The next day, Xia Yan got up early and opened the curtains to find that it was still raining outside.

Thinking that she could go shopping today, she excitedly found a backpack from the closet, changed into a black sportswear that was convenient for movement, quickly washed up, went upstairs and opened the door of the breakfast room.

After eating 3 fried dumplings and drinking a cup of soy milk, she went downstairs first.

"Xiongxiong, go upstairs after 8 o'clock and clean the breakfast room."

Xia Yan turned around and saw Jing Yimai coming over, and it was not easy to ask him if he had eaten enough.

"Let's go, Boss Xia." Jing Yimai put on a military green waterproof suit and waterproof boots, and walked to the door with his long legs.

Xia Yan responded, followed and asked the system to close the door, prohibiting people from going out and entering, and the defense system was on 24 hours a day, so she was relieved.

At six o'clock in the morning, although it was still a little dark under the dark clouds, you could still see both sides of the street clearly.

Jing Yimai shook the umbrella in his hand, opened it with a swish, and covered his head.


Looking back, he saw that she also held up the umbrella, so he didn't intend to meddle in other people's business.

Xia Yan took a few quick steps to keep pace with him.

The two of them hurried along the way without saying a word. Jing Yimai looked around with sharp eyes, and could always quickly find the zombies in the corner, and hide before the zombies found them, and approached the supermarket safely.

While Xia Yan seemed to be hurrying, she was actually observing the surrounding environment in secret, and she was also memorizing the way.

Maybe I will have to come here often in the future, how can I not know the way!

"We are here."

Jing Yimai stopped, and there were three super large words hanging on the square building across the road.

Tai Yinfa!

Xia Yan looked over along the edge of the umbrella, feeling quite good.

After walking for more than an hour, we finally arrived!

"Let's go in."

Cross the street and walk straight to the gate.

As he got closer, Xia Yan could see more clearly. The huge glass doors and windows were all smashed, and the ground was covered with broken glass. He could see directly inside through the empty gate.

Because the supermarket was lit by lights, there was no window inside. When there was no electricity, it was so dark inside that you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

Jing Yimai knew it was extremely dark inside, and secretly thought that this trip might be a waste of time.

Girls are not only afraid of the dark, but also afraid of anything that might appear in the dark.

He kicked the empty cans blown by the wind casually, and the clanging sound echoed layer by layer in the dark space, which was a bit creepy.

Xia Yan was really startled and turned back to look at him.

Jing Yimai looked back calmly, as if he didn't kick it.

"Are you still going in?"

Xia Yan heard the teasing in his calm tone, took a deep breath without making a sound, took out the flashlight, and turned on the switch. The whole space was as bright as day, and it was clearly illuminated.

"Go in!" After saying that, she walked in first.

Jing Yimai looked at the farthest point where the flashlight could reach, and sighed that she had a lot of good things. She was not afraid that he would be tempted by the money, so she took them out openly.

Xia Yan was really not afraid. The top defense given by the system was not a joke, and she could also teleport to the hotel instantly.

There were two milk tea shops in the two rows at the entrance of the supermarket. On the left was a chicken shop, and on the right was a small gourmet restaurant, but they had been robbed and smashed, and it was a mess.

In front of her were two roads to the left and straight ahead. Xia Yan was not familiar with the environment inside, so she raised her head to check the signpost above.

Seeing this, Jing Yimai passed her and walked in front, leading the way silently.

Turning left and walking 50 meters, Jing Yimai saw a long elevator going up. With the help of the light, he saw several zombies in the middle of the elevator, lying on the ground and not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

He picked up a table leg and continued to walk in front.

The light stretched his shadow long, like a black giant holding a cane several meters high.

Xia Yan understood what he meant and stopped at the elevator entrance below.

Jing Yimai walked over and touched the zombie's body. Seeing that it was already dead, he took out a piece of rag from his pocket, wrapped it in his hand, grabbed the zombie's leg and threw it downstairs.

He didn't turn around and call her until all the zombies in the elevator were cleared out.

"Come up."

Xia Yan responded with a smile, and her good impression of Jing Yimai increased in her heart.

He was quiet, hardworking, and careful.

In the future, he would give priority to selling vegetables and fruits to him.

And she could get a VVIP, which would be issued to customers she recognized, and they would buy everything in the hotel first.

After climbing the elevator, the door of the supermarket finally appeared in front of her.

Xia Yan shone a flashlight inside. Whether it was the vertical shelves or the shelves in the middle, they were not only empty, but also violently dismantled.

It was as if an unreliable demolition team ran away halfway through their work.

Jing Yimai was calm. After the apocalypse, supermarkets, warehouses, wholesale areas and other places with inventory had been looted by everyone. Even in the severe winter when there was no heating, they found all kinds of wooden furniture and books to light a fire to survive the winter.

In the severe winter, some northerners lived in the countryside, and some went south. Although the temperature in the south was higher than that in the north in winter, the air was damp and cold, and it was very unbearable without the hot wind of heating tools.

Basically, many people died every winter.

Xia Yan tried to step on a flat place. There was nothing to collect here, and continued to look inside.

In front was the home appliance area, which looked well preserved. Her eyes lit up and she ran in.

Is she looking for home appliances?

Jing Yimai understood instantly that the hotel had water and electricity, and she could really use these things.

But why come to the supermarket? Not to the home appliance mall?

Jing Yimai couldn't understand, but it didn't affect his inference for the hotel's business and thought of the furniture mall, where he could also go shopping.

Xia Yan found a hanging air conditioner, which looked fully functional, but it was covered with dust.

'System, take the air conditioner back to the store. '


So Jing Yimai found that the air conditioner in front of her disappeared.

Originally, he thought he had to carry the air conditioner back, and he was thinking about how many trips he would have to run to install air conditioners in all the rooms?

After all, the hot season is coming, if the room has air conditioning, he is very willing to rent it directly for half a year.

But if Boss Xia only plans to install air conditioning in his room, it is enough to take one air conditioner.

After all, electricity needs to burn crystal cores to supply energy. It is unrealistic to turn on air conditioning in all rooms. How many crystal cores will it consume?

Even if he was responsible for the power supply crystal cores in his room, the existing stock could only support more than a month at most.

It must be said that Boss Xia was very generous. The lights could be turned on at any time, the water in the water pipes was clear, the cheap breakfast provided every morning, and the room price was ridiculously cheap...

Jing Yimai completely stopped thinking and followed her quietly.

"There is also a vertical refrigerator here that can be used." He pointed to the only refrigerator in the corner that had no damage on the surface.

Xia Yan took the opportunity to look over, wow, it was actually a large-capacity refrigerator with a cross-opening door!

Jing Yimai took a piece of rag from his pocket, simply wiped off the dust on it, opened the door, and revealed the space inside that was still clean and tidy.

"Okay, okay! It can be used!" Xia Yan was going to put this refrigerator in her room so that she could put in any unfinished food in the future.

'System, put it in the hall and let Xiongxiong disinfect it. '

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