I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 24 Collecting Electrical Appliances

"You can also help me look for any other household appliances that can be used, including microwave ovens and electric woks!"

These things are also sold in the mall, but they are expensive and she has no points. Since the system has no objection, it means it is feasible.

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Jing Yimai nodded and walked in the other direction. The view there was very dark. When she saw it, she bought another flashlight and threw it over.

"Hold this flashlight and be careful of zombies."

Jing Yimai stretched out his hand to take it, thinking a little strangely, wasn't she even wary of him? You can safely give him such a valuable thing? Does she trust?

His eyes were complicated. It was normal for this word to appear in peaceful times, but it was very unexpected when it appeared in the apocalypse.

As if recalling something, he clenched his hands into fists and clenched his teeth.

There is no trust in the apocalypse!

Jing Yimai turned on the switch indifferently and rummaged for usable electrical appliances.

Xia Yan didn't know that Jing Yimai's mood had changed several times. She was debating whether to buy a smoking machine and put it back in the hotel.

There is no open kitchen in her room for the time being, and the price of this smoking machine is too high!

She just couldn't give it up after seeing the selling price.

After much deliberation, she decided to store it in the system's built-in grid. It wouldn't be used in this world, but what if it was used in the future world? !

Xia Yan came to the cupboard next to the corridor. The glass above had been smashed and the contents were swept to the ground.

She bent down and picked up a package. After opening it, she found a shaver with a charger inside.

Unfortunately, she only found 3 usable ones, so she took them to the hotel together.

At this time, Jing Yimai called her over. There were several different machines in front of him, including microwave ovens, humidifiers, air purifiers, and electric fans.

"Only these are available." Jing Yimai said without emotion.

It was good to find it. How could Xia Yan be picky? After thanking her, she took the things to her room and planned to let Xiong Xiong clean them up after she went back.

There was nothing usable in this area, and Xia Yan was ready to walk inside.

Diagonally across the corner was the clothing area. After shining her flashlight around, she decided not to go in.

The clothes thrown on the ground were not only covered with footprints, but also black and red liquid, which looked very dirty.

Further inside is the daily necessities area, cosmetics for women, toothbrushes, toothpaste, facial cleanser, shower gel and the like.

Xia Yan was going to take a look inside.

There were actually a lot of products on the cosmetics shelves. Xia Yan put them all into her living room, including the small counters against the wall. She took away the things in the glass cabinets.

Jing Yimai found a lot of unopened toothbrushes and toothpastes among the goods on the floor. He threw them all into a small basket, carried them to Xia Yan, and silently collected the usable shampoo.

When he saw the bottle of conditioner, he thought of Xia Yan's fair face, black and smooth hair, and clean and fragrant clothes, so he threw the conditioner into the basket.

She probably knows how to use conditioner, so take it.

Jing Yimai expressionlessly threw the zombie body out of the way and took out several bottles of complete shampoo from under it.

After sorting out five large baskets of toiletries, he still placed them at Xia Yan's feet.

Xia Yan directly put the goods in her room, including the boxes. She also collected a lot of facial masks, shower gel and body lotion.

After taking a bath, she can finally apply bubbles and perfume!

Xia Yan was in a good mood and entered the next area with brisk steps.

In addition to supplies such as strollers and pacifiers, all edible items such as milk powder were taken away from the maternal and infant area.

Xia Yan took a quick look and walked to the next shelf. Unexpectedly, the shelves were full of goods.

Before she could be happy, she discovered that it was all filled with children's toys!

Forget it, she doesn't plan to raise children and doesn't need toys.

Then there is the snack area, tobacco and alcohol area, rice, flour, grain and oil area, and seasoning area.

Without exception, there was nothing on the shelves.

Some people, with the mentality that if I can't take it away, others won't be able to use it, they knocked down the entire row of shelves. The glass bottles on them were all broken, and there were marks of dried liquid all over the floor.

The white rice flour was unpacked and scattered on the ground, with a dozen empty bottles of oil on top, making the originally clean floor feel muddy.

There are even signs of being burned in the tobacco and alcohol area.

If I don’t have the typical ones, you can’t have them. If we die, we all will die together.

Xia Yan clicked his tongue and continued to move forward.

There was nothing intact on this floor that could be taken away, so the two of them were going to go downstairs to take a look.

But things downstairs were worse than she imagined.

The first floor mainly sells fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat.

After the apocalypse, everyone is panicked and rushes to the supermarket to shop. This is the largest supermarket in the city, and it is crowded with people. There are many stampede accidents. In addition, some people suddenly mutate into zombies, and people behind them cannot escape. The people in front didn't know what was going on and turned back to watch the excitement.

Most people pay with their lives for their curiosity.

Xia Yan saw the mummies on the ground, retched, and planned to return the same way.

"Aren't you going to go down?" Jing Yimai used the light of his flashlight to scan the dry goods on the shelves. Unexpectedly, there was still food here.

He was a little moved.

Xia Yan naturally saw his intention, but she didn't want to step on something strange, so she shook her head: "I won't go down anymore, you can go ahead."

"Well, you can lend me your backpack and I'll get fifty-fifty of the supplies."

Xia Yan nodded in agreement and handed over the backpack.

How could a full cabinet of supplies be filled with just one backpack? Jing Yimai meant to let her put the supplies in the space, and he would run a few more times to get everything.

So Xia Yan agreed to split it 50-50.

Jing Yimai walked over the corpse without changing his expression, and sure enough, he saw that the shelves were full of dried products such as beef jerky and pork jerky in bags.

He filled a bag, walked back again, handed the bag to Xia Yan, and asked her to take it away.

Jing Yimai guessed that Boss Xia still had the ability of space, otherwise he couldn't explain the disappearance of electrical appliances.

After taking things back and forth 4 times, the shelf was finally emptied.

"You stay here, I'll go inside to take a look."

Jing Yimai put on her backpack and walked inside.

"Be careful!" Xia Yan felt her scalp tingling when she heard the creaking sound under his feet.

Sometimes he stepped on the chest with one foot, and his foot would sink deep into it. When he pulled it out again, there were still some things hanging on the upper of the shoe.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze and vomited at the side.

Jing Yimai took the flashlight and went deeper, and the light disappeared.

At that moment, Xia Yan thought that she was the only living person here except for the corpses.

It was like walking into a pile of dead bones, and there was silence all around.

She was the only one in the huge supermarket.

She swept the flashlight around, fearing that a harmonious scene would suddenly appear.

After 15 minutes, seeing that Jing Yimai had not returned, she couldn't help but think: After so long of no movement, he would not have gone out through the gate, right?

Then she saw a bright light approaching slowly, and Jing Yimai appeared in sight with 3 bags of rice on his back.

"Where did you find it?" Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief. If she couldn't wait for him, she would be teleported back to the hotel.

Jing Yimai turned his back and whispered, "I found it in the cake shop inside, take it back first."

Jing Yimai didn't move his stiff shoulders until the weight on his shoulders disappeared.

"Go back the same way, I can't put my feet down here." Xia Yan didn't want to step on anything's head.

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