I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 221 That’s a Different Light

"General Chu, has something happened to the base? Can my son and daughter-in-law come back next year?"

An old woman in her fifties slowly approached with a shovel as a walking stick and a sore waist. Her voice was trembling and her pupils shrank due to unknown worries.

"Yes, General Chu, what happened? We are all old residents of the base and have the right to know." The bookish man pushed his glasses and spoke sincerely.

Fu Niang knew him. He was a teacher before the end of the world, but he was just an ordinary person without superpowers. In the end, he was rescued from the staff dormitory by his wife. It is said that there was also a student who was rescued, and then they seemed to go their separate ways.

This time his wife was also on the transfer list.

"Now there is Boss Xia's restaurant in the base. We don't have to consume the resources in the base. Why do we have to move people out? Can't we let them in? Boss Xia will definitely not mind too many customers."

This time, the person who shouted was a boy who had just reached adulthood. His face was flushed, his hands were clenched into fists, and his nostrils twitched quickly, looking like he couldn't suppress his temper.

No wonder he was like this. His parents were teleported away, and he was the only one left in the base. Anyone would be anxious.

There were many people who felt this way. It was difficult for anyone to accept being separated from their loved ones, especially after living a stable life again after running around. Separation again also foreshadowed the slow and steady approach of danger.

Everyone rushed forward, eager to know what happened outside and whether their family could come back alive? Don't hide it, they can bear it.

The few people surrounded in the center didn't speak, and their eyes looked at Chu Wanfu from time to time, their mouths closed very tightly.

Seeing this, everyone could only put their hopes on him. There were people who folded their hands, cried bitterly, and almost knelt down to kowtow... There were many people.

Chu Wanfu helped the man up, and after a moment of silence, he spoke slowly and as detailed as possible, even including the federation, war situation, weather disasters, etc. that the people could not possibly come into contact with.

It turned out that it was not only here that the blizzard fell, but the entire north suffered a serious snowstorm!

At Yang Zizheng's request, several major bases under his jurisdiction handed over nearly half of their stored materials. However, for some unknown reason, the bases did not move to the warmer areas on time. Then they encountered an early drop in temperature and a blizzard followed.

The heavy snow completely blocked the roads. There were no people with teleportation abilities in the base, and they were struggling to survive with only half of the materials in the space.

In the severe cold, there was a lack of food and clothing, and countless people died of freezing and starvation overnight.

In this situation, the base commander still believed that Yang Zizheng would send someone to rescue them, but he did not expect that he could receive the message from him at the beginning, saying that he would hold on and rescue would arrive soon, but it was gone after a day.

The base commander, who did not believe in evil, was furious and ordered the signalman to send dozens of messages in a row. The next second, the signalman replied with a pale face that the other party refused to accept it.

The base commander fell on the stool with a dull look in his eyes. The whistling cold wind blew through the door with pieces of ice crystals, and the weak flame in the stove flickered a few times and went out.

After a long time, a bitter voice broke the desolation in the room.

"Ask General Chu for help."

The signalman replied "yes", but turned back to find that the base commander's hair had turned as white as snow.


"Don't worry, our soldiers will always rush to the front line and go straight to the most dangerous place. They will transfer the rescued personnel at the edge. Just as we will never give up on you, we will not give up on the people deep in the north."

Chu Wanfu's tone was sonorous, his eyes were firm and sharp, and the blue spine hidden in the flesh and blood looked up to the sky and rang, vowing to protect the people under him with his own strength.


"General Chu! General Chu! General Chu!!!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, and the light of faith rekindled in their eyes.


Xia Yan returned to the main store and observed around the safe zone.

I don't know what the other side is doing. From time to time, a supernatural ball flew over and shot at the protective shield. The seemingly transparent liquid made a corrosive sound when it landed.

If you accidentally get this highly corrosive liquid on you, you will become like the zombie - melted into a black viscous substance in a few breaths, but the crystal core is intact.

The zombie next to him stepped into the viscous substance, and a wisp of green smoke came out. Many tiny bubbles appeared on the surface of the viscous substance, which wrapped the zombie's foot and corroded it again to the knee.

It is amazing that the black viscous substance disappeared without a trace after this corrosion, as if it had never appeared.

Many customers in the safe zone were stunned by this scene.

What kind of superpower is that?

Before everyone could react, another superpower ball flew from the sky, hit the protective shield and exploded with a "hiss", and the light purple thing inside attached to it.

The automatic cleaning function of the protective shield was triggered, and only a fine sound of gravel was heard, rolling to the ground and mixing with the soil, and it could no longer be distinguished.

The zombies were extremely agitated, and they gathered together to fill the gaps again. The scene was like canned sardines that had been dumped on the ground, standing up vertically, and the rotten meat fell down in the squeeze.

A round-faced customer tilted his head and retched, his face ugly, "...I have intensive phobia."

There were many people who had the same idea. In a blink of an eye, the customers in the safe area all ran back to the building with frowns.

Fortunately, there was a movie theater on the top floor, and there was free TV in the large leisure area. No one was willing to go outside to enjoy the visual impact for a while.

Xia Yan also felt a little uncomfortable. The zombies' fatal weakness was in their heads, and the other side was obviously trying to avoid it. Most of the zombies had only their heads intact, and the rotten flesh on their limbs had become flocculent. The intestines were ripped open and fell all over the ground, and the ribs and leg bones were clearly visible.

After all, zombies are in human form, and everyone can't help but put themselves in their shoes when they see them. They feel numb and scared at the same time.

Xia Yan shook his head and returned to Lidai Island.

Zhigang led his employees to clean up the villas. Although the main island is wide, there are few buildings and there is not even a standard road. No matter where you go, it is mud, which is very primitive.

Xia Yan's first goal today is to build the road first.

The existing buildings include the rental department, the official detoxification shop and the supermarket. The three shops are not far away and can be seen at a glance when entering the island. Xia Yan does not plan to move.

To get rich, build roads first.

She opened the exclusive page for Lidai Island and found the road option in the store page. Several road pictures of different styles popped up. The specifications were two meters by three meters, and the prices ranged from 200 points to 1,000 points.

Note that this is the price of one piece.

According to a rough estimate of the area of ​​Lidai Island, at least hundreds of thousands of pieces would be needed. If one piece is calculated based on the cheapest price, at least several million points would be needed to complete the road construction...

Xia Yan's eyes went dark. It was over. The days of counting would begin again.

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