I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 216: A magical show

Xiongxiong's men exerted their strength, stepped on the accelerator again, and approached with a roar.

"I said, you wait for me!"


"Oh~" Xia Yan and Xiao Wan laughed after looking at each other, and turned back to speed up and left it behind, stirring up high waves.

Xiongxiong was hit right on the spot, fortunately he was wearing clothes, and only his face was soaked and couldn't open his eyes.

It shook its head violently, and the crystal clear water droplets flew everywhere, flashing a fascinating light in the sun.

"We'll go first!"

"Wait for me!"

The sea breeze whistled in my ears, the cool water droplets hit my face, the sun was gentle and not dazzling, everything was happy and beautiful.

The sound of the four people playing on the sea was not small. There were many customers on the island lying on the beach to bask in the sun, looking at the figures of several people with envy.

Tsk tsk, who could have thought that the end of the world could be so happy, with no worries about food and drink and lots of fun, I'm so envious.

"Oh, I want to go in and play for a while after seeing this."

"Don't say it, I'm also excited, surfing on the sea is a good project."

"It seems that there are swimsuits and waterproof goggles for sale in the supermarket, let's go buy a set."

"Good guy, you have too many points and nowhere to use them?"

"Well, why worry about this, aren't there a bunch of zombies outside, why worry about crystal cores?"

It makes sense! Are those zombies?

No, it's an automatic crystal core machine.

After everyone figured it out, they went into the supermarket in groups of three or five to shop, and soon they changed into swimsuits and jumped into the sea with a splash.

Xia Yan and her group turned to the crazy sofa behind Xiong Xiong, and every sharp turn of Xiong Xiong could make them fly into the air.

The feeling of weightlessness at that moment made people's heartbeats accelerate, and they felt extremely excited after falling again.

Even if she fell into the sea, she didn't have to be afraid because Xiaowan was there. After all, she wasn't called a mermaid for nothing. She would swim to her side with a few flicks of her tail and lift her out of the water.

"It's okay." Xia Yan coughed lightly at the water droplets that had accidentally entered her trachea, wiped the seawater off her face, and climbed onto the motorboat that Zhikang had brought. "Xiaowan, get on the other one and compete."

The four of them lined up in a row, slightly bent over and prepared.

"I'm going to count down, 5..."

Zhikang raised his eyebrows provocatively at Xiongxiong, who sneered and slid his fingers across his neck. Xiaowan's long tail was swung on the motorboat, and her slender fingers gripped the throttle tightly. The water on her body was wrapped around it like an aid, and the speed of the rapids showed that it was also ready.

Xia Yan counted down while lowering his upper body.

"...2, 1!"

As the voice fell, the throttle was twisted at the same time, the engine made a deafening buzzing sound, and the motorboat rushed out with four long water marks.

The wind blew past their ears, and the oncoming waves became their springboard. They flew into the air and rushed out when they fell again.

Speed ​​= passion.

The rapid secretion of adrenaline brought high sensitivity to the five senses, and any changes on the sea surface could not escape Xia Yan's eyes.

The four of them galloped in the public waters, following the outermost of the 24 private islands, and every turn was an opportunity to overtake each other.

The white waves hit the private island and were blocked by the transparent protective cover and climbed along the way. The sea inside the island was still as calm as before.

When Xia Yan and her friends drove to the vicinity of Sumei Island, she saw at a glance that the other party was training in close combat in pairs on the beach.

And the girl who was taken in was also doing physical exercises. Facing the very strict Sumei, she was meticulous in her movements and used all her strength in every punch and kick.

Even from such a distance, Xia Yan could see her red little face.

The Sumei team stopped when they heard the movement and waved to them high.

Xia Yan couldn't free his hands, and didn't know if they could see it, so he nodded as a greeting.

The four motorboats left in a flash.

"Wow, where did Boss Xia get the motorboat? That thing needs oil, right? Can she get oil?" Yi Xinyi put her hand on her forehead, her tone full of envy.

"Of course she can, and she doesn't have to worry about it." Mao Yuanyuan nodded.

"That's right, now those who have oil are big bosses. It's useless to have powerful superpowers. Nothing works without channels." Yi Xinyi clicked her tongue, "By the way, have you ever seen so much oil for motorboats? Not even for cars."

Seeing the others shaking their heads, she continued, "It's only Boss Xia. He's rich and powerful, and his brain circuits are not something we can understand."

"Okay, continue training." Su Mei interrupted expressionlessly after correcting the girl's irregular movements.

There are many things in the world that cannot be understood, don't try to understand everything.


After taking all the things back to the villa, Xia Yan and his friends were almost exhausted. They lay lazily on the beach which was still warm and didn't want to move.

The sunset on the sea was very magical. Even if the sun had disappeared below the horizon, the sky was still red, until the orange coat of the waves dissipated, and the dark black that was as dark as ink began to encroach.

Except for the bright lights of the No. 3 island in the distance and the big word "supermarket" on the main island, the sea was dark.

The faint moonlight could only illuminate the surroundings. The more you stare at the dark in the distance, the more you can't help but feel hair on your back, as if there is a monster ready to go inside.

"Boss, it's dark, let's go back first." Zhigang grabbed Xiongxiong and threw him on his shoulder. He looked at the delicate Xiaowan with some hesitation, "Can you get up?"

Xiaowan nodded, and before leaving, she didn't forget to remind Xia Yan:

"Boss, don't forget the water heater tomorrow."

"... OK."

Xia Yan sent them back to the courtyard, and returned to the villa. She collapsed on the sofa and ordered a bunch of barbecues. Foil wide noodles and spicy lobster tails are my favorites, and I must eat them every time.

The iced low-alcohol beer was the first to arrive.

Ka-chi, a mouthful of it, the cold liquid slid down the esophagus into the stomach, and my whole body shuddered.

Barbecue with wine, I have the world.

You must watch a variety show when eating skewers, but most of them have been seen. Xia Yan flipped through several pages, and then his eyes lit up.

What kind of magical show is this?

Hundreds of people's physical fitness challenge? !

Looking at the cover again, there are several handsome men and beautiful women with bulging muscles. Xia Yan is happy. I have been looking for him for thousands of times, and this is it.

The barbecue was just done, and when she was putting it on, it was the trailer. After introducing the content of the competition, the hundred contestants appeared.

Looking at the men and women with strong muscles and bursting hormones on it, Xia Yan couldn't wait to watch the next show.

Let's rub some beef tendons first. The first to appear are men.

Strong arms and pectoralis major, eight abdominal muscles that look like chocolate, attractive mermaid lines, and a pair of eyes that are firm and bright, and not afraid of any difficulties, the charm value is bursting.

Several ladies appeared during the show, which also shocked Xia Yan. Their muscle lines are no less than those of men!

They also have eight abdominal muscles, vest lines, straight and stylish back muscles, strong arms and legs, gentle but more restrained eyes, and the whole person is like a sharp knife in the sheath!

When Xia Yan saw the white challenger who had no muscles, she resisted the urge to fast forward.

But when she looked down and saw a table of barbecue and beer, she was stunned.

You shouldn't watch this kind of variety show while eating!

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