I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 223 Matching Customers

The young men were naturally very happy. What they were most worried about was that their muscles would disappear after lack of exercise, and their bodies would lose their agility and ability to fight back. [6][9][s][h][u][x][.][c][o][m]

That would mean that the wolf would lose its fangs and the tiger would lose its claws, and they would surely die in the jungle law.

Now there was no need to worry, the muscles would be maintained.

The men were so happy that their teeth were not visible.

Not only were there so many fitness equipment in the gym, but the most important thing was that they were free!

Who would have dared to think of this? They were free to use!

Boss Xia YYDS!

Not wanting to waste any more time, the men were eager to grab the barbells and start training. When they felt hot, they took off their long-sleeved shirts and only wore a tank top. Their bulging muscles rose and fell with their movements.

The elevator made a crisp sound, and Xia Yan stepped out.

The leisure area was empty, but there was a noisy sound coming from the two newly opened stores.

She approached slowly and took a look at the door. Wow, the two rooms were clearly divided, one for men and one for women.

She originally planned to make a hair accessory, but it seemed that she couldn't get a number, so she decided to come back tomorrow.

She looked at it silently for a while, and when she turned around and left, she heard the female customer exclaiming.

"It's exactly the same as in the picture! 100 points is really worth it!"

Really? Then she has to come early tomorrow.

Back to the first floor, Zhikang just came out of the holiday door and saw her reporting today's work. She cleaned up 5 villas again, and the doors, windows, bed sheets and quilts were all cleaned and re-laid, and each villa was sprayed with light fragrance.

It can be rented out.

Xia Yan said she knew, she was going to go after dinner, and went around from the buffet restaurant to the restaurant on the second floor. The delicious food did not arouse her appetite, including the hot pot restaurant upstairs.

Probably affected by the cold weather outside the branch, she always felt that she should eat some hot rice with soup, such as spicy snail noodles.

At this moment, she was standing on the floor of the restaurant. There were quite a few customers eating there. Some people found it difficult to accept the taste of snail noodles. They always felt that it was like the stench of something fried, and it was still hanging on the beam for three days.

Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.

Let's go back to the villa to eat. After eating, we can do business in one go without running back and forth.

Snail noodles in the food city can be added with various small ingredients, and her favorite is pig's feet.

A bowl of steaming snail noodles appeared in front of her a few seconds later. The soup was embedded with red chili oil, and peanuts and fried bean curd slices were crisscrossed. It was also covered with black fungus, sour bamboo shoots and sour beans. The soft and refreshing rice noodles were looming, and finally covered with a big pig's foot.

Xia Yan's saliva was almost flowing down.

She took apart the disposable chopsticks and rubbed them, then she couldn't wait to pick up a chopstick of rice noodles and put it in her mouth.

Numb! Spicy! Fresh! Fragrant!

Soon she was sweating profusely.

At this time, Xia Yan liked to take a sip of iced happy water the most. The rich foam slid down her esophagus, and she burped coldly, feeling comfortable all over.

[Do you want to enter the matching high-deposit customer program?]

The system seemed to be unable to bear her lying on the sofa and letting her mind wander, so it automatically jumped out.

Xia Yan's out-of-focus pupils gradually gathered.

What did she just hear? Matching high-deposit residents? What kind of new term is this?

"Just explain it clearly."

Xia Yan felt much better after eating, and crossed her legs lazily.

[It was detected that five villas were qualified for external rental. Do you want to match customers?]

"... Then match."


In the terrifying primeval forest, thick dark clouds covered the sky, and hailstones as big as eggs fell from the sky with rain and snow, leaving holes on the ground.

Not far away, the river that had not yet completely frozen was running at high speed. Thick ice blocks were floating on the wide river surface, swaying left and right under the attack of hail.

With the faint reflected light, I could see several mutant beasts running wildly in the forest with red eyes. They could not feel the pain of hail smashing blood holes.

Mutant beasts are also called zombie beasts, named because they look similar to zombies.

Unlike zombies, being bitten by zombie beasts has only a small possibility of mutation, which means that you can feel your body being bitten and swallowed alive in absolute sobriety until you die.

Zombie beasts still retain the agility and sharp teeth of the beast, so in terms of the ranking of danger, zombie beasts are definitely ranked first.

Fortunately, there are not many zombie beasts, and they only appear in primitive areas.

Some suspicious people are wondering if zombie beasts are the real cause of the end of the world? However, this has been unconfirmed, and we can only hope that the remaining scientists and biologists will develop antiviral vaccines or serums as soon as possible.

A noisy sound of running gradually approached the two sides of the river bank. Several red lights flashed in the dark forest, aiming at the largest ice block in the river.

In the strange silence, the crackling sound of the dead branches they stepped on while running became clearer and clearer. They suddenly rushed out of the darkness and revealed their terrifying bodies, roaring silently. Some of them jumped into the river and tried their best to get close in the turbulent water.

A series of gloomy and terrifying eyes stared at them, following them like evil spirits.

Several suppressed gasps sounded.

"Ignore them. Xiao Li, what's in front of you?" The deep and rich voice had the magic of soothing people.

Xiao Li squinted his eyes and replied: "In front... That's a tree trunk, paddle quickly to avoid it!"

The four people were so frightened that they reached in and pried hard regardless of the cold water, and looked up from time to time to see the distance from the tree trunk.

If they hit it, the ice block will definitely stop!

The zombie beasts on the shore will climb up!

Xiao Li shouted: "Don't hit them! Row towards me quickly."

The river was turbulent, and there were many ice blocks of different sizes. If they wanted to avoid the tree trunk that was dozens of meters long, they had to fight against the inertia of the water flow.

Unfortunately, the boat was broken and the oars were lost. The only space power user was killed by the zombie beast behind him. The supplies in the space disappeared. With only their hands...

Several people didn't dare to think about it anymore, and tried their best to make the ice block approach the tail of the tree trunk little by little.

Xiao Li looked at the zombie beast that jumped onto the tree trunk, his throat was dry, and he squeezed out a sentence stiffly, "Dean Ji, when they stop in a while, they will pounce on us. I will block them in front and then use my power to help you one last time. Pay attention to protecting the dean."

His emotions fluctuated greatly, and the only protective shield covering everyone's heads was dim and about to disappear. The fist-sized hailstones could almost break through in the next moment.

Dean Ji frowned, "Don't talk nonsense, don't give up until the last moment, paddle hard!"

Xiao Li closed his mouth tightly and paddled the icy water desperately.

The situation was actually very bad. There was not only this piece of ice on the river. The tree trunks had blocked dozens of pieces. The agile body of the zombie beast had run to the tail and bared its teeth, ready to jump over when they approached.

At this time, a crescent-shaped piece of ice in front was blocked, and the two tips just hooked together with other ice blocks, successfully blocking most of the river surface.

"It's over, it's going to hit."

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