I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 248 Is this adding insult to injury?

I don’t know if I, the King of Heaven, will appear.

But the female soldier did stop placing the order and screamed:

"Is there any mistake? It's out of stock?"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

The sound was so pitiful that everyone responded instantly.

"No way? Are they really out of stock?"

"I haven't had time to place an order yet. Everyone just bought it? Take it out and share it equally!"

As everyone shouted angrily, a group of female soldiers with short ears and short hair bent over nervously, carrying papers in their hands, and tiptoed out.

Woohoo, why can't we use superpowers here? I still have to run out and throw it into space. Friends, I listened to you and took a huge risk. You must withstand it.

A pair of delicate leather boots suddenly appeared in her sight, and the female soldier took a step back in fright.

"Police—Boss Xia?"

Xia Yan nodded, "Want to go out?"

The female soldier stood at attention, folded her hands in front of her body, blocked the paper with her body, and took a step to the right to get out of the way, "Well, I'll be back in a moment."

After saying these words, she walked away in a goose step. Although she was anxious, she was still standard.

Xia Yan looked away and walked into the store.

The originally noisy space became quiet the moment the female soldier called her name, and everyone lined up with serious faces.

If Xia Yan hadn't heard the excitement, he would have believed it.

"Out of stock, please come back after restocking." An electronic prompt sounded from the machine.

The finger that was poking at it was instantly withdrawn when Xia Yan looked at it.

Xia Yan was amused in his heart, but he didn't want to expose it and followed the acting very cooperatively.

"Oh, it's out of stock. Please give me some space and I'll replenish it."

She followed the passage that everyone moved out of the way and replenished all the items on the self-service vending machine.

"Don't disturb everyone——"

"Out of stock, please come back after restocking." The prompt interrupted her.

The female soldier who was first in line bent down to take out the goods from the exit below, carried the things to the back, and handed them to the space superpower of her team. Then she stood at the end of the line and looked at her big eyes and blinked again and again. .

Seeing this, Xia Yan replenished the goods again.

"Out of stock, please come back after restocking."

She continues to restock...

After several trips, the number of people queuing up became increasingly familiar, and the faces became familiar.

After repeating it several times, Xia Yan stopped and said, "Okay, how much do you need? I will pick up the goods according to your needs."

The people in line were also relieved. They were still nervous after doing this old man's behavior of collecting eggs.

In order not to make any mistakes, Xia Yan asked them to discuss it as a team first and then go to her place to buy goods together so that she could make good purchases by calculating the numbers.

While their team was discussing, Xia Yan filled up all the items in the vending machine and took everyone to the leisure area in the lobby to sit down.

After a while, the captain of each team came over. After telling him the quantity he needed, he deducted the corresponding points and Xia Yan delivered the goods.

The leisure area is not far from the gate. Space superpower users can go outside and put all their supplies into the space without going far.

The female soldiers who got the goods felt relaxed all over, and their eyes looked at the space superpower as if they were seeing a peerless treasure, full of enthusiasm.

The captains raised their arms and after solving the need to stock up on goods, they wanted to go up and take a good bath and sleep comfortably.

He paid tribute to Boss Xia and expressed his gratitude before leaving.

Xia Yan said there was no need to worry, it would be too late to thank them together after buying the watermelon.


Female soldiers are more likely to buy fresh-cut fruit platters. They don’t want to be satisfied with one item, but just want to taste a few more flavors.

Half-cut watermelons are not sold as much as before.

Xia Yan doesn't mind. It doesn't matter what he sells, he earns points from both sides.

There are separate changing rooms in the men's and women's bathrooms, and there are enough cabinets, but because the washing machines are in the front hall, a person needs to be left to take out the clothes from the washing machine and put the dirty clothes in.

Everyone was tired and wanted to rest inside. No one wanted to stay, including the male soldiers. There was a lot of clothes piled up.

"What should we do?"

Everyone looked at each other. If you don't wash, you won't be able to wear it tomorrow. If you wash, who will be left here?

The team captains were also embarrassed and glanced at Boss Xia, who was standing by the window.

I wonder if she can ask the staff to help?

It's just that her shop assistants all seem to have mysophobia, so I'm afraid I can't agree...

Suddenly someone thought of something and clapped his hands, "Captain, I have an idea!"

"Say it."

"Look for those people downstairs."

"...This is not good, they are also very tired."

"It's not for nothing, we'll give you the crystal core."

"That's not good either."

Everyone was silent.

Yes, even though I was just helping to get clothes, I always felt inexplicably superior to others.

They are already miserable enough, why do you want to "add insult to injury"?

The person who came up with the idea thought for a while and continued: "It's not a condescending attitude when we ask them to help. Why do they risk their lives and work so hard to shovel the wreckage?

It is fair for them to pay some effort in exchange for crystal cores. Compared with some people who abandon moral ethics in order to survive, they are very aboveboard. "

That's right, that's the truth.

Seeing that everyone was slightly relaxed, she added, "In addition to giving them crystal cores, we can also treat them to watermelon later. Don't worry about it. I want to go in and take a shower."

The captain was persuaded and agreed. He sent someone down to ask the other party if they were willing. It was useless for them to just discuss it. The main thing was to see if the other party was willing.

After a while, a series of irregular footsteps sounded in the stairwell.

In addition to the people she sent down, there were several people following behind her, and the leader was Sang Zhengyi.

The captain stood up to meet them and explained the situation and the amount of rewards that could be given. In fact, she already knew that the fact that so many people came up meant that they could succeed.

Perhaps her teammates were too reasonable. When she saw the other captains gathered around, she was actually happy for them.

It was just dirty clothes, no underwear, and it was a fully automatic washing machine. They only needed to help stuff the clothes in, take them out and lay them out to dry. It was a very simple job.

Sang Zhengyi agreed immediately and handed the work to the women behind him. In front of everyone, he distributed the rewards equally and did not take any for himself.

The first team ran to Zhigang to take back half a watermelon as they had said, which frightened the women so much that they waved their hands repeatedly and refused to take it.

"It's not a hard job. You gave me a lot of crystal cores. How can you take the watermelon? It's too expensive. You can keep it for yourself."

That's fruit, it's expensive.

The women avoided it. The captain put away his smile and said seriously: "This is General Chu's intention. It's a benefit for you. I can't explain it if you refuse it again."

They looked at Sang Zhengyi. Only he could understand the hidden worry in their eyes.

He nodded, "It's okay, take it. It's just an ordinary watermelon. It doesn't mean anything."

The few people were relieved and thanked him again and again. The watermelon was held in his arms.

The female soldiers didn't delay any more and disappeared behind the shower curtain.

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