I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 229 Return after use

"Ladies first. Chu Wanfu took a step back.

Xia Yan waved her hand, "There's no need to do this in the end times. You asked first, so you should ask first."

There's no need to get hung up on such trivial matters, and don't waste both parties' time.

Chu Wanfu nodded and went straight to the point, "Can the restaurant still be open and serve food? They only drank sugar water, which is not enough energy."

She actually thought of the same thing as her. Xia Yan pretended to think for a few seconds and said, "Okay, I'll open the door for another hour."

"For food, I need millet porridge and buns. Can I get them here? I'll send someone to get them, and the fee will be deducted from my points card."

Chu Wanfu's essence is to let these survivors have a hot meal, and Xia Yan will not deliberately restrict them.

"No problem, I can use a thermos bucket and send it back to the store after use. Do you need anything else?"

"That's enough. ”


The accommodation problem of the team is easy to solve. There are several vacant villas in the base. When the man surnamed Yang ran away, he didn’t take many things with him, which just happened to be convenient for him.

Xia Yan shrugged, "Then you arrange someone to go with me. "

He called a space psychic and said a few words to him. The man followed Xia Yan.

The two walked through the crowd and returned to the first floor along the stairs. The survivors gathered together and rested at the moment. She drove back to the restaurant quietly.

As soon as Xia Yan entered the door, she asked Xiaowan to place an order for 500 servings of millet porridge and 500 steamed buns.

She bought five large commercial thermos buckets in the mall and asked Xiaowan to pour the porridge into them. Then she took out a stack of food-grade plastic packaging bags from the cashier counter, intending to use them to pack the steamed buns.

Because of the large quantity and the urgency, she went upstairs and called all the employees down. Together with the people sent by Chu Wanfu, the four of them packed very quickly.

As for the fee, she collected it directly in the backstage.

The packaged steamed buns were directly put into the space by the psychic, so that Xia Yan didn't have to prepare boxes for them.

On the other side, Xiaowan and Qing Mingzi quickly packed the millet porridge, and the psychic put them all into the space.

"Boss Xia, I'll go back first. "The superpower didn't wait a moment, pushed open the door and rushed into the hospital in the wind and snow.

Xiao Wan cleaned up the ground and was about to close the door, but was stopped by Xia Yan.

"Wait an hour, close at 11 o'clock."

During this time, two captains really came to buy things, but they didn't buy food, but asked her if she had bedding and hot water bottles for sale?

After asking Xia Yan in detail, she found out that the first team had lived in the villa after returning, lying on the bare bed board, and the bedding in the space was taken away and used by people with more serious injuries.

Someone sent them dry clothes to wear, and then they knew that Boss Xia was in the store. Thinking that there might be these things to sell, they came here to ask.

Xia Yan said: "I have bedding here, cotton ones are okay?"

"Sure! Cotton ones are the best, keep warm!"

"One hundred points per set, how many do you want?"

"50 sets are enough."

They probably didn't expect Boss Xia to have goods, and after a discussion, they showed five fingers.

"We need another 50 hot water bottles. ”

“A total of 5400 points, thank you for your patronage.”

As for food, they didn’t buy it, maybe they had food in their hands.

No one came after this deal, and she stared at the snow outside for a long time.

When the time came, Xiaowan locked the door on time, and Xia Yan stretched, walked through the corridor and returned to the house to rest.

Early to bed and early to rise, there are still many things to do tomorrow.


“Xiongxiong, which vacuum cleaner do you think is easy to use?”

Xia Yan took out all his inventory and scattered it on the ground.

Xiongxiong stood opposite and blinked, pointing casually, “This one, the color is very suitable for the boss.”

Xia Yan said: “...It doesn’t need to suit me, it’s you who needs it. Boss, I have expanded my business and got a store for free. You will accompany me to clean up later.”

“Congratulations, boss, boss is great! "

Xiong Xiong made a little heart shape with both hands, and launched biubiu.

Xia Yan reached out and took everything in.

This kind of boring thing is just to tease Xiong Xiong when no one is around, which is totally inconsistent with her cold appearance and sophisticated boss image.

Xiong Xiong is happy, carrying a vacuum cleaner and wagging his tail and following her, jumping and skipping as he walks, and his carefree look makes people angry.

In the branch, Xia Yan took out the large down jacket prepared for Xiong Xiong and let him wear it outside, and then let him wear a set of isolation suits to prevent his fur from being covered with dust and becoming a dirty bear.

"That's it, big white bear. "Xia Yan patted its bulging belly with satisfaction, zipped up his own clothes, and pushed the door open to go out.

Today is a good day, no wind, and it feels much warmer than yesterday. When he looked at the temperature again, it was minus 25 degrees.

The snow on the corners of the street was piled up in strange shapes, but every surface was very smooth.

There was a key in the door next door, and Xia Yan opened it and put it in his pocket.

Without Xia Yan's arrangement, Xiongxiong hummed and worked actively. The power of the industrial vacuum cleaner should not be underestimated. Wherever it went, no dust was left, revealing the gray and white cement floor below.

Xiongxiong also vacuumed the walls, and his work efficiency was fast and high.

Xia Yan returned to the branch and looked through the mall to think about what to sell.

Heavy clothes are definitely the first choice. Thermal underwear and pants can also be prepared in two styles for men and women. For daily necessities, thermoses are more popular than thermos cups. There are two or three shallow styles of sanitary products, and then some four-piece bed sets, hot water bottles and other things, etc.

The price doesn't have to be too high, but it should be practical, with a wide range of styles and the largest size.

Xia Yan suddenly had an idea and decided to open a grocery store. She would sell a few miscellaneous items and hang a message board. She would prepare whatever was needed.

Even the dried goods that had been dried before could be sold here.

Just as she was thinking about it, Xiong Xiong knocked on the glass outside and said that the sanitation had been done.

She rushed over excitedly and found that the room was indeed clean.

This was her first time to open a store outside the system. It was new to her and she was going to clean it up.

First, the floor. It was not only bare, but also uneven. She needed to change it.

First, lay a layer of foam pad, then cover it with a layer of floor leather, fix it and put a circle of shelves around it, so that Xiong Xiong could arrange the clothes according to his own preferences.

The cashier's desk was placed at the back of the house, where the overall position could be controlled at a glance. In front of it were two rows of shelves for small commodities.

Then there was the issue of electricity. Xiong Xiong shook his head and said that he couldn't do it because the hotel's electricity was not shared with the outside.

There was no other way. Xia Yan could only hang up a solar lamp and wait for the remaining power inside to run out. When it could be used next time depended on when the sun came out.

The next question was who to send to look after the store.

Xiong Xiong looked after the main store, Xiao Wan looked after the branch store, and Zhi Kang looked after the safe zone and served as a chef in the outdoor restaurant. No one was idle.

The only one who was idle was herself.

NONONO, this violated her principle of playing badly.

If that was the case... Xia Yan looked outside the door.

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