I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 231 Come, deliver the goods

"Teacher, please apply for the card quickly. You can put more crystal cores in it. The young man anxiously pulled the female teacher's arm and shook it.

"...Okay, okay, I'll do it right away."

The female teacher's hand trembled more seriously than last time. She was swaying all over and her lips were a little dry.

The classmate next to her was even more anxious. He took out three secondary crystal cores and stuffed them into the card machine.

"Three, too many." The female teacher wanted to take back two of them with great distress. They were few in the first place, and he was still spending a lot of money on her.

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"Not much, not much. Teacher, you have to eat more. It's easy to get sick if you are too thin - bah, bah, bah, it doesn't count. "

A group of young men coaxed and deceived her into buying a new set of bedding, and then surrounded the teacher and left to clean up the new home.

Xia Yan smiled faintly as she looked at their backs. The female teacher looked even smaller among the young men, but when she was angry, the group of students were so scared that they didn't dare to raise their heads. It was quite interesting.

Xiongxiong had been watching the snow by the window, looking very curious, so she let Xiongxiong go out to play.

She took this time to start replenishing the stock. Thinking of the female teacher's dry lips, she put some lipstick on the shelf, and then pinched the back of her hand. Well, add a hand cream.

It was the old-fashioned hand cream that looked like a stick, and natural honey was added to it. It was most useful for moisturizing cracked fingers.

Xia Yan also opened a delicate one and applied it on her hands. The sweet smell was very pleasant.

In order to make it easier for customers to understand the price, she put a price tag under each product. At this time, someone pushed the door open, looked around, picked up the bedding and walked to the table to check out. He found the card application instructions on the table, squinted his eyes and approached, then took out a crystal core to apply for the card.

Maybe the news that a grocery store had opened in the base had spread. For a while, all the survivors who could move and had a place to live rushed over.

Not everyone has spatial abilities. When they were escaping, many things were left on the way, so now they have a place to live, but no daily necessities.

When they heard that the grocery store had a full range of supplies and low prices, except for the person lying on the wooden board, everyone moved their inflexible legs and rushed over eagerly.

Xiong Xiong, who was playing in the snow outside, was frightened by the noisy voices. He turned around and saw that the door of the store was almost squeezed down. He jumped out of the snow and rushed back to help.

"Please make way, let me in. "

The harder it squeezed in, the more united the people in front of it became, and they formed a solid human wall, prohibiting the people behind from cutting in line.

Even so, there was a steady stream of people rushing in from the residential buildings.

People inside couldn't get out, and people outside couldn't get in.

Soon, Chu Wanfu was alarmed. He hurriedly led a team of soldiers to maintain order. When he saw the crowded shop, his heart trembled.

But don't make Boss Xia angry. If he doesn't sell goods, where will he get so many supplies?

"Quick, let them line up."


Xia Yan walked in the crowd with a card machine in his hand. The goods on the shelves flashed with dazzling light bands, and the words "holiday hotel goods" floated on them. Anyone who wanted to touch and take it down would touch nothing.

When the card is not issued, no one can take it down.

"Don't worry, everyone, you can get the goods after the card is issued. Now hold the crystal core in your hand and raise it. I will come over when I see it. "She shouted, and then everyone raised their hands and waited for her quietly, without any noise.

This batch of customers is really easy to deal with.

After the customers finished the card, they went straight to the shelf and took the things they wanted. At the same time, they saw the points on their forearms automatically reduced.

Xia Yan walked to the door and waved her arm to signal everyone to look over, and then shouted:

"Customers who have deducted points can leave on their own. Customers outside the door, please line up quietly and don't block the door."

When she saw Xiongxiong who couldn't squeeze in after the crowd, she said, "Hurry up and let that bear come in to help me stock up. Without stock, everyone can't buy anything."

Hearing her say this, everyone turned back to look for Xiongxiong and made a path for him. At the same time, Chu Wanfu's people came forward to maintain order and arrange them to line up.

"Xiongxiong, you come to apply for the card, I'll go to stock up." Xia Yan stuffed the card machine into its hand, "Find this bear to apply for the card! ”

She took out a bag of bedding and put it on the ground, and then restocked the other empty shelves.

"If you need anything else, you can write it down in the notebook. I will count it later. As long as I have the stock, I will put it in the store for sale."

She also took this opportunity to recommend a wave of restaurants, because she found that many people thought that the food in the restaurant was super expensive and they thought they couldn't afford it. How could Xia Yan allow customers to have such a misunderstanding? Of course, she had to introduce it well.

Sure enough, when the customer heard her say that she could eat fried dumplings with one point, the light in her eyes could ignite everything.

Until the night was about to fall, Xia Yan pounded her sore waist and walked out the door, and found that there were still many customers squatting outside, huddled and looking at her eagerly.

"What's wrong, everyone? Is there anything wrong? "Xia Yan looked at the staff member beside him, who shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

After seeing that the situation had stabilized, Chu Wanfu had already gone back to deal with other emergencies. After completing his task, the staff also walked into the grocery store and watched outside for a day, watching with fear as sets of bedding were taken away, fearing that it was the last set.

Now it was finally their turn, and they quickly moved a set back.

When almost all the staff had left, the group of people still stayed outside.

Xia Yan guessed that they might have some difficulties, so he walked over to ask the reason.

The middle-aged woman with wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and brown chilblains on her red face coughed a few times and said in a trembling voice: "...We...must use crystal cores to buy?"

Another old man with pale hair and desperate eyes continued: "There are no crystal cores, not a single one left, all of them were cheated away by that liar."

"He must die a horrible death!" The others followed up, with two lines of clear tears flowing from their yellow eyes, and the fingers that wiped the tears were abnormally red and swollen, with a round bubble on the thumb that was bigger than the fingernail.

Xia Yan sighed and asked them to come in to warm up. If the body that had just recovered was blown by the cold wind again, it would really fall down.

She closed the door, picked up the card application instructions, pointed to one of them and said:

"In addition to crystal cores, gold and silver jewelry are also OK, and you can also apply for a card to eat and buy things."

"I have a gold ring! It's just that it's all dusty, can it be used to charge points?"


"What about a diamond ring?"

"That's OK."

"Boss, I only have half a crystal core fragment, is it okay?"

"Uh, it should be okay."

Xia Yan raised his hand to let everyone calm down, and asked Xiongxiong to go back and get the all things appraiser. He put the small scale on the table, and it made a very imposing sound.

"Come on, load the goods."

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