I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 228 Send, send, send

"General Chu, I'm here.

Chu Wanfu raised his head, beckoned for someone to take over his job, then patted the doctor on the shoulder and motioned to follow him out.

The doctor took off his stethoscope and hung it around his neck, beating his waist with one hand and following behind.

When Chu Wanfu passed by, he said to her: "Let's go to the other side and talk."

He turned the door handle and motioned for the two of them to go in.


There was a desk inside, and two staff members were sitting next to it, holding pens and paper. Seeing them coming in, they were sorting out data in an even more hasty manner.

Chu Wanfu asked: "Have the materials been counted?"

"It'll be ready soon!"

Chu Wanfu took out a piece of white paper and handed it to the doctor, asking him to write down what he needed and then go back to work on his own.

Xia Yan took out his chair and sat near the stove, stretching out his hands to keep warm.

A bright red light shines through the gap in the furnace cover, which is reflected in a clear arc on the ground.

Since the other party was preparing, she would not chase after him and ask, she would just wait patiently.

In fact, she also used the action of warming herself by the fire to search for useful items in the mall, add them to the shopping cart in advance, and then buy them as needed.

Within ten seconds, Chu Wanfu got the slightly wrinkled supplies list and handed one to Xia Yan.

"The supplies currently needed are all there. Let's see how much we can provide."

It was written in great detail, from cotton-padded clothes and trousers to protective shoes and hats, as well as matches, sugar, hot water bottles and towels, and even compressed biscuits and energy bars.

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but glance at Chu Wanfu, wondering if he asked for it on purpose.

Chu Wanfu looked at each other calmly and handed over the paper written by the doctor.

"Here's the medicine list."

When Xia Yan took over it, he was immediately speechless.

She doesn't know a word of it!

How could someone write with one stroke and a long series of similar circles?

Not believing in evil, she approached the firelight and tried hard to distinguish what words were written. She read for a long time and did not recognize the rest except the three words "glucose".

She returned the paper to Chu Wanfu and asked him to read it to her.

Chu Wanfu took it with ease and was about to speak, but then he was stunned.

Xia Yan cupped her chin and smiled.

Look, look, you don’t know either.

Seeing him opening his mouth to call someone over, she said, "No need to call, I don't have any medicine in my hand, including compressed biscuits and energy bars. I don't have any in stock."

She continued to sarcastically say: "You don't even have medicine, so where can I get it from?"

There was something grimly awkward about the scene.

The two staff members behind the desk tried their best to reduce their presence and wrote lightly.

Chu Wanfu put the paper on the table and held it with his slender fingers. His eyes were deep and emotionless, "Indeed, you don't even have me, so what's the use of looking for you. Forgive me for seeking medical treatment in a hurry."

"No, I understand."

Xia Yan looked at him without blinking, and his frank and unrevealing attitude was characterized by sincerity.

In fact, what she said is true. There is no category of medicines in the mall. It should be that the system prohibits her from intervening too much and deliberately restricts it.

Xia Yan just wants to say one thing about this, you think too much about the system, but she loves it very much.

Not providing energy bars and compressed biscuits is a sign of her intention. Obviously, what this group of survivors needed more was food, and those two items were more practical in wartime, so Xia Yan naturally refused.

Not only that, she also showed a half-smiling expression.

It was rare to encounter someone who expressed disdain for him openly, and Chu Wanfu was puzzled.

After a pause, he said: "I'll figure out the medicines, supplies -"

"If it's just the quantity on the order, I can provide it, but there will be no price discount."

"...Okay, please quote me the unit price and let the finance department calculate the total number of points."

Xia Yan took the pen and marked the price of each type after the quantity and asked them to calculate it.

Taking advantage of this interval, Chu Wanfu arranged for someone to prepare boiling water and bowls, and took out a bag of crystal cores from the cabinet to top up the points card. She was shopping in the mall for more supplies, and only waited for the points to arrive before placing an order.

She swore to the system that she really made very little money this time, a small profit of only 100,000 yuan per order.

Moreover, it was paid by the power behind Chu Wanfu, so she felt very comfortable holding it.

The next process is very easy. Once the points are credited, she delivers the goods.

Cotton-padded clothes are thick and take up space, so she picks up lighter items, such as matches and sugar.

As she continued to take out things, Chu Wanfu let out a hearty and relaxed laugh, and called a team of people to stand at the door and pass the supplies down.

"Supplies have been distributed!"

The trembling survivors in the corridor and on the steps raised their heads, their dim eyes shining brightly.

The gray-green woven bags were wide open, and brand-new cotton-padded clothes and trousers were delivered to them one after another.

Their hands like chicken claws tightly grasped the dry and warm cotton clothes. They stood up shakily and struggled to drag the wet clothes on their bodies.

At this time, there was no distinction between men and women, and no one had any distracting thoughts. The staff were running up and down to help.

The water in the pot has been boiling, and bags of fine, gravel-like white sugar are poured in. The iron spoon stirs a few times, and then it is fully melted and poured into the bowl.

"The sugar water is ready! One bowl per person, be careful not to burn it!"

Another pot of boiled water that was not clean was poured into the hot water bottle.

"There's also a hot water bottle here!"

The survivors who finally recovered moved their bodies and left a 'life passage' in the middle of the corridors and stairs.

Staff rushing to save people passed by quickly, and the sound of supplies being distributed anxiously and calmly overhead came from above.

Everyone is trying to help them.

The throat was choked with sobs, and tears oozed from the corners of the eyes. They turned sideways and wiped them clean.

"General Chu, I will donate one thousand thick insulation pads in the name of the resort hotel."

Xia Yan looked at it for a long time and spoke calmly.

"Boss Xia?!"

"I express my sincere gratitude to you on behalf of all the survivors!!"

Chu Wanfu saluted her solemnly, and the two staff members standing behind him also saluted with admiration.

She nodded and accepted generously.

All the beds in the hospital were used by the seriously ill, and the space ability users also took out the camp beds, mattresses and other items that could keep warm. Even so, most of the survivors were still sitting on the cold ground.

Even if you change into dry clothes, as long as your butt is cold, your whole body will not be warm.

The thick insulation pad is definitely a very emergency life-saving item.

When the insulation mats with the logo of the resort hotel were distributed one by one, the survivors could not wait to sit down, hug the hot water bottle to their abdomen, pull the hat on their heads to the lowest, curl up their feet and hide their mouths and noses in their collars, greedily sniff the warm air, relax their nerves, and fatigue rushes over them like a tidal wave, and they fall asleep in a daze.

No noise, no noise, just quiet.

Chu Wanfu breathed a sigh of relief and turned to her and said:

"Boss Xia, I actually have something else to talk to you about."

Xia Yan said: "What a coincidence, I also have something to tell you."

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