I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 240 Everyone knows it

Xia Yan looked around and saw a short, middle-aged woman with curly hair standing at the elevator entrance with her arms folded.

"Are you talking about me?" she asked.

Only then did the middle-aged woman see someone behind the elevator door. Her expression changed faster than flipping through a book, "No, no, no, Boss Xia, I didn't talk about you."


Lin snorted coldly, "It depends on what people order."

The middle-aged woman glared: "Who are you scolding?"

Lin replied: "I will scold anyone who answers."

The two of them were quarreling back and forth, and it seemed that this happened often.

In the later period, Xia Yan didn't care much about the store. I really didn't know that everyone had found loopholes in the store rules. They didn't do anything, only used their mouths, and they were not allowed to curse people or bring in relatives.

Everything depends on lip service and even loss and training of "martial arts".

But now that Xia Yan was present, the two of them were more or less restrained. After a few quarrels, the middle-aged woman muttered and left.

Lin and Xia Yan were the only ones left at the scene. It was a good opportunity to complain, but Kelin didn't say a word to add insult to injury.

"Boss Xia, look at it, it's like this. He uses the washing machine every day and never takes it away on time. It just piles up in there. If someone wants to use it later, he won't be happy to help him hang it out."

Lin pointed to the fully automatic washing machine that had stopped working. There were indeed shoes and various clothes mixed in behind the transparent glass.

Xia Yan frowned.

She called the attendant in charge of the hygiene on this floor and asked the customer in which room these clothes belonged to, and asked that customer to come out and claim them.

There are many customers washing clothes in the public laundry room, and they are all aware of the domineering behavior of this family. Let me remind you, the hostess comes to quarrel with her waist, very fierce.

People who can live in hotels pursue peaceful coexistence and are rarely willing to start disputes with them. Besides, there is more than one washing machine in the laundry room, and another one can still be used.

Even if there are no idle machines inside, the worst case scenario is just waiting. If you can't afford to offend, you can't afford to hide. The steel plate will always be kicked.

No, Lin showed up, and after being reminded twice in a row, she still didn't change. She immediately took out all the clothes and put them aside. Even if the owner of the clothes came, she still didn't panic. She could make as much noise as she wanted. There was no one around anyway. Dare to take action.

It's okay now. Boss Xia is here to solve the problem. There is no rush to put away the clothes that were originally dried. They are full of pleats and need to be shaken out.

"Hey, why did you ask me to come here? Put the clothes inside first when they are dry. Why are you in a hurry? I will come and get them in a moment."

Xia Yan heard a familiar voice approaching from the corridor, and the familiar little man with curly hair caught his eye first.

It turned out to be her, a middle-aged woman she had just met.

"Are these clothes yours?"

The middle-aged woman looked in the direction of her finger and said with a flattering smile: "Yes, yes, it's mine. Oops, it's finished so quickly. The stuff from Boss Xia is better, it's very efficient."

She strode forward and took out her clothes, smiling at the neighbors watching the excitement.

"I'm sorry, I have a bad memory and always forget. Please remind me more in the future."

Lin couldn't bear to listen and said: "Are these your clothes? Do you think we are blind?"

A young single woman continued: "This is not hers, it is a man named Ye Zi! That man is always fierce, there is no way to tell."

Many people were very resentful towards Ye Zi and took this opportunity to spit and insinuations that even middle-aged women dared not speak.

Xia Yan seemed to have discovered something terrible.

"What were you scolding just now?" A man in his thirties rushed in from the door with his trousers lifted, looking like I heard all the bad things you said.

leaf? Could it be that he was not talking about Ye Qizheng, but the man with the brackets on his face in front of him?

Xia Yan looked at Lin in confusion and shock, who nodded, "That's him. He comes to collect clothes every time. We can't squeeze him or make any noise."

She asked in a low voice: "Do you think he looks like a doll?"

Lin nodded affirmatively, "In my eyes, you are all dolls. Those in their fifties and thirties are nothing if not dolls."

"You're still filing a complaint? How old are you?" Ye Zi across the street looked in disbelief, "It doesn't matter what, I spent the money."

With his support, the middle-aged woman also agreed, "There are obviously so many empty washing machines here that are not in use, so you have to focus on the one you are using? What do you mean?"

Lin didn't let her, "What does it have to do with you? You always make mistakes. I think if there wasn't a double room now, you two would have lived together long ago."

This is obvious to everyone. No one else is allowed to enter the single room except you. There is no place for the two of you to go. You can see the two of them hugging each other at any time in the corridor, laundry room, restaurant, and the leisure area on the top floor.

Love is free, but this woman has more than just one boyfriend...

Xia Yan frowned and shouted, "Okay, don't make any noise."

The middle-aged woman stared, closed her mouth, and wrapped her arms around Ye Zi's forearm.

When there was no sound at all in the laundry room, Xia Yan continued:

"Although the store does not stipulate the length of time for washing clothes, you should not keep occupying them after washing. This should be a quality that everyone has. Do I have to make rules before I abide by them?"

Xia Yan's tone was not polite, as if he didn't save any face.

"One more thing, although everyone's living habits are different, you may be willing to wash your clothes, shoes and socks together. I shouldn't say anything. After all, this is shared by everyone. I still have to respect the wishes of most people.

Let's do this. This washing machine is packaged for you. It only costs 500 points per month and can only be used by yourself. How about it? "

What direction is this going?

"Yes, you can rent it and use it as you like in the future." This suggestion aroused everyone's approval.

Donโ€™t you love taking up resources? Rent one and use it as much as you can!

Ye Zi's face looked a little ugly and he didn't say anything. He took out the clothes and shoes from the washing machine and held them in his arms. He muttered and left: "I will take away the clothes after washing in the future. It will not occupy any more resources. The washing machine I wonโ€™t rent it, and I donโ€™t have any points.โ€

Giving in so quickly?

Lin added, "Don't leave water all over the floor in the future. Remember to click the disinfection button after using the washing machine. To be altruistic is to be altruistic."

Ye Zi paused for a moment, nodded and disappeared into the corridor. The middle-aged woman who was left alone could not help but ran towards the other direction of the corridor without saying a word.

Several people on the field exchanged understanding looks.

I thought I was hiding deep. This floor is all single rooms. You can't see them when you look up or down. Everyone can see the eyes, the body language, and the exchange of crystal nuclei. It's just that they are too lazy to care.

Lin was confused, how could she be so embarrassed to say this to a single boss.

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