"If I remember correctly, you are Sang Yu's father?"

Xia Yan got up from the rocking chair and looked at the middle-aged man with a white beard on his chin opposite.

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He said: "Yes, my name is Sang Zhengyi, we just met yesterday."

Yesterday, Sang Yu's two sisters surrounded her, as if there was a couple standing behind her. Before she could say hello, she was interrupted by the vanguard team and then she left.

Xia Yan motioned him to sit down and talk.

"Please repeat it again, the sound of the artillery was too loud just now, and I didn't hear it clearly."

Sang Zhengyi coughed and moved his eyes from the magnificent hotel building to the spacious safe zone. The whole building was covered with a protective shield, which was the safest place in the war.

He became more determined in his thoughts.

"Boss Xia, I want to find General Chu. Do you know where he is?"

Although Boss Xia may have more job opportunities here, he just met her and didn't know the situation. Asking directly would leave a bad impression.

He also found that no matter whether it was a branch or the head office, there were no additional employees recruited, which meant that Boss Xia had no intention of hiring. The best way was to find an opportunity to cooperate with her.

But how to cooperate?

Sang Zhengyi couldn't think of a cooperation plan that could impress her for a while, so he could only take a step forward and see.

"General Chu, he should be upstairs, on the 32nd floor, you can take the elevator up."

Xia Yan pointed to the door, watched Sang Zhengyi leave, and then closed her eyes to take a nap. Although there was a roar in her ears and the zombies kept roaring, she could sleep peacefully.

Sang Zhengyi was the only one in the elevator. He glanced at the surveillance camera above his head and retracted his hand that pressed the button.

You don't know until you see it. You will be shocked when you see it. Boss Xia is probably sent by God to save the people.

He couldn't hide his excitement, and felt that the old saying "A blessing in disguise" made sense.

If the surrounding bases hadn't jointly excluded him, how could they leave their original place and embark on an unknown journey?

What they thought was a dead end turned out to be a ray of hope.

Sang Zhengyi secretly clenched his fists, and had a rough blueprint in his mind.

When he walked out of the elevator, General Chu was holding a telescope, and the staff officer beside him was reporting the latest situation. He was very tactful and didn't go forward to interrupt, and walked around the 32nd floor quietly.

Not long after, General Chu waved and called him over, "What are you doing here?"

Chu Wanfu noticed him as soon as he stepped out of the elevator. The obvious frostbite on his face and hands showed that he had come through the portal. He didn't believe that he was just here to watch the fun.

Facing the eyes of five or six people who said, "If you dare to lie, take me back for a thorough investigation," Sang Zhengyi coughed his throat, briefly introduced himself, and then mentioned that there was a group of disabled people behind him who urgently needed work to support themselves.

"In order not to bring more burden to the base, I took the risk to come here to see if there is any work that can be done here. I don't need many crystal cores, as long as I can eat a meal every day and not starve to death."

He said sincerely and humbly.

Chu Wanfu was impressed by this newly rescued survivor. It has been almost four years since the end of the world. It is a miracle that these ordinary people with broken arms and legs have survived to this day. It can be seen that the base chief has put a lot of effort to protect them.

Chu Wanfu respects him, but he will not give up easily.

"Your idea is good, but it is a battlefield outside. It is difficult for superpowers to guarantee that they will survive, let alone you. Go back. There will be public job announcements in the base."

He will not say that he will take special care of others, because that would be unfair to others.

Everyone in the base has a mouth, and they all need to use crystal cores to buy food. Everyone is equal in this regard.

If a leader opens a back door, will the people below follow suit and accept bribes to arrange jobs first?

Chu Wanfu raised the telescope again.

Sang Zhengyi, who did not achieve his goal, felt that his behavior was reasonable. If he were in this position, he would make the same choice.

There is no way, there is no absolute fairness and justice in the world.

He was not discouraged. After saying goodbye, he walked up the stairs and planned to observe one floor at a time to find out if there were any suitable business opportunities.

But he did not expect that he could not enter the wide-open door of the stairwell. It seemed that there was a layer of transparent glass and he could not step in. Until the third floor, the barrier disappeared.

Sang Zhengyi looked up and saw that the hot pot restaurant and the barbecue restaurant were operating in the same row. There were employees shuttling inside, and professional robots were soliciting customers at the door. Going further inside, the dark store door was closed, with the words "under renovation" posted on it.

He sighed and continued to go down to the second floor. The long row of dining tables were piled with neatly arranged food, with a slogan of "take it yourself" hanging on the top. Only a few employees were cleaning the tables, and the customers dining were in an orderly manner.

The waiter's way was not feasible, so he looked at other options.

Sang Zhengyi walked into the hall, passed through the luxurious murals, returned to the safe zone, and stood still in front of the protective shield.

Looking at the messy ground, the crystal cores of different levels silently tempted him.

Not far away, a team quickly moved around, picking up crystal cores from the wreckage, and from time to time they had to avoid the superpowers that fell from the sky, pulling down many half-crystal cores.

Sang Zhengyi's eyes lit up, and he suppressed the evil desire in his heart.

Having experienced hunger and cold, and seeing the absolute purchasing power of points, the crystal cores in front of him kept shocking him.

The remaining rationality told him that he couldn't do it. This was official. If he could pick it up, the residents in the building would rush down to pick it up, and it wouldn't be his turn at all.

Sang Zhengyi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was another person beside him.

Xia Yan had just taken a sip of jasmine tea, and was smacking her lips gently at this moment. It was probably because she had put too much tea in it, so it tasted a bit bitter.

She frowned as she looked at the thick zombie remains outside the safe zone. There was too much dirty blood to seep into the mud layer, and it was sticky and could be drawn into threads. There were limb fragments with exposed bones everywhere, and all the teams wore gas masks.

"This won't work. We have to talk to General Chu about cleaning up the battlefield." She muttered.

Sang Zhengyi was shocked, "Boss Xia, we can do it!"

Here comes the job!

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan glanced at him and slowly said, "That won't work. I won't pay points. This has been contracted to General Chu, so how can I pay for the crystal cores? Don't you think so, General Chu?"

She looked at the person who came with a smile and raised her voice.

Chu Wanfu paused, and even had the urge to go back.

Sang Zhengyi, who was standing by, couldn't hide his joy. Chu Wanfu didn't understand anything, and secretly complained about the evil Party A.

"Okay, just do as Boss Xia said. How many people do you have?" he asked Sang Zhengyi.

Sang Zhengyi hurriedly said, "There are 25 people, not counting our family of five."

Chu Wanfu said, "Okay, the main job is to clean up the corpses outside, take responsibility for your own safety, and work smartly. Each person will be given two first-level crystal cores a day. If you agree, bring people over."

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