I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 233 What did you do?

The expected day did not come, but Xiongxiong came to call her several times.

Xia Yan went over to see that there were many new survivors in the base. General Chu was so busy all day that he took time out to talk business with her and buy the same supplies as last time in the name of the base.

Xia Yan would not miss the points she got, and only mentioned it when delivering the goods: "The time to pay the final payment for the villa is coming soon, General Chu, don't miss it."

Hearing this, Chu Wanfu pinched his nose and hummed dully.

Seeing him like this, Xia Yan kept sighing in her heart, is it so easy to be a leader? Is it not easy to be a savior? It is hard, tiring and stressful, and it is really not something that ordinary people can do.

The rescue of so many people and free medical care will cost a lot of crystal cores.

Xia Yan counted on her fingers and the day was coming soon.

Oh, she had to finish the new customers who were flowing in front of her first.

Poor Xia Yan didn't take a day off and came back to work again. This time, the simple introduction was handed over to Xiongxiong for full handling, and she was only responsible for replenishing the goods later.

Even if Xiongxiong is trained to be independent, Xia Yan thought so.

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And all the points earned in the past few days are used for construction. First, the barbecue restaurant on the third floor of the main store is opened, which costs 200,000 points, and a new public kitchen is built in Lidai Island, which consumes 300,000 points.

The rest is used to build a small path and a small square that can accommodate 100 people. In addition, a public dining area that can accommodate 30 people at the same time is configured near the kitchen. The points in the account are cleared.

Xia Yan replenished the shelves again. It was late outside. She closed the door in advance and dragged Xiongxiong back to the main store.

At this time, the protective shield outside sounded a bombardment, which scared her.

She gritted her teeth and whispered, I'll let you jump around for two more days.

Such a big noise did not cause panic among the residents. It seems that everyone has become accustomed to it.

Xia Yan was too lazy to go out to see, so she ran back to her private room in the backyard and filled a pool of hot water. When she lay in it, her tense body relaxed, and she felt a variety of discomforts all over her body.

"Play light music."

The sound of the piano, like water, gently hit the eardrum, leaving a warm and romantic mood in her mind, accompanied by the sound of the stream flowing and the crisp birdsong, as if she was in the most natural environment.

Xia Yan was intoxicated by it.


[General Chu has entered the villa]

A few days later, Xia Yan finally received a message from the system.

She stopped peeling melon seeds and took out a tissue to wipe her fingers clean.

She walked through the holiday gate and staggered to the top floor of the rental department - this is her office.

"Attempting to teleport to Island No. 4, a notice has been sent to the tenant Chu Wanfu. If the customer refuses within five seconds, he will apply again, and the maximum number cannot exceed three times."

The above paragraph appeared on the light column marked Villa No. 4.

Since it was the first time Xia Yan used the teleportation function, she was still a little surprised.

If you are rejected after applying three times, you can't be teleported in?

You still respect the rights of customers.

Xia Yan had no choice but to wait patiently. Three seconds is not——

"The tenant has agreed. Please step into the light circle."

Almost the moment she walked in, her feet stepped on the beach of Island No. 4 before they landed. It was Chu Wanfu who was standing in front of her.

"General Chu." She greeted him first.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Chu Wanfu looked more and more haggard. His originally smooth chin was now covered with black beard, his hair was messy, and he was still wearing the clothes he wore when they met last time. Even when he opened his mouth, he was exhausted.

"Boss Xia, what do you want to see me about?"

She nodded.

Chu Wanfu was going to invite her to sit inside, but then he thought that Boss Xia might be uncomfortable being alone, so he just said it on the beach.

He was about to speak, but Xia Yan got there first.

"If General Chu is free, let's talk while we walk?"


Xia Yan made an invitation gesture, and the two stood on the teleportation disc and returned to Lidai Island.

This was Chu Wanfu's first time on the island. After he was alert, he observed slowly and carefully.

Xia Yan noticed it and took him to introduce one by one. There are many styles of rooms for rent in the rental department, the official detoxification shop can purify various ingredients, and the public kitchen is as the name suggests. As long as a certain amount of points are spent, everyone can cook for themselves.

Finally, Xia Yan took him into the supermarket. Along the way, he kept looking at the transparent glass supermarket. He seemed calm, but his eyes had already revealed his inner thoughts.

"This is the only supermarket in Lidai Island. It has a full range of goods and reasonable prices. General Chu must come often to support business in the future."

Chu Wanfu was so shocked that his mouth was slightly open. He could hardly believe his eyes.

This place is exactly the same as before the end of the world!

He walked in the supermarket with an indescribable feeling. On the smooth floor were neatly arranged rows of shelves, filled with fresh goods, and there were fruit and vegetable areas further in.

"Boss Xia, you really break my perception of you again and again." Chu Wanfu said with a wry smile.

He now completely believed that if Boss Xia wanted, any survivor in the world would firmly choose her! As long as she wanted, she could unify the world!

The emotions on his face were too easy to interpret.

"General Chu is joking. I am just a businessman who aims to earn crystal cores and live a mediocre life."

Xia Yan added calmly, "I don't have medicine here, nor do I have a doctor. General Chu, you know what I mean."

Chu Wanfu raised his eyes and looked at her.

In an instant, he understood.



"General Chu, I heard that you haven't paid your rent?" Xia Yan took two ice cream sticks from the vending machine and handed one to him.

Chu Wanfu did not hide his secrets and smiled generously, "There is no way. There are too many places in the base that need to use crystal nuclei. It is difficult to buy medicines and it is difficult to allocate funds."

Xia Yan took a bite of the vanilla ice cream, and the sweetness melted on the tip of her tongue.

"What, Boss Xia wants to take back the house after it expires?"

"Not as long as you pay on time."

"You're really not accommodating at all. Anyway, I bought a lot of things from you." Chu Wanfu was speechless.

Xia Yan smiled slightly and shook his head firmly.

"One code is one code. You deliver the crystal core and I deliver the goods. No one owes anyone anything. But, as you said, after being in business for so long, you have to take care of it occasionally."

Chu Wanfu became interested and said, "Tell me more about it."

"Come, follow me."

Xia Yan waved and led him through the holiday door.

After experiencing the excitement of Lidai Island, Chu Wanfu was no longer surprised to see the hugely changed luxury lobby of the hotel. In his opinion, Boss Xia could even produce goods from the supermarket, so what else is worth shouting about.

But soon, his eyes widened again and he said in disbelief:

"Have you stabbed the zombie den?!"

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