I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 239 Who is the base commander?

Everyone gasped and stared.

If this one zombie is so difficult to deal with, how can he defeat several more?

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Sang Guqiu picked up the piece of ice ball wrapped with crystal cores and pounded it hard with the bottom of the wood. A gap opened, and the crystal cores fell out of it, which she put into her pocket.

She had been thinking about the fact that her father had not yet applied for the card, and the only crystal core had been given to her mother first. The guilt in her heart kept haunting her. Now that she finally got the crystal core again, she must help her father apply for the card.

Her actions were seen by everyone, but no one dared to stop her. Some people who didn't care about the crystal core secretly cursed her for making noise at all times, but Sang Guqiu didn't take them seriously at all.

It was obvious that the zombies that were about to come were attracted by the movement just now and had nothing to do with her little voice.

"Get ready, they're coming." Huzi suddenly said, and the atmosphere in the venue instantly became serious.

No matter what, the zombies are already outside the door, so there's no point in arguing. Let's deal with the upcoming crisis outside first.

The door was banged by the zombies, and the dull sound seemed to hit everyone's heart. The rapidly beating heart powerfully sent blood to the whole body, contributing to the next battle.

"Men, come here and block the door! Hold on!" Sang Zhengyi's veins popped out on his forehead, and he and Huzi blocked the door. The rest of the men also followed, putting their hands on the iron door full of holes. , wrestling with the zombies outside.

Sang Yu threw the children into the villa again, and went in to find the kitchen knife. When he left, he heard a voice saying that one hundred points had been deducted.

Just buckle it, her life is at stake. If she hadn't found the hammer, how could she have come out with the kitchen knife!

She didn't have time to feel distressed and returned to the scene.

"Brother Huzi, take it!" She squeezed through the crowd and handed the kitchen knife to Huzi. His long arms were more suitable for it than anyone else.

No one bothered to worry about where she found the weapon. Instead, she felt a strange sense of security when she saw it.

Chop, chop, chop! Hack them to death!

This iron door was riddled with traces of holes. It was making an unpleasant sound under the push of both parties. The homemade simple hinges were shaking and were about to fall off.

The people behind him saw beads of sweat hanging on their foreheads.

"No, that's not good."

I don't know whose voice it was, but as soon as I predicted it was wrong, the next second the top hinge fell down with a clang, hitting Sang Zhengyi's head.

He looked up in pain and saw that there was a gap above the door, and a ferocious face suddenly appeared behind it.

"Ah! Up there."

The screams made him even more excited. His stiff head was bumping, and his black and blue face looked like a rotting corpse that had been frozen for many years in a funeral parlor and crawled out again. It looked scary and disgusting.

Winter zombies don't stink, but their heads are harder and more troublesome to fight.

Their physical strength is limited, and zombies are tireless. After three hours of this, the strength inside gradually loses strength, and even the desire to survive is no longer strong.

Sang Zhengyi saw this and was anxious in his heart, so he had to encourage them in a low voice.

Sang Yu also approached from behind, guarding her father without any expression. She had already sent her sister and mother to the villa. As long as the situation was not right, she would quickly take action to protect herself.

Sang Zhengyi saw her thoughts at a glance, and couldn't say the words stuck in his throat to ask her to back off.

As the hinges fell off one by one, it became a certainty that zombies would eventually come in.

Some mothers saw something was wrong and cried and begged Sang Yu to take their children in to give them a way to survive.

Sang Yu looked at her father. Sang Zhengyi knew that it was useless to tell lies at this moment, so she nodded and made a last effort. She said, "Don't worry, I can do it."

The zombies were close in front of them. Sang Yu and the mothers picked up wooden sticks and hit the zombies' heads in the crack of the door. The banging sound was really not lethal, but the zombies were getting closer and closer.

Just when everyone was in despair, several very powerful voices sounded outside.



A deafening sound rang out, and the zombies in the crack of the door were attracted by the louder sound and turned around to pounce on the visitor.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden change. They leaned in front of the door and took a look. They saw power users in uniforms with special symbols on their shoulder sleeves killing zombies.

That sign? Here come the rescuers!

Everyone who escaped from the hands of death was surprised and happy. Seeing them felt an unprecedented sense of intimacy.

It is a very difficult zombie for them to deal with, and it is as easy as squeezing mud in the opponent's hands.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen zombies fell to the ground, but they were unharmed.

They noticed that there were still survivors behind the crumbling door, and a man stepped out of the team and stepped forward to ask a few words.

Sang Zhengyi went up to reply. When the other party asked if he was willing to accept rescue and be teleported back to the base, he weighed it.

Going to a friend is a low-level move. The two parties have not been in contact for a long time and cannot bring benefits to each other. In comparison, the other party's military-managed base is willing to accept them, which is a timely help.

He then asked, "Can I tell you who the base director is?"

The man replied: "Chu Wanfu, General Chu."

Sang Zhengyi was stunned and then overjoyed.

"Okay, agree, agree! Let's all go."


Xia Yan has been lying in the safe zone for two days.

She drank all kinds of tea and tasted all kinds of snacks, but she couldn't wait for Chu Wanfu to come to her door.

Could it be that there are new survivors in the base?

While she was lamenting, a customer came downstairs to find her, and he sounded like he was complaining when he opened his mouth.

"Boss Xia, please go up and take a look. That bastard broke the washing machine. I can't even wash the clothes."

Xia Yan stood up and asked curiously: "Which bastard?"

Lin sighed, "It's the baby named Ye."

Ye Qizheng?

This was strange. She rarely heard that Ye Qi was committing crimes, and she didn't receive any notification from the system.

"I'll go up and have a look."

Lin led the way, complaining as she walked:

"Some people here are so careless. They throw underwear, pants, socks and shoes all together, and don't clean them up after washing. The ground is covered with water. They also order the waiters to do it. I can't stand it. ”

Xia Yan was surprised, "Is there such a thing?"

Lin snorted coldly, "The store manager Xiong Xiong is easy to talk to. He can just fool him and get over it, and then——"

Just as the elevator was in place, she was interrupted by a ding. As soon as Bai Zuo and Baiyou saw Xia Yan, he stood up straight, held his head high and chest out, and walked out with an upright look on his face.

"Pay attention to safety." Lin endured it again and again, but turned around and warned her.

These two bastards really can't do it without a parent to discipline them, and they don't know how to refuse when they get picked up by some unscrupulous people.

The two stepped into the elevator and stopped on the fifth floor when the door opened.

"Hey, look who's here again."

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