I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 236 Forced to Leave

Sang Zhengyi looked at his daughter, sighed heavily, and wiped the tears from her face.

"Where is my heartless daughter? Don't worry about me. She won't die soon."

When Sang Yu heard the word death, his scalp went numb, and his whole body trembled. He went up and covered his father's mouth with all his strength, his eyes full of begging:

"Please, Dad, don't say such things. My mother, sister and I can't live without you. You must be well."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

Sang Yu was afraid that he would say something negative again, so she turned her head to the side and said to Huzi, "Brother Huzi, eat quickly, the noodles are getting cold."

Huzi found that no matter how hard he tried, the beef noodles were always far away from Sang Zhengyi.

"I know." He lowered his head and walked far away with a low expression, turning his back to them and wolfing down the food.

The fragrance of the noodles gradually dissipated in the air, and Sang Yu couldn't help but sniff and swallow.

Even she was like this, and others couldn't bear it even more. She moved her legs tremblingly and followed behind Huzi, making gasping sounds as she walked, and her stomach made a loud roar.

The one-armed man squatting aside was probably hungry and anxious, and his anger burst out at this moment:

"Leader Sang, you should think of a way. Our group of people has been following you for a short time. People from other bases came to poach before, and we have been guarding you. Now there is only one crystal core left. Return it to If he uses it alone, do we deserve to starve to death?"

His voice was neither loud nor quiet, just enough for people nearby to hear it.

Sang Yu thought that they all saw his father's efforts in their eyes and would speak out to defend him at this moment, but he didn't want a group of people to be more silent than the other!

The one-armed man looked excited. He stood up and drew a circle with his short round arm. "Look at the clothes we are wearing, and look at the hungry bulging bellies of those children. Mr. Sang, I don't believe it." You don’t even have a crystal core in your pocket. It’s true that you can see people’s hearts in the face of disaster. What you did is so chilling.”

Sang Zhengyi knew that he was hungry and felt irritated. He didn't want to argue with him, but seeing that he became more and more unreasonable as he talked, he began to spread random rumors. The rest of the people he led looked at him wrongly, and they coughed in anger.

Sang Yu saw that he didn't distinguish between big and small, so he simply threw his remaining qualities to the back of his head, stood up and cursed:

"Boy Mao Er, shut your mouth! Do you have the nerve to say that you have been with us for a long time? Which base have you seen that can support idle people and distribute free supplies every three days?

There are people who come to dig you up. It's so funny. Since you are so capable, why don't you protect the base when the zombies attack?

What did you do when you were squeezed out by the surrounding bases? It's better to have other bases. Don't you know how much you weigh? If it weren't for buying you a way to survive, how could we be so poor that we only have one crystal core? If only I had one more crystal core, could I watch my dad become so thin? "

The more Sang Yu thought about it, the angrier she became. Her voice shook out of a straight line, and her vision blurred and then became clear. She didn't know whether it was from anger or cold. Her whole body was shaking violently, her mind went blank, and there was a mass of violent anger in her heart that she wanted to vent.

She glanced at each one fiercely, angry at them for not knowing what was right, and angry at her father for why he had to save them at all costs.

The Sangjia base was forced out by other surrounding bases. When they were forced to relocate, they encountered several base commanders who sent people to block the door.

They shamelessly shouted that the base would accommodate anyone with powerful abilities, and that everyone who decided to enter the base would be rewarded with a second-level crystal core.

Sang Zhengyi was shocked. The other party was clearly trying to kill them. How far could a team without superpowers go in the apocalypse?

But no matter how much Sang Zhengyi tried to dissuade him, he couldn't shake the minds of the superpowers who wanted peace of mind.

In the end, there were only some old, weak, sick and abandoned dogs left, pitifully wanting a place to go, but the disgusted eyes on the other side were too piercing, so they had no choice but to come and beg Sang Zhengyi.

"Mayor Sang, you can't leave us behind." They cried and knelt down to kowtow. The young children, who should have been ignorant of their age, also showed signs of despair at this moment.

Sang Zhengyi was the mayor here in peacetime. He has always been honest and conscientious. He was a good mayor who was considerate and considerate of the people before, and he will not change now.

"Auntie and gentlemen, get up quickly. As long as you are willing, I, Sang Zhengyi, will never leave you alone." Sang Zhengyi bent down to help them up one by one, and patted the back of their hands hard, "Don't worry."

Sparse applause broke out.

"It's really a good show of sacrificing oneself for others. I have long heard that Mayor Sang is generous, so he must have spent some crystal cores to help these people survive."

The man opposite smiled evilly and waved for someone to bring him a cloth bag, "It doesn't take much, just fill it up."

Sang Zhengyi said: "Don't go too far, you guys! It's not easy for these old, weak, sick and disabled people to survive, so they still need to collect crystal nuclei to pay for their lives?"

The other party chuckled and threw the mace over his shoulder, "Old mayor, how can they be worthless? Black market~have you heard of it?"

The worthless vulnerable group suddenly thought of something, trembled into chaff, and pinned their last hope on Sang Zhengyi.

The man sneered and leaned closer, whispering in his ear, "Are you still worth the price if you include your double wife?"

He looked unscrupulously at the two Sang girls behind him, who were covered tightly with hats, and said in an extremely soft voice:

"For the sake of saving my life before, just go down the stairs. You look good, and I can repay the favor."

He straightened up, patted Sang Zhengyi on the shoulder, threw the bag into his arms, and said provocatively: "Remember to fill it."

Sang Zhengyi raised his eyes in silence and looked at the familiar superpower standing opposite him. He was originally his support, but now he has become a force that oppresses him.

"Huzi, take out all the crystal cores."


"Dad!" Sang Yu, who couldn't listen any longer, broke free from her sister's hand and rushed over regardless, "Why should we give out the crystal cores? If we have to give out, they should give out!"

With so many crystal cores, they can rent some more houses from Boss Xia! Their family has no worries about food and drink!

Dad, look at me! Sang Yu blinked frantically and gave a verbal prompt, Boss Xia, villa, takeout!

Sang Zhengyi was frightened by her sudden state. He glanced at the opposite side for fear of a sudden change, so he pulled her behind him and shouted angrily: "Go back, what does this have to do with you! Huzi, pour all the crystal cores in!"

Huzi hesitated, but had to listen to the master's words, and was reluctant to let all these crystal cores go down the drain, so he was slow to pour them all out.

Sang Yu shouted anxiously, "Hu Zi, don't fall! Let them also get out of the crystal--"

Suddenly, she was dazed and saw that she dragged her parents, sister and Hu Zi and disappeared directly on the spot. When she appeared again, she saw her father suddenly fall down with a bloody hole on his forehead, followed by her mother, sister and Hu Zi. Before she could scream, she felt a sharp pain on her forehead and her eyes went dark in an instant...

"Hu, hu." Sang Yu suddenly woke up, panting heavily with shock and fear in her eyes. There was an ambush by a superpower! They were all dead, no, that was not true.

Suddenly she screamed, and her mind suddenly felt as if it was pierced by thousands of needles. She couldn't resist and fainted.

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