I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 217: Waste of Natural Resources

Xia Yan secretly vowed to arrange a gym, and the day it was built would be the day her muscles would see the light of day again.

Thinking about it this way, let's eat, it's shameful to waste, it's the last meal.

Xia Yan swore that this was a sentence that all girls would think of when they thought about losing weight.

But for Xia Yan, first, time is not urgent now, and second, life is still comfortable. In summary: there is really no need to force yourself.

After watching this episode of variety show, Xia Yan still took this matter to heart.

When she was strolling after dinner, she found that Island No. 2 also lit up, and she seemed to see them riding a disc straight to the main island.

Xia Yan looked towards the main island, except for a few big words on the supermarket, the huge island was dark.

The rental department is closed at night, and the little light of the official detoxification shop is almost invisible. Looking at the remaining 20 vacant private islands, Xia Yan suddenly felt that she was squandering.

Holding a mountain of gold but too lazy to move.

The system never sent her any information to manage the island. It was really a mess...

The lights in front of the supermarket dimmed, and several customers in baggy clothes walked in. She retracted her gaze and planned to bring her employees to clean up tomorrow. All villas will be rented out.

Xia Yan's career ambition fluctuates. She will mess up for a while, and then make progress for a while, completely following her heart.

Look, the night blocked her sight, but it cleared her brain. After setting a small goal, it urged her to wake up early from her sleep, not even giving her time to stay in bed for a while, and she got out of bed to wash and eat a combat breakfast.

In the front hall, Xiongxiong was bored and took a rag to observe the grooves on the murals from a close distance. He wiped it from time to time. His two furry little ears occasionally trembled. When he listened carefully, he was still humming:

"I love taking a bath, Mao Mao is good, oh oh oh~"

Yo, not bad. It's adjusted.

Xia Yan was curious, slowed down his pace, and approached quietly, only to hear Xiong Xiong singing the next line:

"I love taking a bath, Mao Mao is so good, oh oh oh oh~"

Uh, you only know one line over and over again?

Xiong Xiong turned around while humming, his ears instantly stood up, his hair stood up, and he looked scared, "Oh~~~ I'm scared to death, boss, why are you walking silently, people will scare bears to death."

Xia Yan was furious when he heard what Xiong Xiong learned from nowhere. He suddenly became naughty, and he didn't know what to say.

"Xiong Xiong, go to the back and move a water heater and go to the branch store with me."

There was no need to ask Zhi Kang to come in to see the store, because it was surrounded by zombies anyway, and no one would go out to take risks.

The main reason for asking Xiong Xiong to go to the branch store was that he needed it to install water pipes and wires. Its claws were very sharp, and cutting the wall was like cutting tofu, and it broke with a slight scratch.

The two walked in along the corridor. There were very few customers in the branch store early in the morning, and they leaned against the window to drink millet porridge.

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Xiao Wan was still standing at the door looking outside. When she heard the noise, she turned around and saw that it was them, and then she was happy.

"Boss, I didn't expect you to come so early. Xiongxiong, put the water heater over here. ”

The branch also has large floor-to-ceiling windows. On sunny days, the sun can fill the entire space. But today, it is gray and heavy snow is falling from the sky.

Employees Qing Mingzi and 001 were sweeping with brooms. Just as they cleared a space in front of the door, their feet were covered with snowflakes. There was a high pile of snow on the opposite corner.

It seems that it snowed last night, Xia Yan thought to himself.

Looking left and right along the street, in addition to here, the area near the wall is where the thickest snow is, roughly estimated to be up to the thighs. There are shallow footprints in the middle of the road, which are gradually covered by snowflakes.

Looking at the depth, I think the base has arranged personnel to clear the snow. Just as I was thinking, I saw more than a dozen people wrapped from head to toe in snow coming out of the residential building in the distance. The people, carrying homemade brooms with dead branches and snow shovels on their shoulders, started to clean up from the door of each unit.

As they moved, clouds of white mist sprayed out from their mouths and noses, and Xia Yan could see it clearly even from such a distance.

The people divided the work in an orderly manner. They shoveled the thick snow with a shovel, and pushed a path through the thin snow. The brooms were quickly swept to both sides to expose the brown ground below as much as possible.

The path leading to the street outside was shoveled by manpower in this way. The disadvantage was that the snow on both sides of the road was extremely thick and high.

Qing Mingzi and 001 had almost cleaned up the front of the store. They stamped their feet in the places where there was barely any snow to shake off the excess snow, and rubbed the soles of their shoes on the doormat before pushing the door in.

"Hello, boss."

The two of them were carrying cold air, and Xia Yan sneezed with an itchy nose.

"Okay, go and warm up quickly. "

Seeing the two of them wearing thin clothes, even though they had no body temperature and could not feel the cold or warmth, Xia Yan still felt guilty. He was not qualified to be a boss.

Find a table to sit down and start choosing suitable clothes for them in the mall.

It was not cold in the store, but they still had to go out to sweep the snow. Each of them had to buy a down suit, two thin base shirts and leggings, and hats and gloves.

After placing the order, the clothes were packed into gift boxes, which was convenient for Xia Yan. One box for each person, easy to take, including Xiaowan, who also had a light blue down jacket that was ankle-length.

Xia Yan smiled at their happy faces and felt extremely satisfied.

"Boss Xia is really good to the employees." The customer who was watching silently on the side couldn't help but say something, looking at the brand new clothes in their hands with envy.

This era is comparable to the ancient times. Clothes are patched up with patches. It's fine as long as they can keep warm and cover the body. No one expects to wear new clothes again.

Nowadays, people only want clothes to be strong and durable. For example, the clothes bought at a high price in peacetime will crack after a few days of wearing, and the soles will fall off. To be honest, they are not as useful as labor protection clothes.

Alas, the times are different, and the pursuits are also different.

As for that blue down jacket, even if it is given to her for free, she has to put it in the box and dare not wear it. It is too dirty.

Xia Yan nodded implicitly and said good-temperedly: "They work very hard at ordinary times."

Another customer took over, "Boss Xia, I wonder if you still need workers here? I don't need to pay wages, just provide three meals, oh no, one meal is fine."

When this person spoke, the few customers in the store pricked up their ears.

If Boss Xia is hiring, that would be a great thing. Even if it's just one meal, as long as you're full, you can definitely get by for the whole day. What's more, you don't have to worry about freezing to death in the store all day, and drinking water is free...

Boss Xia! Golden thigh!!!

Everyone's eyes are fixed on Xia Yan, and even a fool can see the expectation.

Xia Yan coughed lightly, "Sorry, I don't need it for now."

Everyone's eyes darkened, and then brightened again in a blink of an eye-not for now, for now! That means there is a 50% chance of using it!

Several people rushed forward and introduced themselves quickly like submitting a resume.

"Boss Xia, if you are hiring in the future, please give me priority. Look at my muscles. I can do dirty and hard work, and I will never cheat."

"Boss, I can do any job. I eat less and work more. My family calls me the donkey of the production team!"

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