I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 232 Dried Vegetables

The next day, Xia Yan ran back to the supermarket in Lidai Island and took all the homemade dried fruits and vegetables to the grocery store.

She hung a sign on the wall outside that said today's new products.

After Xiong Xiong simply cleaned up, he was ready to open for business. Needless to say, it was still packed with people today.

Especially after everyone knows that gold and silver jewelry can also be recharged with points, many people take out their useless silver jewelry and spend it.

What Xia Yan remembers most is a very young man who came in when there were no customers in the store and took out a large handful of golden gold from his pocket.

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"How much can these be exchanged for?" he asked.

Xia Yan blinked, picked up one and looked at the pattern in the light. He put the pile on the universal estimator and weighed it. Soon the number below showed: 120,000 points.

The young man showed a shocked expression, then laughed loudly, "I knew it! It's so valuable! Boss, will this kind of event happen again in the future?"

"Come anytime." Xia Yan smiled happily and took all the gold back into the system grid with a sweep of his hand.

At this moment, she looked at the other party as if she saw walking gold, "You are welcome to come often to exchange for points. No matter it is gold, silver jewelry, gemstones, etc., I will accept them here!"

At this time the door was pushed open from the outside.

The young man glanced back warily, put away his smile and nodded slightly.

The new customer A walked around the store and didn't pay attention to it at all.

The young man put his hands in his pockets, walked around in a circle, whistled softly, and went out to the second floor of the restaurant.

Xia Yan was also in a good mood. He had acquired another batch of gold. How could he not be happy?

"Are these dried vegetables also for sale?" Customer A said excitedly, holding up a bag of dried radishes.

"Yes, everything on the shelves is for sale." Xia Yan said.

"Is it limited, boss?"

"Well... no limit." Xia Yan thought that he could sell it to anyone anyway, so there was no need to limit it.

Customer A picked up a lot of goods and went to check out. After experiencing severe cold and hunger, he had already developed the habit of stocking up. However, he had no goods to stock up. Shouldn't he grab as much as he could while seizing the opportunity?

Xia Yan took out the packing bag and helped him pack it. The new customers outside the door exclaimed when they saw this. They rushed to the shelf where the dried vegetables were placed and took the rest in their arms, scrambling to get them first. Settlement of accounts.

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If someone takes it away while waiting for the checkout, you will lose a lot of money. Everyone knows how tight the food can be now.

Just as he was thinking this, another wave of customers came in. Customer A, seeing that the situation was not good, tightened his packing bag and hid it behind him and rushed out the door.

At this moment, the shelves were empty, and the customers who were crowded and rushing to check out stopped talking and leaned together in a tacit understanding, blocking the inquiring sight behind them.

People who felt something was wrong stood on tiptoes and looked around. When they saw that their expressions were strange and secretive, they screamed in their hearts that something was wrong! I ran over and took a look, "There are actually dried vegetables!"

"What? Vegetables?!"

"Boss Xia, hurry up and check out!"

"Why did they take so much? Leave some for us!"

"You go and ask them for it, I've already settled the account."

The last customer who was settling the bill cursed and held the dried vegetables in his arms without distinguishing any of them. The remaining customers who had settled the bill stuffed the packaging bags into their arms and ran away. The customers who didn't get it naturally wouldn't let it go. However, he refused to give up until he got two packages, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and raised his voice: "Don't make any noise! ​​There are still dried vegetables!"

After calming everyone down, she continued to help customers settle accounts, and then said: "You guys wait here for a while, I'll go pick up the goods."

"Okay, okay, we'll wait."

Under the protection of the system, Xia Yan was not worried about losing the goods in the store. She didn't even return to the main store, but ran directly to Lidai Island and stuffed all the remaining dried vegetables into the system grid.

Since other products were under the supermarket's name and could only be settled through the supermarket's cashier system, she had no idea about other products.

When she returned to the grocery store, she opened the door and saw a room full of customers, looking at her eagerly.

Among them were the guys who had a little argument yesterday, "Hey, Boss Xia."

Xia Yan nodded slightly and walked to the shelves to prepare for loading.

As soon as she reached out with the dried vegetables, countless hands appeared beside her, just waiting for her to put them down to see whose hands were faster.

She put the dried vegetables on the shelf, and it disappeared. Then she put another one, and it disappeared again.

If you are quick to grab it, you will earn it; if you are slow, you will beat your chest and feet.

Xia Yan hissed and suggested, "How about I sell 10 bags each, otherwise some people won't be able to grab it."

"Okay, okay!" Everyone had no objection.

She returned to the checkout counter and took out the packing bag. Then she saw that there was already a very orderly queue on the opposite side. She took out 10 packages of dried vegetables and put them in the bag, and the customers checked out and delivered.

At this time, the happiest people are those with space powers. Others who don't have it or don't have it in the team are heartbroken. If you buy too much, you're afraid of being robbed. If you buy too little, you'll feel itchy and it's hard to make any decision.

They can't wait to bring the space powers from other teams into their own team.

For a while, space-powered people were extremely popular. No one thought they were weak and couldn't run anymore. No matter how big or small the space was, as long as they heard about this power, everyone seemed to see a hot commodity.

Since then, a space-powered people snatching competition has kicked off.


After three consecutive days, all the dry goods were sold out, and some customers even came to ask if there were any more in stock.

Seeing such good sales, Xia Yan thought of the inexhaustible vegetables outside the main store and got an idea.

The zombies outside the protective shield were a small matter, but the main armored vehicles were very troublesome. With just himself, Zhigang and two or three employees, the vegetables that could be picked back were too limited.

Xia Yan felt a little headache when he thought of his absolute strength that he only had in the hotel, but this headache disappeared instantly when he saw Chu Wanfu coming to the door.

"General Chu, a rare guest." Xia Yan smiled and stood up to greet him.

Chu Wanfu stared at Boss Xia, who was unusually enthusiastic today, and couldn't help but take a step back, "Hmm."

"Eh? General Chu, what are you going to buy? Or if you need anything, General Chu, just tell me."

"...I heard that the store has newly added dried vegetables, I came to take a look."

Chu Wanfu looked away, walked around the store to look at the goods, and tried his best to ignore her brilliant expression.

Strange, this is the first time he has been welcomed by Boss Xia, why does he feel a little creepy on his back.

"Dried vegetables are out of stock for the time being, maybe they will be available in a few days."

Xia Yan smiled, it depends on when you can get the armored vehicle.

Chu Wanfu looked at her strangely, somewhat suspecting that she was being framed again, her enthusiasm was scary.

"Ahem, then I'll come back in two days."

"Okay." Xia Yan smiled and waved, watching him leave.

When he disappeared at the corner of the residential building, Xia Yan immediately closed the door and locked the store, went straight to the main store, caught Xiongxiong and let him go to the grocery store as the manager.

"Remember to bring back the notebooks written by customers in the evening, and I will restock the stock."

Xiongxiong nodded innocently, following the boss's instructions.

Little did he know that he had been the grocery store manager for a long time since then...

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