I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 227 Rent them all out

“Relax, each person is limited to renting one unit, and we should leave some opportunities for others.

Xia Yan looked at Chu Wanfu and asked him not to break the rules.

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Although everyone who rents will receive the same crystal core, as she said, others also need this opportunity.

Chu Wanfu said: "Okay, one apartment can be rented for up to six months, right? After that, do I have the priority to renew the lease?"

Xia Yan replied: "Yes, and you will receive the news whether to renew the lease one week before the contract expires. You can choose by yourself."

Only in this way can everyone be satisfied and compare themselves with each other. Everyone rents for half a year.

After helping them apply for a point card and collecting the rent, 5.4 million points should be credited to the account. However, because the customer did not have so many crystal cores, Xia Yan said that it would be enough to pay them all within three days. If the points were not enough to rent for half a year, Calculated on a monthly basis.

When she said this, several people on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief.

1.08 million points is not a small amount. You have to prepare 108 level 5 crystal cores, and you have to spend half of your basic capital.

Xia Yan explained in detail the rules for entering and exiting the villa, and then asked the system to teleport them to the corresponding private island.

Since Chu Wanfu was the first person to rent a house, Island No. 4 was assigned to his name and there was no need to move the location.

He silently watched the figures leaving one by one, and stopped Xia Yan who was also about to leave.

"Wait a moment, I have something to ask you."

Xia Yan turned around and said, "Please tell me."

"I want to talk to you about a big business." Chu Wanfu gave an overview of recent events, focusing on the trapped people in many bases in the north. He also said that the new people in the bases currently lacked clothing and heating tools. He hoped that She can come up with another wave of supplies to support.

What Chu Wanfu said was very official, and this support was also very meaningful.

Xia Yan, who understood immediately, didn't tolerate him, and directly gave him a white eye, "There are supplies, but they are not free."

She just said, is it really appropriate to learn to be so picky at a young age?

Chu Wanfu said with a smile: "Of course, I will bear all the expenses. As long as Boss Xia provides the clothes."

He just didn't change his speaking habits for a while, and he didn't want to get it for nothing, he then added.

"And the store next to it can be used by you for free. I just hope that Boss Xia can help us for the sake of being a compatriot."

He used us.

Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, vaguely feeling that something was wrong with this sentence, but he couldn't find the reason.


She returned to the branch and found that the lights were on when it was supposed to be closing time.

"Xiaowan, why haven't you rested yet?"

Xiaowan blinked, "Boss, you're back again."


Xia Yan guessed that she saw Chu Wanfu when the system summoned him. She hummed casually. She unlocked the door, pulled the zipper of her down jacket to the highest position, hid half of her face inside, tightened the brim of her hat, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out. .

The biting cold wind blew in my face, and the fine ice crystals hit my face, which was really painful, and the warm air on my body was blown away.

Braving the wind, I walked into the store on the left. Someone was already cleaning up inside, and they greeted her with a dull voice when she came in.

This house is not big, similar in size to Fu Niang's flower shop. Because it has not been rented by a merchant for a long time, the floor and walls are full of dust.

They say they are doing hygiene, but in fact they are just sweeping the floor, and there are no other conditions. They have to pay for the water they drink, so how can they be willing to use it to mop the floor.

After they swept away the thick dust, it instantly filled the room, falling on the hat and shoulders.

Xia Yan frowned and exited, calling them out at the same time.

Sweeping it this way is troublesome and easy to inhale into the lungs. It would be more convenient to wait until tomorrow to let Xiongxiong get a vacuum cleaner to suck it up.

"Don't worry about it, go directly to the hospital."

It's just that the wind is really strong. Is it okay to take two steps and one step back? Do you dance?

Although Xia Yan was protected by the system, he felt no less cold.

Not to mention her, even the two of them found it difficult to walk and could only move forward against the wall.

It would be nice to have tools... huh? She has a car.

How could I forget it? It must be because there is too much moisture in my head and it cannot move when the cold wind blows.

She took out the RV from the system grid and landed it with a thud. She said quickly to get in the car and jumped into the driver's seat.

Then the two of them got into the car and sat in the passenger seat, blinking their eyelashes covered with frost, shivering and shivering.

Xia Yan rubbed her hands that were red from the cold, and used both warm air and air conditioning to gradually recover.

Release the clutch, step on the accelerator, and the RV runs towards the hospital.

There was no electricity supply in the base, but at this moment, several windows covered with film emitted light much brighter than candles. Huge shadows appeared from the corners, blocking the light, then shrunk and disappeared, and there was an endless stream of comings and goings.

The hospital door was closed tightly, with a heavy curtain behind it to block the wind. The high beam of the RV shone brightly as if it were daytime, and only a corner of the door curtain was tilted up, revealing a human face.

The man recognized that this was the RV that belonged to Boss Xia. He waved back and several people jumped out and lifted up the heavy door curtain.

Xia Yan parked the RV at the door, with the lights and heater still on.

The three of them jumped out of the car and ran into the hospital. The door closed behind them and the curtains were opened, which really blocked out the cold wind, although it couldn't be called warm here.

Xia Yan slapped his shoulders, and the snowflakes fell and disappeared into the dry mud.

Suddenly her movements stagnated, and she realized that a group of survivors were sitting in the corner of the hall, their deeply sunken eyes looking at her lifelessly.

The only sound in the air was the clicking sound of the plastic film blown by the wind, and the occasional suppressed gasp of cold air from the crowd who endured the pain.

And she stood at the door looking at them.

There was a burning stove in the center of the hall, trying to dissipate heat to warm the empty room.

In this silence, the crackling sound of dry firewood has an ethereal and ethereal feel.

"Boss Xia, General Chu said that when you come, you can just go to the third floor."

Xia Yan suddenly woke up, looked away, nodded, and walked along the stairs in his memory.

Unexpectedly, the steps were also full of people. No, it would be more appropriate to sit upside down.

"Please make a way for us to go up," the staff said.

Some still had some strength to retract their legs, while more people were curled up with their eyes closed and breathing weakly.

The staff had no choice but to go up and help clear the small space.

The survivor's condition became worse as he went higher, his face turned darker and whiter, and some even pulled open his collar and shouted that he was hot, while the "medical" staff on the side held on tightly and told him that it was all an illusion.

"Boss Xia, General Chu is waiting for you inside."

After turning the corner, the staff brought her to a stop in front of a doctor's office.

The door of the office was wide open, and she saw the chaotic and orderly scene inside——

More than a dozen survivors who were unconscious from the cold were lying on the camp bed. Doctors checked their heartbeat and breathing one by one. Chu Wanfu and others quickly took off the wet and cold clothes of the injured, wiped the torso with dry towels and put on dry clothes. Two soldiers carried The head and feet were sent to the corridor, and then another unconscious person was moved in.

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