I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 243 Everyone has something exciting to watch

Early the next morning, the vanguard team passed through the portal and handed in the report in their hands.

After a short meeting and research time, Chu Wanfu slammed the table in high spirits and ordered the team to pack their bags and set off immediately.

"Dad, where are they going?"

The Sang Yu family got up early and planned to sit down and have a good meal when there were not many people in the restaurant. Unexpectedly, everyone had the same idea, so they had to sit at the table with two or three people.

Sang Zhengyi ate the steamed buns and didn't respond. He was thinking secretly in his heart.

The person in charge of the base office said that there would be work arrangements soon, so those who wanted to work should be smart.

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According to the observation, the base has received many survivors, and various small forces have formed secretly. With such a shortage of resources, the disabled people he brought couldn't get a job.

The base only issued one wave of free crystal cores. Yesterday, Boss Xia built a portal, and today General Chu's large army rushed over...

Sang Zhengyi's eyes lit up. Boss Xia must have a chance!

He looked at the long line of people that were entering the portal one by one, silently and quickly.

Sang Zhengyi picked up the bowl of porridge and blew on it.


The guests staying in the hotel couldn't go downstairs today, so they leaned on the window sill and looked down, with a happy look on their faces.

The teams wearing plush dog fur hats, thick cotton jackets, and snow boots stood straight.

Chu Wanfu, dressed in the same outfit, stood in front of everyone and made the final call.

In contrast to the refreshing faces of the vanguard team, the soldiers were sweating all over their heads and faces.

There was no way, it was too hot here, and they had to change clothes.

Chu Wanfu looked up at the two blushing faces that were sticking out of the window, and frowned.

"Use superpowers or objects to block the view from above, and all members will change into Spring and Autumn combat uniforms."


Everyone responded with a loud shout, and the space superpower took out several oversized parasols to cover the view from the top tightly.

So a wave of regrets arose.

Chu Wanfu stepped under the umbrella, took off his hat and shook his hair, and quickly changed the clothes handed to him by his subordinates.

He had observed a few days ago that there were cameras everywhere in the hotel, and the clothing store could not accommodate so many people. Instead of wasting time, it was better to block the view and change clothes on the spot.

Xia Yan, who had just walked out of the lobby, was more convinced of the saying that the late bird catches the worm.

She calmly looked at the full team in the safe zone, from the bare arms of the people to the thin waist, and then looked at the legs that looked even longer after changing into autumn clothes.

Nodding to Chu Wanfu, who was slightly stiff in his movements, she walked straight to the outdoor restaurant and asked Zhikang to make her a vegetable salad and a hamburger.

The opposite side obviously accelerated the speed of changing clothes. After all the members changed, the space ability user put away the umbrella.

Chu Wanfu nodded to them to indicate action.

The first, second, and third echelons set off, like a tiger coming down the mountain, first suppressing with superpowers, filling in the gaps with superpower guns, and leaving no zombies wherever they went.

When the authorities take action, they must be strong.

Zhikang brought freshly baked dishes. The vegetable salad was bright in color and well-balanced, looking healthy and delicious.

Xia Yan ate delicious food while looking at the scenery.

Chu Wanfu and Xia Yan agreed that before the zombies and the armored vehicles were dealt with, customers in the store were prohibited from going outside to avoid unnecessary casualties.

She felt that Chu Wanfu might have thought too much.

They were wearing uniform clothes, with sharp eyes. It was obvious that they were officials doing good things. Customers might be eager for them to deal with each other as soon as possible.

Not long after, an energy cannon fell from the sky.

The armored vehicle on the opposite side found something wrong and took the initiative to attack to crush the group of little ants.

Chu Wanfu sneered and ordered people to fight back.

The sky was like fireworks exploding, and what was fleeting was not the smoke tail, and what fell on the ground was not debris.

The leisure area on the 32nd floor was also lively.

Qi Hua's team on the extended balcony was stunned.

"Is this absolute strength?" Wang Yi murmured.

Wang Xuewei counted on her fingers and lowered her head to count in the crowd. She wanted to see how many people fell.

"Look at the zombies, they fall in groups!"

"The crystal cores are everywhere, just bend down."

Bai Zuo stared at the crystal core embedded in the blood mud, rubbing his hands and feeling very excited. Bai You calmly looked in the direction of his finger, his face tense.

Ye Qi was standing in the corner, silently opening the points card.

Seeing that the points in it were enough to live for a long time, he lost interest and retreated behind the crowd.

Xi Zhi was strong and not afraid of the cold. He still wore a tank top, with a tin foil perm on his head. The key point was that he dyed his hair green, looking like an immortal spirited young man.

Qiao Zhen hid aside. She was smart and had long discovered that this person was no different from a patient who had sneaked out of a mental hospital. He seemed to have a serious face, but he was exposed when he ate.

Which normal person would grit his teeth and curse while stabbing a steak with a knife and fork?

When he finally threw the steak into the trash can, he said coldly: See? Even if I throw it away, I won't let you have a taste of it.

Qiao Zhen thought of his eyes at that time, shook his arm with a chill, and took two steps to the side.

Xi Zhi noticed and glanced at him coldly, full of disgust.

Lin inserted between the two of them, first pinched Qiao Zhen's arm, praised him for being fatter, and then glared at Xi Zhi, "Be honest."

If Xi Zhi is afraid of nothing, he is afraid of Lin, the little old lady, who looks too much like the doctor who always gives him injections!

Is this fear of doctors?

Did Xi know that a red fireball exploded in the sky, and the blazing flames rushed towards him. He took a step back and left the balcony.

The new group of blond and blue-eyed customers occupied the sofas, turned up the volume of the TV to the maximum, and smiled with their mouths raised high, laughing along with the funny shots of the show, but the smile did not reach the bottom of their eyes, just pretending.

They moved their bodies from time to time, and their fingers occasionally touched the chest, touched the violent heartbeat and quickly released it, as if there was a tiger hidden inside.

Lin brought a bottle of red wine, opened the bottle cap, and poured the wine into the glass.

"Old friends, let's have a drink to celebrate."

Seeing her like this, several people couldn't hold on to their fake smiles. Earl took the lead to break the awkwardness and took the wine glass, saying with a smile: "Thank you, Lin."

The rest of them followed suit.

Lin smiled, "They are finished." Regardless of their instantly pale faces, she continued, "I said this, they are finished from today."

The blonde turned around and found that the old resident didn't notice this. She looked at Lin with a tangled expression, and finally uttered a word to Lin's eyes full of sarcasm.

"Lin, at the beginning, we also had no choice. Not only your family, but also our family left, all..."

Lin interrupted her, "Don't mention it again. I know it in my heart."

When these words came out, everyone's faces were colorful, but Lin seemed not to see it, and drank the glass in one gulp.

"I'm done, you guys can do whatever you want."

Xia Yan in the safe zone didn't know that the upstairs was so lively, and she had her own excitement to watch at this moment.

She looked at the person opposite and asked:

"What did you say you wanted to see me for?"

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