyes were wide open, he climbed out of the sand pit, shook off the sand on his body, ran over excitedly, puffed his cheeks and blew into the valve.

Although Zhikang is usually a very introverted person, he has seen so many exciting entertainment projects at this moment and swept away his usual stability. His mouth was wide open, showing a neat row of teeth, and he flattered the boss several times in a row.

Only Xiaowan was at a loss, still entangled in work. She seemed to have never experienced such a thing, and had never played such equipment. In fact, just looking at this sea, she felt at ease.

What does this feeling look like?

Xiaowan tried her best, but in the end she could only describe it in human language - that was the feeling of home.

Xia Yan hurriedly stopped Xiongxiong and handed him an electric pump. If he just blew it with his mouth, the boat would not be able to blow up until all the hair on his face fell off.

Zhikang had already pushed the motorboat into the sea, and under the pretext of a test drive, he broke through the waves and ran away.

"Xiaowan, don't stand there, come and play, we can go up and play after the air is blown up." She waved to Xiaowan.

Xiaowan retracted her gaze and met her gentle smiling face. A warm energy suddenly surged in her heart, running through her limbs, making her want to get close to her and get close to her.

"I'm coming." She heard her own voice.

When Xia Yan handed her something, the light-colored water on Xiaowan's side was wrapped around her forearm, as if it was very intimate.

"They like the boss too." Xiaowan was gentle, as soft as a ribbon, and as clear as water.

Xia Yan opened her fingers, and the water flowed around her, feeling cool and comfortable.

"I like them too." She smiled at Xiao Wan, and the water flowed on her ring finger into a rapidly rotating ring, which looked extremely beautiful with its blue ice crystal color.

Suddenly, the water flow stirred up, returned to Xiao Wan and disappeared into the mainstream.

Xiao Wan no longer had any previous thoughts at this moment, and she was excited about what would happen next.

She picked up the air pump and began to inject gas into the banana boat.

"Okay, I'm done!" Xiong Xiong held up the rubber sofa, waved it vigorously, and threw it into the sea to float with the waves.

"Boss, leave these things to me."

Xiong Xiong took over the work in Xia Yan's hands, pushed her and Xiao Wan onto the banana boat, and shouted for Zhi Kang to come back quickly.

Zhi Kang saw it waving to him from afar, and drove back at full speed.

With nothing to do, Xia Yan began paddling with his feet, trying to make the boat move forward. Xiao Wan sat at an angle behind him, and her beautiful big tail gently slapped the sea surface, stirring up several water droplets.

Looking at the emerald green sea water, she finally couldn't help jumping into the sea anymore, and with a sweet smile, she pushed behind the banana boat with both hands, letting Xia Yan sit properly, and swung her big tail vigorously, and the banana boat moved forward quickly.

"Wow, Xiaowan, you are so awesome!" Xia Yan clung to the hull tightly, and his legs moved faster.

Xiaowan is a mermaid, and she originally lives in the sea. The exciting activities in the eyes of humans are not worth mentioning to her. It was not until she got into the water that she was really happy.

That's right, fish should stay in the water.

Soon Zhikang came over, and he was not so surprised to see Xiaowan swimming in the water. He fixed the rope of the banana boat behind the motorboat and asked Xiaowan to come up and sit down. He was going to start racing.

"Come up quickly, don't get tired, let's play together." Xia Yan stretched out his hand to pull her up, and after sitting firmly, he let Zhikang start.

There were only two buzzing sounds, and the motorboat rushed out like an arrow from a string. The two people sitting on the banana boat were thrown into the air and screamed at the same time.


The sea breeze blew away the words, and the hair was entangled with it. The toes broke through the sea surface and were covered with a layer of crystal.

Xiao Wan, who had not taken it seriously at first, smiled with her eyes bent, and her beautiful tail shone with moving colors under the sunlight.

Zhikang was galloping freely in the wide sea, and the bright yellow banana boat took the two people up and down in the waves.

In one word, cool.

After a while, they heard another sound of breaking waves behind them. Looking back, it turned out that Xiongxiong was driving a motorboat and leading Crazy Sofa to catch up, and his mouth was open and closed and it was hard to hear what he was saying.

"Ah? What did you say?"

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