"Hush! Keep your voice down, there seems to be something outside!" Hu Zi shouted softly, leaning close to the door and listening carefully.

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The snow pile outside the door is nearly two meters high. After being hardened by the sun and blown by the wind, the snow on the surface looks hard, but it is actually very soft.

If someone walks on it, there will be a crisp cracking sound first, and then a rustling sound of stepping on the snow.

At this time, the sound is very much like something is deeply trapped in the snow pile, forcing it to move forward straight!

Sang Zhengyi got up from the wheelchair, ignored his sore knees and whispered, leaning against the door to listen seriously, and his face became ugly in an instant. He pressed his hands hard behind his back, signaling Sang Yu to put out the fire quickly.

Burning wood will make a crackling sound, which is probably caused by this sound!

The atmosphere froze instantly, and an unknown fear surrounded the upper part of the room. This group of ordinary people who were unable to protect themselves hugged each other and squeezed into the innermost layer of the room, motionless, trying to see through the wooden door to see the monster outside in fear.

Sang Yu's heart was also tightened. Seeing that only her father and Hu Zi were guarding in front, if the things outside really rushed in, how much could they resist alone?

She walked back lightly, pointed at a few men in the crowd, and whispered: "You also go up to help, don't hide behind!"

Although the men named were also somewhat disabled, they were more powerful than the weaker disabled women at this moment. What was the point of hiding behind?

She pulled out a longer piece of wood and stuffed it into their hands. Then she and her sister also picked up one and wanted to help.

Suddenly someone grabbed her sleeve, and when she looked back, it was a woman with mild cataracts.

"Miss Sang, can you send my child inside? I have the strength to rush to the front to help." She pushed the child in her arms forward, took the stick from her hand, and the corners of her dry mouth were straight.

Hearing her say this, other women with children around came up and made the same gesture.

Sang Yu nodded fiercely, called the people in the villa out, and passed the children in.

As these mothers said, knowing that their children were safe, they also had the heart to resist, and they would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for their children.

Sang Yu was pushed to the back and hid by them. After all, she held the hopes of many people.

Sang Zhengyi only looked back and continued to listen to the movement outside.

The bad news was that the sound increased when the fire was extinguished, and the things trapped in the snow pile heard it more clearly, and sped up their movements along the sound.

The good news was that it lost the source of the sound after taking a few steps, and could not find the direction, so it stagnated in place.

Sang Zhengyi breathed a sigh of relief, and Hu Zi gently opened a crack in the door to see what was happening outside.

The deep snow was still so white that I couldn't see the things behind at all. Maybe that thing was still far away.

Hu Zi was born with a lack of brains. He became even bolder when he thought about it. He stretched out his finger and poked a hole on it. He put his eyes on the hole and looked inside.

Sang Zhengyi was shocked by his action and broke into a cold sweat.

He tried his best to lower his voice, "Don't mess around, come back quickly."

Hu Zi grinned, his voice was a little high, "It's okay, I just heard it, they are far away."

Sang Yu trembled all over, and two big words appeared in his mind-it's over! Damn Hu Zi's voice was too loud!

Sure enough, the thing found the source of the sound again and dug hard with its claws inside.

Hu Zi didn't wait for everyone to exclaim, and closed the door with a bang, and wrapped a few circles of wire around it to fix it.

"It's okay. Leave it to me here." Hu Zi asked Sang Zhengyi to retreat to the back and pulled out a thick wooden stick and held it in his hand.

Everyone huddled together in fear, the women in the middle could see their legs shaking, and the men were in the front.

The digging sound outside gradually approached, and seemed to stop again one meter away from the door.

At this moment, no one dared to make a sound, for fear of attracting the agitation of that thing again.

After a stalemate of half an hour, there was no sound outside as if nothing had ever existed, and the digging sound was just a collective hallucination.

But no one dared to gamble, even if their feet were numb and stiff, and they were shaking with cold, no one dared to suggest burning firewood, and even eating was done carefully, after all, people cannot control the gurgling sound of hungry stomachs.

This night was difficult.

"Master, this is not a solution, how about I go out and take a look?" Hu Zi scratched his cheek, and came up with such a bad idea after racking his brains.

Needless to say, Sang Zhengyi would never agree.

"That won't work. We dare not make any noise. Most importantly, we can't light a fire to keep warm. We will freeze to death."

He was right. Even if Sang Yu replaced a group of people to keep warm every half an hour, they couldn't hold on for long in the weather of minus 30 or 40 degrees Celsius. Sang Zhengyi was a little worried that they would catch a cold due to the alternating temperature.

In this small house, if one person caught a cold, everyone would be affected. What should we do then?

Just as Sang Zhengyi was frowning and thinking of a solution, a little kid sneezed.

He is such a bad luck!

The thing close to the door suddenly turned its head, roared out of the snow pile, and pounced on the door.

"Hurry up and bring something to defend yourself!" Sang Zhengyi took the lead in picking up a wooden stick, intending to strike first, "Hu Zi, open the door and kill it."

Hu Zi sighed, holding the wooden stick with nails tightly in his left hand, and pulled the broken door open with his right hand, smashing the things outside.

"It's a zombie." The old lady hiding at the back gasped after seeing it clearly, and pulled the children behind her with trembling hands, opening her hands wide to protect them.

The short nails just penetrated the surface of the zombie's head, and it was not fatal at all.

The zombie roared and stretched out his hand, with white snowflakes in his black nails, and his ugly and ferocious appearance made people feel numb.

Hu Zi's long arms avoided the zombie's claws and pulled the wooden stick out hard.

At the same time, Sang Zhengyi hit with the stick, and there was a crisp sound, as if hitting some ice. Except for some ice chips, the zombie's head was safe and sound.

Good guy, it turned out to be frozen hard.

At this time, all the men rushed up, banging the wooden fish without thinking, even if their knuckles were numb and painful, they still smashed them desperately.

Two fists cannot beat four hands, how can a zombie beat a group of people who have lost their minds?

It didn't take too long, no matter how hard the frozen zombie's head was, it had to be smashed, and when it fell to the ground, the debris in the head splattered all over the ground.

A corner of the crystal core was faintly visible in the largest piece.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a rustling sound everywhere, and they paused and listened, as if countless zombies were rushing over in a pile. Everyone's face turned pale, and they didn't care about anything else. Hu Zi threw the zombie's body on the snow pile outside and locked the door tightly.

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