I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 234 Direct Judgment

As Chu Wanfu saw, the outside of the huge protective shield was full of zombies.

If you look closely, the land under the feet of the zombies is dark black, and you can tell that they have been surrounded for a long time.

Chu Wanfu put aside his surprise and quickly walked to the protective shield. When he pressed it with his palm, it felt very elastic. Well, it felt very tough. At first glance, it was not ordinary.

He had never seen a protective shield like this before, so he sent someone back to study it secretly.

The zombies outside were of various sizes and were so dark that the boundaries could not be seen clearly from a distance. He became more and more sure of his judgment.

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I really didn’t expect it. Boss Xia’s move was so wonderful.

First, he took his grandma Liu to visit Lidai Island as if entering the Grand View Garden, and then asked about the subsequent rent. After a few words to find out the strength of his financial resources, he set a hook and brought him to see such a "crazy" scene!

What a plan!

Chu Wanfu's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was pounding. At this moment, he finally understood what it meant to be blinded by money.

Now he is almost blinded when he looks at the zombies outside!

That's a walking crystal nucleus!

Crystal core = buy supplies!

Xia Yan kept observing his expression, and smiled when he saw that he was gritting his teeth and his eyes were gleaming.

"General Chu, look, I take good care of you."

Chu Wanfu turned around and said, "...You are right."

"And there is also good news. General Chu, do you want to hear it?"

"...Please say."

Xia Yan took him to sit down at the outdoor restaurant. The customer who was dining at the next table realized that it was an unfamiliar face and looked at it curiously.

Chu Wanfu swept through her golden hair. After realizing something, he took a deep breath to adjust his mentality and gradually calmed down.

"That's it." Xia Yan pushed the drink Zhichang handed him in front of him. Compared with the huge benefits later, the price of the drink was nothing.

She pointed outside and said, "You should have noticed that it's still autumn here."

Chu Wanfu nodded and added: "It's still autumn in another distant place."

"Well, that's not all. There is also some very useful news for you." Xia Yan took a sip of the drink to whet his appetite, and then said slowly: "The crops in the fields are all ripe."

Even though Chu Wanfu had made various assumptions over and over again, he never expected that it would be this!

"Crops?!" He made a broken voice.

Afraid of hearing some secret, the customer next door put the last bite of burger into his mouth and stood up to leave.

Xia Yan looked at the other person's back and said in a steady voice, "Yes. The dried vegetables I sold a few days ago were dug out of the soil."

Can the land here be planted?

Chu Wanfu distractedly recalled the report he had read before, which clearly recorded that the land was so polluted that it was impossible to plant seeds.

Then he remembered the alliance speculation vaguely revealed in another top-secret report...

Xia Yan sipped his drink and waited quietly while looking at the sky behind him.

After a while, Chu Wanfu asked in a low and hoarse voice: "Boss Xia, you are not someone who says these things easily. Please tell me what your ultimate goal is."

During this period of silence, he once thought that she knew something hidden, and he wanted to take her back and hand her over to the laboratory for further research, but he could not do this because he was not strong enough and needed her material support.

Then why is she looking for herself?

The zombie wave has definitely been surrounding this place for a long time. With her ability, it would be easy to deal with the stupid zombies. Why did she wait until now? Is there any huge pit inside?

Xia Yan sighed softly, with honest eyes, "You really understand me. I want to cooperate with you, and I do have a purpose, one or two."

"First, as long as it is the vegetables and fruits that your men dig out, I will get half of the fruits. Second, you are responsible for dealing with the zombies, and -"

At this time, an orange-yellow ball fell from the sky in a famous arc, exploded with a bang, splashed an unknown liquid like juice, and slowly slid down the protective cover.

Xia Yan smiled and pointed at the unknown liquid, "The local forces on the opposite side."

Sitting here, unable to see far away, she asked Chu Wanfu to take the elevator, walk up to the extended balcony on the 32nd floor, and point out to him the five or six oversized armored vehicles parked in the distance.

There were also people in the armored vehicle observing them with binoculars. The cannon barrel on the roof of the vehicle rotated and aimed at the two people's positions, and then fired an energy cannon as if to provoke them.

"I see."

Chu Wanfu casually glanced at the armored vehicle, stared at the movement trajectory of the energy cannon, and went straight to the protective shield. Can he hold it?


Chu Wanfu calmly turned his attention to the farm in the distance. Under the cover of wildly growing weeds, it was impossible to see whether there were any vegetables inside, but there were indeed fruits hanging on the trees. The pollution index was yet to be determined.

Looking at it this way, the distribution of fruits and vegetables is not important for the time being. The important point is——

"Boss Xia, after killing the zombies, do you still need to divide the crystal cores in half?"

Xia Yan shook his head, "Of course you take it." Regardless of whether they were divided or not, most of it didn't end up in her pocket.

"Okay, I agree to cooperate."

Chu Wanfu readily agreed, feeling that she had finally done something good.

After all, he was in urgent need, and even if Boss Xia said that the crystal core had a score of four or six, he would most likely agree.

"Okay, please sign the contract and please check it." Xia Yan looked at him with a smile.

At the same time, the points card on his forearm was heated, and a contract with gold edges appeared on it.

Chu Wanfu clicked on it and took a closer look. It contained nothing more than what the two of them had just discussed, and there was no deceptive personal information.

The key point is the penalty for breach of contract. The promiser Chu Wanfu will be fined according to the degree of breach of contract. If the amount exceeds 100 times the amount on the card and there is no intention to turn it over within one month, Chu Wanfu will be directly judged as a security guard of the resort hotel.

Security personnel?

Chu Wanfu's face stiffened in disbelief, "Boss Xia, this isn't very reasonable, is it?"

After the violation, he was sentenced to work as a hotel security guard? ? ?

He is such a dignified general, but he is just acting nonsense!

"Don't worry, let me take a look." Xia Yan was also a little surprised. After all, the contract was made by the system. After opening the backend and reading it carefully, there was indeed such a clause.

'system? ’

[Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle]

‘Well done. ’

Xia Yan coughed lightly and said, "Actually, this is not important. You see there are many restrictions ahead. The private items need to be more than a hundred times the points, and this is only if you don't admit it."

"General Chu, you are not a person without the spirit of contract, just ignore it."

Chu Wanfu was easily persuaded by her and snorted coldly. Thinking about it, he couldn't offend her, so he signed his name.

Mainly, he didn't believe anyone would hide it.

Just sign it.

"Boss Xia, if we can build a portal from the branch to the main store, it will be convenient for our team to enter and exit."

Before leaving, Chu Wanfu looked back at her with an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Xia Yan:? ? ?

Why do you think he is full of resentment? Just because he is asked to be a security guard?

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