I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 237 How to distribute

When she woke up again, she was lying on Hu Zi's back, following his steps up and down.

Recalling what she saw before she fainted, she found that there was nothing about the villa.

There was still some pain in the depths of her head. She rubbed her temples to relieve the discomfort. She felt that her superpowers had been upgraded, and her sixth sense had become a three-second prediction.

For a moment, she didn't know whether she should be happy about the upgrade of her superpowers or worry about the old, weak and sick people following behind her.

"Brother Hu Zi, put me down."

Hu Zi said "oh" and half-knelt down to put her down. Before he could ask a question, Sang Yu ran to the back.

He scratched his itchy back and continued to lead the way.

Sang Yu saw her parents and sister who were at the end of the team, jogging all the way.

Sang Zhengyi glanced at her sternly, looking like he was disappointed in her.

Sang Yu didn't dare to say anything, but she was still a little unconvinced in her heart. She quietly asked her sister where they were going, and the answer she got was that her father was going to seek refuge with his friends in the next city.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

I heard that the other party is also the head of the base, and they rarely communicate. They only send signals to exchange information occasionally, and they have been busy hoarding supplies since the beginning of autumn.

Speaking of hoarding, fortunately my mother has a space, otherwise a group of people would not even have food, and they would freeze to death and starve to death in such weather.

Hu Zi was asked by Sang Zhengyi to find a suitable place to stay along the way, especially after the sun sets, the cold drops by more than ten degrees, and the whistling cold wind makes people feel like they are soaked in cold water from head to toe.

Fortunately, they have been in the city, where there are as many dilapidated houses as zombies. Just find a dilapidated store and use the small office inside as a residence.

After settling everyone, Hu Zi placed the twisted security door between the two walls as a door.

Eat a simple meal as a meal, and everyone huddled together quietly, trying not to make any noise.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger at night, and the people in the small room were shivering.

Sang Yu couldn't stand the cold any more, so she dragged her sister and parents back to the villa while no one was paying attention. As soon as she stepped in, she was greeted by a gentle warm breeze.

She shivered all over and felt like she was alive again.

Poor Hu Zi had to freeze outside. There was no other way, he was too far away at the door, and she didn't want others to know about this place, it would be troublesome.

The two sisters helped their already frail mother to sit on the sofa. Sang Guqiu took out the only remaining crystal core from her pocket and chose to help her mother apply for a points card. She didn't know when Boss Xia would approve it.

Sang Zhengyi looked at the brightly lit villa. Although this was his second time entering here, it still looked awkward. He bent down and touched the ground, which was still warm.

"Sang Yu, you said before how many crystal cores it costs to rent here for a month?"

"180,000 points a month." She continued to mutter, "If my father hadn't insisted on giving away those crystal cores, our family would live well here. Why would we go out and suffer the cold?"

Hearing this, Sang Zhengyi shouted angrily: "Sang Yu! I am your father and the base commander with responsibilities. I am the only one who can protect them. Do you want me to watch them freeze to death, starve to death, and be sent to the black market to be sold like animals?"

Sang Yu, who was scolded, lowered her head and said nothing. Sang Guqiu hugged her mother's arm and tried her best to be a background board, fearing that her father would vent his anger on her.

Or his mother secretly winked at him, asking him to stop talking.

Sang Zhengyi asked: "Sang Yu, is there a limit on the number of people here?"

He knew his daughter. If everyone could come in, Sang Yu would have brought everyone in long ago, instead of sneaking in in the middle of the night because she couldn't stand the cold.

Sure enough, Sang Yu said, "Yes, only ten people can come in."

Sang Zhengyi nodded secretly, this is reasonable, if there is no limit, it would be too against the sky.

"When you go out later, tell others that this is your special ability. You can accommodate ten people at a time. Do you understand?"

In this way, Sang Yu sent a group of people in every hour. Even her mother could only go in five times a day, and her father gritted his teeth and refused to go in, even though the wind and snow outside were getting stronger and stronger, and his knees were so painful that he needed a wheelchair.

She went to Lidai Island several times in a hurry, but there was nothing in the supermarket and there was no fish in the sea. She had no choice but to leave Lidai Island.

The heavy snow outside not only blocked their footsteps, but also blocked the zombies who were not afraid of the cold. The sound of the wind like a crane also interfered with their judgment, allowing them to escape when the zombies came.

Then they found a place to spend the night. The mother took out food and distributed it to everyone, and then they walked into the city next door little by little.

Sang Yu put away his memories gloomily and glared at the one-armed man who dared not say a word.

Sang Zhengyi did not say anything, but asked Hu Zi, who had just returned from dinner, to lead the way to the place he found to spend the night.

Mao Er knew that he was in the wrong, and was worried that the Sang family would really abandon him, so he stamped his numb feet, lowered his head and shrunk his neck to squeeze in the middle of the team.

Hu Zi led the way, turned the corner, ignored the piles of zombie corpses, walked along the street and stopped.

"The house here not only has a door, but also has neatly stacked wood inside. Someone should have lived there, sir, I have seen it, there is no one inside, and the bed is covered with dust, we can just live there."

Hu Zi excitedly pushed open a door and showed them the inside.

Sure enough, as he said, there was a lot of dry wood inside, stacked in a row against the wall, and there were simple beds and cabinets and other household items in the room.

Sang Zhengyi was overjoyed and cheered, "Let's stay here!"

Sang Yu and her sister also breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, there were few zombies here. They didn't see a zombie passing by for most of the day, which made the two people who wanted to kill zombies and take out the crystal core very depressed.

If they had known that there were no zombies here, they would not have just avoided zombies all the way.

On the first night they settled down, heavy snow fell from the sky. The wind and blizzard whistled past. Wood was lit in the room for heating, and thick smoke was blown away by the wind through the cracks in the door.

There was a rustling noise, and everyone took out food and gathered in front of the fire to eat.

Sang Yu estimated that the time was almost up, so he returned to the villa and sent out the 9 people who were lying on the floor of the hall to rest, and sent another 9 people in according to the order.

Fortunately, she was the owner of the villa. Even if she was not inside, she had absolute control. She restricted people who entered to move within a ten-meter radius of the hall. Fortunately, everyone was very obedient. After entering, they would not walk around and would lie down on the warm floor to sleep.

In this way, they lived in this house for a long time. As the snow outside became deeper and deeper, the door was blocked to form a natural ice door, and everyone was even more afraid to go out.

Until one day, someone suddenly heard the sound of an unknown thing walking in the snow outside. It didn't sound like a human, and a bad thought surged from the bottom of his heart.

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