I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 230 Central Square

Several strong men moved many wooden poles and arranged them like clothes drying racks in the central square. Several other women came over with baskets, took out the wet clothes that the survivors had changed, shook off the debris on them, and hung them on the clothes racks. on the pole.

Just as Xia Yan thought just now, there was no wind today and the long-lost sun came out. Many people hung out their damp clothes at home. After a while, they were so cold that they could be inserted into the snow.

A neatly arranged team moved wooden boards from the villa area and gave them to the plant-type superpowers to make simple bunk beds. There were many spare rooms in the residential building, which could just be allocated to the survivors.

In this situation, no one should think about living alone as a family. The supplies department's stock is not enough for everyone, especially stoves and wood.

Moreover, no one knows how many survivors will be rescued into the base in the future. It is still early to leave spring in the cold winter months, and the Materials Department has to tighten their belts and make calculations to survive.

The leader of the Materials Department may also feel the pressure and complain to Chu Wanfu. Two or three teams of special powers packed up tightly and left the city to look for something that could make a fire.

Xia Yan thought he was patrolling outside the city and sighed with dedication.

She ordered a plaque in the mall that said "Exclusive Grocery Store" and handed it to Xiong Xiong to hang on the top to remind customers that the store was open.

Apparently the effect was good. A group of young people who were looking around in the square and couldn't find the direction pointed here in surprise, and a group of people ran over in a hurry.


When you get closer, you can see that those faces are red and have a few patches of frostbite on them. After a night of rest, they are in good condition today.

A visitor is coming.

Xia Yan took a step away to facilitate their entry.

The young man walking at the front nodded politely to her. His eyes lit up the moment he entered the door. He couldn't help but let out a "wow" and quickly walked forward to touch this and that.

"It's actually brand new. It's absolutely stunning. Just these two sets, just grab them all."

"We should be the first batch to come over. Hurry and choose. Soon there will be too many people and we won't be able to buy anything."

The young men murmured quietly while moving things, and glanced at Xia Yan from time to time, as if they were looking at the rich second generation who had squandered their family wealth. As expected, rich people can be found everywhere, and the thinking of rich people is unpredictable.

Xia Yan was too lazy to pay attention to them. He took out a piece of crystal core redemption instructions and placed them on the table, then placed a self-service card processing machine and left the rest to Xiong Xiong.

In the winter in the north, the room was so cold that someone could freeze to death. In just a short while, her hands and feet were so cold that her face became numb, and her breath was clearly visible in the air.

It's so cold.

Xia Yan never had to worry about heating when he stayed in the hotel. Now he had to find a way to warm the room.

She opened the mall and entered heating tools in the search box, and many pictures popped up. Among them was a wall-mounted heater patch that she liked very much. She simply stuck it on the wall and it only took 5 minutes to cover a 50-square-meter house. Can warm up.

It takes three hours to charge and can be used all day long.

It’s just a little expensive, 10,000 points, buy it.

Xia Yan closed the door, and Almighty Bear was already pressed against the wall and pressed the switch.

It starts working three seconds after the silent start, and a warm but not dry hot air blows out of the blades.

"It's finally warm." Xia Yan put his cold-red hands underneath, and his stiff fingers gradually became numb until they regained their original flexibility.

"Look, she still has a heater." The young man behind the shelf bumped into his companion with his shoulder and pouted in this direction with a look of disbelief on his face.

The companion looked back and said with a click of his tongue: "I have long heard that the life of a capitalist was good, but now I see that it is indeed extraordinary. Sure enough, disasters only belong to poor people. God is unfair!"

The last few words were uncontrollably loud. The companions were worried that Xia Yan would hear them and not sell them the goods, so they kept poking him in the waist.

"What are you afraid of? I didn't say anything." The man disagreed and felt even more resentful in his heart.

Why, why on earth, it’s unfair, absolutely unfair.

There is not much space in the room, how could Xia Yan not hear it?

She retracted her hand and took a look at the man who spoke. He was young, with a Chinese character face and thick eyebrows, but there was a bookish air between his eyebrows. He was at the age where all things are fair.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Yan became confused again. It had been so long since the end of the world, and he had never seen a few stupid young people like him. The various hardships in the end of the world hadn't smoothed his edges?

Xia Yan snorted coldly and retorted: "Some people really turn their backs and deny each other after eating. I have heard about farmers and snakes for a long time, but I didn't expect to actually meet them. If it weren't for me, you would be able to be in front of me today. You're so talkative, you dare to say anything, and you're so simple-minded that you can't even think deeply. If your teacher finds out, he'll crawl out of the ground and beat you with thorns."

It’s not certain whether the teacher would whip people with vine thorns, but the teacher didn’t crawl out of the soil, but came in from outside the door.

Just when I heard the last sentence, the teacher who was arranged to be cool was caught in the door with an embarrassed look on his face, not knowing whether to move forward or back.

They were already humiliated after being lectured by Xia Yan, and when the teacher came to their door again, they immediately shivered and lowered their heads, not daring to look at anyone. They scolded the troublemaker in their hearts.

"Um, um, cough." The short female teacher coughed twice as if to cover up. She walked up to her student and glared fiercely, then turned to Xia Yan and bowed to apologize.

"I don't know what happened. They are my students and they said the wrong things to please Xia boss Haihan."

The female teacher was very nice, and Xia Yan would not make it difficult. She smiled and said it was okay. Moreover, she knew that these guys would be scolded when they returned, so why was she angry?

The female teacher was very grateful, and turned around with a stern expression, asking the students to bring all the things that needed to be paid. After she looked at the card application, she took out a cloth bag from her body, carefully opened it and took out the crystal core, handed one to each student, and asked them to apply for a card to pay.

Seeing that she did not apply for a card herself, Xia Yan kindly reminded her: "The restaurant next door is also my store. The points card is also valid there. You can use it for meals in the future. Apply for it now."

There are so many new survivors without cards in the base. Xiao Wan will be too busy to handle it later. It is better to share the burden now.

The female teacher hesitated and said: "The restaurant... I still have food in my hand, so I won't go to eat."

There are only a dozen crystal cores left in the cloth bag she took out just now. I heard that the food in the restaurant in the big base is very expensive, and she can't afford it. Fortunately, there are still some dry food in the space. Everyone can save some and survive the winter.

The boys knew exactly what the teacher was thinking and were very sad.

There was no other way. Before they started to run away, the prices in the base doubled every day, and the crystal cores they had saved were quickly used up. Now they could only spend on the most expensive things.

Xia Yan saw her concerns, "The food in the restaurant is very cheap. A bowl of noodles costs 12 points, and a fried dumpling costs only 1 point. Everyone can afford it."

The female teacher waved her hand to refuse and suddenly stopped. The surprise that fell from the sky made her dizzy, and the boys screamed:

"1 point?! Teacher, did you hear that? We can all afford to eat!"

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