I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 241 Goodbye Sang Yu

Xia Yan gave her a look that showed he knew, and asked the staff to dismantle the washing machine and replace it with a new one.

It was really speechless that something like this happened in the store, but after thinking about it, it felt a bit normal.

The zombies were surrounding outside and could take the crystal core at any time. The hotel had everything it needed. The survival crisis was reduced, so naturally some people would be tempted to have sex.

In addition, under the continuous mental attack of some people who were unwilling to take risks and had physiological needs, the two sides hit it off.

It just disgusted others.

As expected, people still can't be idle. Once they are idle, their thoughts will slip.

Xia Yan returned to the hall and looked through other options in the mall. He found the portal inside. He saw that it was priced at 4 million points per set, with a total of two doors, used as a set.

Hiss, it's really expensive.

Xia Yan felt pain while calculating the points he had at present. Compared with this sky-high price, the income of the store was like a child's play.

What can I do with tens of thousands of points from the turnover? Fortunately, a large number of points have been credited to the rental villa. Except for Chu Wanfu, who has not paid the balance, the other four customers have paid on time and successfully credited 4.32 million.

After confirming the purchase, the points dropped sharply to 390,000.

The portal was sent to the system grid.

Such a luxurious portal must of course be installed in the most conspicuous place, firstly to facilitate many people to enter and exit, and secondly to allow new customers to see the tall building of the hotel at a glance.

In the end, she chose to install it at the location closest to the protective shield, without any other reason, just to shock everyone.

[The portal is under construction, countdown 5, 4...1]

The countdown ended and the portal was built.

Bai Zuo and Bai You, who were hooking zombies on the edge of the protective shield, grinned at her and the door behind.

The two were more afraid of Xia Yan, and even if they were full of curiosity, they only dared to watch from where they were.

Xia Yan ignored the two and walked through the back door of the hall and walked into the branch. There were two portals in a set, and they needed to be built twice.

The branch was packed with customers, most of whom were there to enjoy the hot air, holding their bowls and drinking porridge bit by bit.

These faces looked very unfamiliar, with frostbite on their faces or hands. There were a few special customers squatting beside the table legs next to them, eating steamed buns and dumplings with one arm, their cheeks bulging, their necks stiff, and swallowing with effort.

"Eat slowly, there is enough food here, don't choke." The woman in uniform persuaded, then led the people behind her to the self-service card machine, handed over the crystal core, and asked them to apply for the card by themselves.

"The base will only issue crystal cores this time, so look at the price yourself and save money. When there are jobs in the base and people start recruiting later, you all should be smart and sign up."

The survivors nodded repeatedly, looking at the points card on their forearms with excitement, "Can you buy food now?"

"Yes, go ahead." The woman waved her hand, ticked the names of several people in the notebook, and then waved to call the next group of people.

From this point of view, there is no free space on the first floor to install the portal. The second floor is a buffet restaurant, and the third floor is too high, which is not convenient for multiple people to teleport.

After thinking about it, the only option is to install the door on the glass outside.

Xia Yan walked out sideways, passed the survivors guarding the door, and decided to install the construction after choosing a good location.

The long line outside the store went all the way past the sundry store. Among the dark clothes, Xia Yan's clean and bright down jacket was very eye-catching.

The survivor silently tilted his head and looked from her brand new shoes to her shiny black hair.

Looking down at her muddy shoes and pants, the girl of her age hid back with inferiority and sensitivity.

Alas, when can I live a peaceful life without worrying about food and clothing...

[The portal has been built, do you want to set restrictions?]

A page popped up in front of Xia Yan, with many options, she just needed to check them.

The door that suddenly appeared on the glass attracted the attention of the customers in the store, who always felt that Boss Xia's things were unusual.

Everyone gathered in front of the glass to take a closer look. Some even stretched out their hands to try to get through. Then they poked the glass, but the distance between their fingers and the door was far away.

Xia Yan thought again and again, and still added a limit of 50 points per person.

If there is no limit on the charge, I am afraid that everyone will have to run around, which will not only cause trouble to the base, but also affect the main store.

If someone is willing to spend points to teleport over, that's another matter.

"Who is that? Boss Xia?!"

A cry of surprise came from behind, and Xia Yan looked back and saw a family of four standing in the distance, with the younger girls waving at her.

Looking closely, it seems to be the third island owner Sang Yu?

But why are they here?

Sang Yu was overjoyed after confirming again, "It's really Boss Xia!" Pulling her sister to trot over.

Sang's mother took Sang Zhengyi's arm and helped him stand steady.

They have been allocated a house, and they can still light a fire in the house. His knees have been relieved a lot. Although he still feels a little uncomfortable, he doesn't need to sit in a wheelchair anymore.

"Is that the boss Xia the girls mentioned?" he asked his wife quietly.

Sang's mother took a look and said, "I haven't seen him either. I heard from Yuyu that he is a very capable person. Now he seems to have some strength."

Sang Zhengyi nodded, "Yes, that restaurant also says it is a holiday hotel. The person in charge here secretly told me that the base is basically supported by the restaurant. The purpose of the crystal core they distributed is also to let everyone eat here. It is better to offend General Chu than to offend Boss Xia."

Sang's mother was surprised, "Is that so?"

"Well, it would be best if my daughter can have a good relationship with her. If not, don't make enemies. You can talk to the girls later."

Mother Sang nodded.

Opposite, next to Boss Xia, the two sisters from the Sang family were talking around with smiles on their faces. Just looking at their expressions, Boss Xia looked relaxed, as if he was easy to get along with, but with such a powerful person, who could be simple?

Unlike my daughter, there is clear stupidity in her eyes that cannot be concealed.

Sang's mother felt that her husband was right and needed a good beating.

Sang Yu was very surprised and asked Xia Yan, "Does this restaurant also belong to you?"

Xia Yan nodded.

Sang Yu gave a thumbs up, "Wow, then you are amazing, you are really capable."

Sang Guqiu was smiling, and spoke in a gentle tone that was completely different from his sister's, "We couldn't believe it when we saw it yesterday. We thought it was a fake shop owner, but we didn't expect it was really Boss Xia's shop."

She was telling the truth. When her family came here with the leader to apply for a card, Sang Yu shouted that it was impossible and scolded this store for pirated goods. She said that she would file a complaint with Boss Xia in a few days and that piracy must be cracked down on and respected. Original.

Now, it turns out that it is really Boss Xia’s shop.

Sang Yu and Sang Guqiu were laughing while talking, their eyes were glowing, and although their cheeks were a little sunken, they were not haggard and lifeless. It seemed that they had not suffered too much along the way.

Xia Yan asked how they got here.

Speaking of this Sang Yu, there is a lot to say, from beginning to end, no detail is spared.

She pointed to the survivors lining up behind her and said: "In the end, they were the only ones willing to follow us, and it was also to protect them. My sister and I never dared to go back to the villa and stayed on both sides of the team. Fortunately, not many people died. "

It was impossible without casualties. Sang Yu and her sister always thought they were lucky.

"Boss Xia, how long have you been here?"

Just as Xia Yan was about to speak, he was interrupted by the sound of urgent movement in the distance, and he saw a group of people hurriedly approaching with serious expressions.

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