I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 235 The unspeakable secret

Xia Yan thought about it and felt that what he said made sense.

If there is a portal, can't she directly invite customers to stay here? Another source of income!

"System, you heard it too, he looks down on us for not having a portal."

Xia Yan deliberately fanned the flames, not afraid of trouble.

[Warm Tip: Portals are available in other categories of the mall]

Isn't that it?

Swinging her arms leisurely, she touched her rumbling stomach. After trying to trick Xiao Chu for so long, she was so hungry that she could eat a cow.

Xia Yan was going to try the newly opened barbecue restaurant. She took the elevator directly to the third floor. When she opened the door, she was facing the lively hot pot restaurant. She could see that the seats by the window were already full.

The hot pot soup base was bubbling and bursting, the water mist was swirling, and the customers sitting on both sides clinked their glasses, which was very lively.

Going further in was the newly opened barbecue restaurant. The plaque was a simple three-character plaque. Once you enter, you can see neat tables and brand new ovens.


She found a random seat and sat down, ticked her favorite skewers on the menu, handed it to the waiter and poured herself a cup of tea.

She had nothing to do first, so she opened the points card application background, where there were already hundreds of customers applying for the card.

Xia Yan was shocked. She opened the information of one person at random. The picture showed a man with thick sweat on his face. She flipped to the bottom and saw that the recommender was actually the owner of the second island - Sang Yu.

Hasn't she been silent all the time?

She doesn't live on the island, but she still recommends people to apply for the card. Does she think it's expensive and doesn't want to renew the lease after it expires?

She looked at the recommendation date again, and it was a message from a week ago.

She randomly opened another application message, and it was a beautiful girl with deep dimples when she smiled. This was recommended by someone she didn't know.

After flipping through a few more, she found that the recommenders were inconsistent. There were very few people she knew. They should have been recommended after the recommendation.

Xia Yan didn't think too much. After clicking the filter, she approved the application of the remaining two hundred people.

At this time, the skewers were served. She closed the interface and began to enjoy the food.



The leader suddenly raised his hand to stop, and the old, weak, and disabled people behind him stopped in a panic, with panic in their eyes.

What's going on? What happened in front?

A tired voice suppressed a cough in the crowd, "Hu Zi, why did you stop."

The leader, called Hu Zi, has a pair of arms longer than his knees. At this moment, he raised his left arm and looked around in front of his eyes.

"Strange, what is this? It doesn't hurt at all, and I can't scratch it."

Hu Zi scratched the itch through the shoe, and his funny eyebrows kept shaking.

"Ahem, Sang Yu, go and see what's going on." The old man raised his finger with difficulty.

Even if Sang Yu didn't want to leave him, she had no choice but to step on the footprints left by the predecessors and walked over step by step, "Let me see."

"Hey, Miss, you are smart, look at what this is, Hu Zi doesn't understand."

Although Hu Zi looks like a monkey, he is actually too honest.

Sang Yu pulled his arm and exclaimed: "Boss Xia agreed to your application! You are now a member of the holiday hotel!!"

"Dad, Boss Xia really agreed!" She was so happy that she didn't care that the muddy snow water would wet her trouser legs. She ran back and threw herself into the old man's arms, and touched the protruding bones under his thin cotton jacket with trembling hands.

Sang Zhengyi was excited for a while, and the air he inhaled into his lungs was icy cold, "Ahem, Hu Zi, try it quickly to see if it works."

"Hey!" Hu Zi stretched out his long and curved nails, gently poked on the small screen, and operated step by step according to the picture.

Soon there was a strange feeling in the air, and a bowl of hot beef noodles broke out of the air.

"Niu Niu Niu Niu beef noodles!" Hu Zi was so excited that he stuttered. He held it in his hands as if it were a treasure. After blowing off the heat, the aroma became even more charming.

The emerald green onion segments, the chewy and smooth noodles, the brightly colored soup base, and the three large pieces of fat and lean beef piled on the noodles made him drool the most.

All the old, weak, sick and disabled people got up from the ground, not even having time to pat the snowflakes on their buttocks, and came forward with twitching noses, their eyes glowing green like hungry wolves.

Hu Zi held back his saliva and shouted, "Don't mess around, this is for my master, it's not your turn yet."

As he spoke, he used his long arms to protect the beef noodles and walked through the crowd.

For a long time, Master Sang always secretly stuffed food into his mouth without anyone knowing, always telling him to eat more and be more vigilant, because this group of people had to rely on him to maintain safety.

Hu Zi always patted his chest when he heard him say this, no problem, I'll listen to whatever the master said.

But when Master Sang handed over the food, Hu Zi clenched his fist and refused to let him stuff it through his fingers.

He knew that this mouthful was also saved by Master Sang.

Hu Zi felt sore in his heart that he wanted to laugh. He was so hungry that he was skinny and frail, but he was so strong.

Sang Zhengyi was so angry that he kept coughing. Sang Yu, who was standing beside him, rushed over to pat his back to relieve his anger after hearing it. He glared at him from time to time and asked him to go to the front to guard.

Hu Zi was naturally happy to do it. Just as he was about to take a step, he heard Sang Zhengyi's harsh words and asked Sang Yu to go and boil water and let him come back.

Sang Zhengyi patted his chest to relieve his anger, and when no one was paying attention, he forcefully stuffed a mouthful of steamed bun into his hand.

"Patrol around the area after you go back and see if there is a place to stay." Sang Zhengyi raised his voice and waved his hand, pulling the quilt on his chest up, closing his eyes and no longer talking.

Huzi clenched the bun tightly, tightened his mouth and left without saying a word, and followed Sang Zhengyi's words to honestly find a place to stay tonight.

It wasn't until he turned a T-shaped corner and the probing sight behind him disappeared that he spread his palms. The bun was already in shape, and the white dregs fell off when the cold wind blew.

Can't waste it.

He raised his head and poured all the steamed bun residue into his mouth, chewed it hard for a few times and then swallowed it...

Even if the bottom of the bowl burned Huzi's fingers red, he would personally bring it to Sang Zhengyi.

"Hey, sir, eat the noodles quickly, no, eat the meat first." Huzi squatted down until he was as tall as him in a wheelchair.

Huzi picked up the largest piece of meat and wanted to bring it to his mouth, "Ah——"

Sang Zhengyi pressed down his daughter's instantly furious hand and said with a smile: "Huzi, you can only eat takeaways by yourself. I accept your wishes. Eat quickly. You have to hurry up before the snow falls heavily." Go to the place you found."

Sang Yu almost burst into tears and cursed: "What a bastard, you know clearly that takeaways cannot be given to others, yet you still go to eat in front of my dad! You clearly know that we are all hungry! When did you see me in front of me? Have you ever had takeaway food?”

If all the crystal cores hadn't been used to buy lives, how could they have ended up in this situation!

If everyone has never seen or smelled the aroma of takeout, it will be over if they support each other.

But no one can accept that they are about to starve to death. Someone across the street orders takeout and eats delicious food. This will cause everyone to become unbalanced and start a riot.

"Okay, don't blame Huzi, I brought it up."

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