I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 219 We are all neighbors

Fu Niang was stunned. She looked over his shoulder and saw his wife looking at her reluctant smile. Her face flushed with anger. She grabbed the shovel and walked to the other side.

The thin man looked back at her and waved his hand angrily to drive the two away. His mouth seemed to say: Go quickly, don't delay me from doing serious things.

His wife pouted, but didn't say anything else. She took the child by the back of the neck and walked into the crowd.

Fu Niang had avoided them, but she didn't expect him to come up to her again. His shameless appearance of laughing and playing made her feel sick. Coupled with the knowing eyes of the people around her, she was even more annoyed.

"You don't have to follow me. I don't like you." Fu Niang refused with a cold face.

The man avoided the shovel, "If you don't like it, then don't like it. You see, your hands are so tender. I'll do this kind of rough work. You go up and rest."

Listen, what are you talking about!

The two are just half-acquainted neighbors. Why are they so intimate? It seems that they have some affair!

"No, I don't know you well. Go take care of your wife. She is also a woman."

"Are you angry? We are all neighbors. I am just helping. Don't worry about her. She can endure hardships." The man said as he tried to grab the shovel.

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The people around didn't want to get involved and avoided it. Even the heart of watching the fun was cooled by the cold weather. They just wanted to finish the work quickly, go to the restaurant to eat a hot meal and go back to the house to sleep. Who wants to care about this kind of thing?

Moreover, as long as the man and the woman are willing, you can find as many as you want.

Fu Niang had never seen such a dog-skin plaster before. She was so angry that she waved the shovel and hit it hard, killing this bastard.

"Hey, beating is love, scolding is love, if you hurt me, I will cling to you and won't let go." The man avoided the key parts and stretched out his arm to let her hit him deliberately, looking like a rogue who did what he said.

Seeing this, the experienced person beside sighed, "A virtuous woman is afraid of a clinging man, otherwise just give in, it's not easy for you to live in this world as a little girl, and survival is more important than anything else."

Fu Niang was already angry, and when she heard someone actually persuade her to jump into the fire pit, she was angry, wronged and desperate.

"What are you talking about! I can't survive if you can't! I don't know you, why do you point fingers at my life!"

"Fu Niang, she is right. Don't look at me now. I am thin, but I am stronger than you, a woman. Don't worry, I will never let you starve if I have something to eat."

"Get out! Not to mention that you can order takeout at the holiday hotel, even if you don't have it, I can make fruit to eat by myself. Who cares about those broken mice you raise!"

Fu Niang wiped away her tears and looked at him with great disgust. She was annoyed with her constitution that always cried when something happened.

I know I can't cry, but as soon as I open my mouth, I feel my nose sour and tears well up. All the momentum I built up in the early stage is in vain!

"Yes, yes, yes, but think about it, mice are also meat. I have meat and you have fruit. When I get tired of fruit, I can still eat meat. How good is that? And it doesn't cost money. You eat for free in restaurants? No, but after being with me, eating meat is free. How can I let outsiders earn the crystal cores?"

The man's calculations were crackling, and the sound was not small. After hearing it, the people not far away felt that it made some sense.

If these two people join hands, life will indeed be better!

There is only one point, no need to worry about food, there are meat and vegetables, and the crystal cores saved are used to upgrade superpowers. The future is bright.

It's just that there is a gap in age between men and women, but it's not a big deal. In peacetime, there are many people in their 50s who are in their 20s. In this end times, it's even less.

But no one spoke up to persuade Fu Niang. Everyone was living a similar life, and suddenly someone was going to live a good life. This really made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Fu Niang swung the shovel hard and hit the man's arm mercilessly. The man didn't expect that she would dare to do it. He screamed and rolled on the ground.

The woman who was secretly observing the two rushed over and grabbed Fu Niang loudly, "Murder! Help!"

The crying was like a thunderclap in the sky, and countless eyes gathered here, trying to figure out what happened.

Even the leaders in the central square stopped.

"She hurt my man! My man just came to help her because she was not working well. Who would have thought that she would hurt people when she disagreed with him. Is there any law? You don't care about the system of prohibiting fighting in the base at all!"

The woman grabbed Fu Niang's arm tightly, and she was very cunning. She put a big hat on her in a few simple words.

Fu Niang was not good at speaking. When she met a shrew, it was like a scholar meeting a soldier. No matter how big his mouth was, he couldn't argue with her. He could only explain while twisting her hand.

"Your husband has bad intentions! He, heβ€”β€”"

"What did he do to you? Tell me." The woman knew that the girl was too shy to say anything, so she pressed on without giving in.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Fu Niang's face flushed red, and white snowflakes fell on her face, melting into small drops of water in an instant, condensing together and dripping down her cheeks.

"You clearly know what he wants to do, but you still want me to tell you clearly?"

Fu Niang didn't understand at all. How could a woman be so bad, helping the tyrant to do evil? Helping the opposite sex bully the same sex?

The man sneered at her, then turned around and cried like a victim. The couple ignored her and convicted her in unison.

Although they cannot fight in the base, there is a mouth under their nose. As long as they step on her in front of everyone now, it proves that she is a weak person. After that, no one will treat her equally. She will naturally drive herself crazy in the future, and then their goal can still be achieved.

Unlike the peaceful times, most people living in the apocalypse can see through their true thoughts at a glance, but they have locked their mouths because they have seen too much darkness.

Don't listen, and don't testify for innocence.

As long as it is not related to their current and future interests, they don't mind being a mute and watching the show.

The couple has a vicious mind and has been wandering around various bases for many years, using the same method to deal with their peers. If they succeed, they will change to the next base. No matter how they calculate it, they will not lose.

Not long after they arrived at this base, they originally targeted the restaurant, but unfortunately they didn't see the owner of that restaurant before they caught up with the blizzard. They hid in the room for several days. The sound of someone knocking on the door to buy things in the next door successfully attracted their attention.

Seeing that only Fu Niang was at home, and that she looked young and fair-skinned, the man had other ideas. He abandoned his previous approach and tried to appease her, but he didn't expect that Fu Niang would not give in. His wife was always frowning, and he had been holding back a fire in his stomach for a long time.

He just took this opportunity to vent it.

However, they had never expected that their "secret weapon" that was always successful would encounter an opponent that they could not afford to offend.

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