I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 222: Build roads first to get rich

Xia Yan rarely checks the store's total business volume in detail. Anyway, the sales volume is rising every day, so he can just place an order for whatever he wants to eat or buy.

But now it's different, she wants to build a road.

Switching to the main store page, the current performance has returned to 300,000 points, which is enough for the time being.

In order to echo the blue water, she specially chose a grid road that blends light blue and white. The colors are not so bright, and just looking at it makes her feel happy.

The placement is also very simple. Just click on the reduced version of the picture of Ridai Island in front of you, place the grid road at the desired location and click OK.

After the road was paved, Xia Yan bought several more street lights, placing them every 30 meters, and set the lighting time from 6 pm to 5 am, so that customers who came to the island late at night to buy in the supermarket could see the direction clearly. .

If this alone is not enough, how can beautiful roads be left bare next to them? Arrange some low flower beds and put 4 rattan benches for customers to rest.


Not far away is the Central Lake, where customers often sit on the ground and enjoy the scenery while eating takeaways. As a boss, she naturally has to place a few outdoor tables here. In order to prevent thirsty customers from having to go into the supermarket to shop, she directly Two self-service vending machines and juice machines are arranged nearby.

Oh, let’s get another ice cream machine, just in case you’re too hot in the sun and want to eat some ice cream.

Xia Yan clicked his fingers happily. In the eyes of outsiders, Boss Xia took out a bunch of equipment from the space, stood it on the ground, and the red light at the top lit up and started working.

It's really... fantasy...

"Boss Xia, do you have a trash can there? Every time you want to throw away trash, you have to go far, which is not convenient."

Indeed, there is only one universal trash can on the island, and it is placed near the beach.

"Yes." Xia Yan really didn't expect this. After all, ordering takeout has an automatic recycling function.

She opened the mall and placed an order for 10 medium-sized universal trash cans. One was placed in each of the three buildings, two were placed in the central lake, and the remaining five were placed evenly around the newly built road.

After doing these things, the sky was getting dark. I looked back and saw that the street lights were on one after another, illuminating the surroundings with a warm ginger color. The delicate petals in the flower bed below were slowly shrinking, and it was getting dark.

When Xia Yan walked back, she noticed that there were still 200,000 points left. Following the occasional habit of making money overnight, she changed her pace and walked back to the main store.

The vast hall was still deserted, and Xia Yan was too lazy to look for Xiong Xiong. She was busy planning how to spend the "huge sum" of 200,000 more appropriately.

The specialty restaurants on the third floor that are not open include barbecue restaurants, barbecue restaurants, rice noodle shops, etc., but each of them requires 200,000 points.

Or directly open gyms, barber shops, KTV and other entertainment projects? With only 100,000 points for each item, she can activate two items.

If it comes to food, the store now has a buffet restaurant, a hot pot restaurant and a restaurant on the second floor. It is okay not to add new items for the time being. Or is entertainment items more suitable? Which one should I choose?

After much thought, Xia Yan decided on the gym and barber shop.

[200,000 points are required to open gyms and barber shops, please confirm]

Xia Yan clicked on the confirmation button, and the turnover instantly turned to zero. At the same time, there was a slight tremor in the soles of his feet, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[Opened successfully]

There were quite a few customers sitting around in the leisure area watching TV at the moment. They also noticed the earthquake just now, but didn't take it seriously - compared to the shock of the shelling, this was nothing to mention.


Why are there two more rooms opposite?

"Gym?" This was what Bai Zuo said.

"Barber's room!" This is what Bai You shouted.

"Boss Xia has opened a new store!" the two of them shouted together.

Opposite the leisure area, two rooms stood quietly, with golden plaques on the doors telling everyone what they were for.

"Can I cut my hair in a barber shop? My hair is too long and it's not easy to do anything." Wang Xuewei pulled up her waist-length hair and spoke in a resentful tone.

Now, unlike before, if your hair is too long, it will cause trouble. If you lose your life because of being hooked by a zombie, it will be a big loss.

Generally, everyone just needs to leave a length that can be tied up. If it is too short, it needs to be cut frequently. This is just right.

It's just that they haven't cut their hair for a long time. The main reason is that the blade is not sharp and they can't cut off a few hairs even after cutting for a long time. In addition, they have been eating and drinking in the hotel recently, so they forgot about this matter.

When I mentioned it at this time, I realized that my hair had grown terribly.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look first."

All the girls in Qi Hua's team stood up, holding each other's arms, and took the lead in squeezing into the barber shop in full view of everyone.

The decoration facilities in the store are very similar to those in peacetime. There are oversized floor-to-ceiling mirrors, hair dryers, shampoos and other hairdressing tools. The only difference is that there are no robot employees in the store. There is only a mechanical scissor hand hanging on each seat. .

Apparently this is the "barber".

There is a card swiping machine and an operation screen displaying portraits at the entrance. There are movable references for different hair accessories on the right side of the screen, and hair dyeing, perming and other options on the left. After checking, put your arm close to the card swiping machine to pay points, and you can go to the corresponding store. Location haircut.

After reading the process, the three girls happily took photos and selected hairstyles and hair colors. They were not at all frightened by the sharp mechanical scissor hands.

In their opinion, Boss Xia would not do anything to damage the signboard. Since it can be launched for business, it means that it is 100% safe and there is nothing to worry about.

There are 30 special seats and 20 operation screens in the store, which should be absolutely enough, but at this moment, there is a long queue in front of each operation screen.

The person who is operating has tried all the hairstyles and completely satisfied his long hair addiction that will never come true.

The customers waiting behind did not urge them, but looked at Wang Xuewei and others curiously. The mechanical scissors gently picked up the hair and trimmed it quickly, and the movements were so smooth.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all the seats were filled with customers, and the room was full of the sound of scissors opening and closing.

The male customers stopped at the door and just poked their heads in to take a look around. Seeing a room full of ladies, they were embarrassed to go in and grab a seat, so they turned and walked into the gym next to them.

It was shocking.

The gym is 1.5 times the size of the barber shop. There are a whole row of treadmills, spinning bikes and elliptical machines by the window, dumbbells and exercise bikes of various weights, and the most comprehensive aerobic and strength fitness equipment.

There is also a separate room inside, which is a yoga room for ladies.

If you want to come in and exercise, you must first pass the scanning test of the robot at the door, and the results and recommended exercise duration will be directly sent to your personal score card information.

The magic of this point was only understood when they saw the bathroom - every exercise will be recorded on the score card, and if you want to enter the bathing area, you must complete the training time before it can be opened.

This also eliminates the possibility of malicious occupation of the bathroom in a sense.

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