I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 218 The shovel hums

"Bang bang!"

There was a heavy knocking sound from the window next to me, and unknowingly the people clearing the snow had arrived here.

A man wearing a fur hat and a thick scarf was close to the window, staring at the people surrounding Xia Yan, and said in a rough voice: "Don't just stare, come out to work!"

His eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with frost, and his cheeks were red with the cold. With each breath, he exhaled white air on the glass.

Customers in the store looked at each other in confusion and asked, "Isn't my number already arranged? It's not my turn today."

"That's right, I won't be here until next week. You must have recognized the wrong person."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

They don't buy it, just go out if you ask them to do the work. A bowl of millet porridge only has so many calories, and you will definitely be hungry soon.

The man outside the window wiped his breath roughly and put it back on again, "Don't talk nonsense. The higher-ups have requested that the snow in the square is too thick and needs to be moved outside the city. Everyone has to come out to work, including you."

Only then did they notice that people were constantly walking out of the residential buildings in the distance. The white mist was blown away by the wind. The children who had not been out for a long time were very happy. After running a few steps, the hats on their heads were covered with snowflakes. .

Everyone really went out to work.

The few people had nothing to say. They put on their clothes and just stepped out of the warm restaurant door. A gust of cold wind blew directly into the back of their necks. The poor heat dissipated instantly, so they had to try their best to hide the lower half of their faces. Get into the collar and walk back with the creaking sound.

The man outside the window was not in a hurry to leave. He took a closer look around the store to make sure there was no one around and was about to leave. Then he thought of something and pulled at the corners of his mouth to reveal tiny chaps on his cheeks. He looked at Xia Yu and his temper softened.

"Boss Xia, are there any guests staying upstairs? If so, please let me know, so I won't go in and step on the dirty floor."

Xia Yan doesn't come to the branch often, so he has to ask Xiaowan about the specific situation.

"Wait a moment and let me ask."

"Hey, that's going to be troublesome."

While she was away, the man stamped his toes, which were numb from the cold, and jumped up and down to warm himself up.

He turned back to look at the sky. Behind the dim clouds, the sun had turned into a dark lump like a round energy-saving lamp, which could not be distinguished unless he looked carefully. Looking at the snowflakes flying slantly and randomly, it was vaguely unclear between the sky and the earth.

Anyway, not good.

At this time, there was the sound of uniform footsteps behind him. The man turned around and saw teams of uniformly dressed, well-trained teams entering the city. The last ones were teams with special powers compiled by outsiders.

They are all back!

The man is overjoyed, does it mean that there is no threat from the outside? Very good! According to past practice, these two to three months are safe.

Just like last year, the blizzard in the wild was tens of feet deep. With the blessing of strong winds and ice powers, the soft snowflakes became extremely hard. Mutated beasts that had no way of thinking and did not know how to escape were frozen into ice sculptures, and were accumulated again. Snow covered it deeply, melted and then froze again.

The pass was sealed by the power of heaven, and it was extremely strong.

Coupled with daily patrol inspections, the base, which had been resisting for a year, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Very good.

The originally reluctant hotel guest's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and he pushed the door open and ran out.

Don't make trouble, this is a rare opportunity to show off.

At this time, the team stopped, and the leader at the front stopped with one hand. After a few words, the team dispersed in an orderly manner.

The space power user began to take out tools, including a square bucket, a shovel, a large pile of iron basins, and a small cart... The rest of the team divided the work in an orderly manner, either shoveling snow, pushing carts, or holding basins.

A group of people with powers holding buckets and raising their eyebrows looked around and quickly locked onto the open space in front of Xia Yan's door. They first asked people to clear the snow to expand the area, and then arranged the buckets one by one in a row. The aisle in the middle could only accommodate one person. pass.

Xia Yan didn't quite understand what they wanted to do, but was very interested, so he asked Xiong Xiong to go back first, and asked him to bring a message to Zhichang, asking him to take a few employees to clean up the remaining villas for the second time, and he sat down again and watched Busy crowds outside.

She was surprised to find that the group of people in the distance had changed from their previous laziness and were scrambling to get work. The shovels were waving with a whine, and the carts were filled in just a few seconds. Layers of crystal snowflakes were dancing in the wind.

Immediately afterwards, the cart was pushed back here and fell on the ground covered with plastic sheeting. The superpower with raised eyebrows filled a basin full of snow and activated his superpower at the same time. His hands turned red and the iron basin was quickly heated. Melt the snowflakes into water, pour the water into a square bucket, and freeze it by another ice superpower.

Regular pieces of ice were made in this way and quickly transferred to another cart and pushed out of the city.

Only then did Xia Yan understand. It turned out that they wanted to use ice to make another city wall with double layers of protection.

This not only solves the problem of heavy snow in the city, but also protects the outer wall from the cold wind.

Very smart approach.

Just as Xia Yan was sighing, a group of people walked past in front of her with long strides. The tall man in the center inadvertently turned his head to look at her, and a clear surprise flashed through his eyes.

He paused slightly, as if he wanted to stop and come in, but the next second he picked up the pace again, and at the same time made a gesture to indicate that he would come back later.

Xia Yan recognized that it was Chu Wanfu, but he couldn't imagine what would happen if he found her.

"That's General Chu, right?" Xiaowan beside him also recognized it.

"Well, has he been to the store these days?"

"I came here a few days ago and left as soon as I saw you weren't there."

"Didn't you say you had something to do with me?"

"No." Xiao Wan recalled his expression at that time and added, "It shouldn't be a big deal."

The snow on the street was cleared, revealing the slippery cement floor below. Several light-footed superpowers jumped onto the roof, dispersed the crowd below, and pushed the snow down with tools, then moved to another location to continue.

The snow was as smooth as silk, and with a bang, it spread on the cement floor like a large piece of vanilla ice cream.

Xia Yan's eyes turned white, and he also got a lump.

Employees Qing Mingzi and 001 walked out of the door with brooms, still wearing the long down jackets Xia Yan had just bought for them, successfully attracting the attention of the people around them.

However, they just looked at it twice and continued to do their own things.

Only a few families on the whole street were still open for business. The next door Fu Niang had closed the business on the day of the frost. The store was too cold and there was no heating equipment. The flowers and plants could not survive. Her fruit business could only be reopened after the spring.

Xia Yan spotted her at a glance in the crowd. Compared to others, she was not wearing bulky clothes. She shoveled the snow without laziness. She felt hot all over and pulled her scarf down, revealing her small face that was beginning to grow flesh.

The skinny man at the side watched for a moment, pushed the child holding his legs away, came over to talk to her, and enthusiastically reached out to take her shovel.

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