I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 249: Eating Watermelon

After the female soldiers left, the lobby was a little empty, and Boss Xia had been sitting on the lazy sofa with his eyes closed to rest, which made him feel depressed.

Everyone didn't dare to speak loudly and tried to be as gentle as possible.

Put the dirty clothes into the washing machine, press the button to add water and spin, then take out the jasmine-scented clothes and smooth them, and spread them on the floor where they would not block the way. The first round of work was completed.

The women sat down on the spot, lowered their eyes to the dirty cuffs, raised half of their buttocks with concern, and saw that the floor was still white. They relaxed their shoulders, sat on a tile with their feet together, and looked at the big red watermelon and swallowed their saliva.

This is a good watermelon, and it looks very sweet at first glance.

But there are so many people, how to divide it? It would be better if it could be cut into small pieces evenly.

The women thought and looked at the lobby.

The hotel still exists, but the people staying there are not the same. In the past, they picked and chose to stay in a five-star hotel, but now they are struggling to survive for a meal.

The change was too fast, just like a dream, and it was hard to tell inside and outside.

After resting for a while, Xia Yan was ready to go to dinner. Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved, the women also stood up, pinching the hem of her clothes with rough fingers, looking at her nervously.

Xia Yan paused, saw their worry, and raised her voice a little, "Zhikang, help them cut the watermelon after you are done, I will go downstairs to eat first."

Ignoring the joy in their eyes, Xia Yan walked down the stairs into the buffet restaurant, picked up some pasta and black pepper beef tenderloin, and then got a cup of coffee, just for dinner.

She walked around the full table and sat down by the window, chewing slowly.

From this position, she could just see the safe zone lit by the lights. Outside her sphere of influence, there was only a faint moonlight to illuminate it. In the distance, the shadows of trees were swaying, and the weeds taller than people were swaying left and right. It was quiet and dangerous.

In the empty safe zone, Sang Zhengyi led his residents into it. Each of them held a box lunch in his hand. They sat down near the gate and started to eat.

The children gathered together and ate slowly, looking up at the brightly lit second floor from time to time. When they were halfway through their lunch boxes, they would cover them again and wait in their arms.

After a while, the sound of anxious footsteps came from the lobby on the first floor, and the women appeared at the door with a large food storage box.

The children were visibly delighted, and jumped up from the ground. After seeing what was inside, they shouted, "It's a watermelon! It's a watermelon!"

The others stood up and gathered around.

Only Sang Zhengyi frowned and asked in a calm voice, "Is the work done? If you take someone else's crystal core, you have to do it well. What's the point of being so careless? Can I still give you this kind of work next time?"

Even though there was someone older than Sang Zhengyi on the opposite side, when he got angry, everyone shut up and dared not say a word. Those who had some grudges in their hearts also cheered secretly, holding the children who were shoulder-high and straightened their chests.

The women murmured and explained, "We'll go up after delivering the watermelons to you."

Sang Zhengyi glared, "Then why are so many people coming down? Go back."

The women who had just come downstairs didn't dare to stay, handed him the lunch boxes, and turned back to go upstairs.

The children took the opportunity to stuff the lunch boxes that were still warm in their arms into their mother's arms, waved their hands to tell them not to worry, and ran back to their original place, hugging their knees and behaving well.

Sang Zhengyi's face calmed down, and he saw from the other women who were obviously comforted.

He opened the lunch box, and the unique fragrance of watermelon wafted out, causing many people to twitch their noses and look eagerly.

"1,2,3..." He began to count the watermelon pieces, then counted the number of people and calculated the amount that each person should get.

"Open your lunch boxes and distribute watermelons."

The team lined up, and the boxes that they didn't want to throw away after the meal came in handy, and three pieces of pink watermelon were pushed into them.

"Thank you, leader."

Sang Zhengyi handed the watermelon to the children and frowned when he saw that their hands were covered with black stains.

The watermelon was full of juice, and it was easy to mix it with the dirty blood when held in the hand. It was not good to eat it.

After thinking about it, there was only one way that worked-"Open your mouth, I will feed you."

The children opened their mouths hesitantly, ate a piece and refused to eat anymore. They looked around and ran to the steps where no one was walking to blow away the dust, "Put it here... I want to save it for my mother."

Sang Zhengyi refused, "Eat it quickly, there are some for them."

He stuffed the watermelon into the children's mouths without any explanation, lowered the fresh-keeping box to let them see the remaining inside, and said: "The box is left to you for safekeeping, three per person, and you are not allowed to steal other people's food."

He stood up and raised his voice, "If I find out, I will drive you out and fend for yourself."


The little boy soldier in a bathrobe ran downstairs to find Xia Yan because he was unlucky in the game of rock-paper-scissors and lost to everyone, so he had to bear the responsibility of washing clothes.

Xia Yan then remembered that their stinky clothes were wrapped in transparent cubes.

"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten. Let's go upstairs."

The ten washing machines in the lobby on the second floor had all stopped, and the floor was full of female soldiers' clothes.

She took back the cube, and the clothes piled up like a mountain were spread out.

The male soldier thanked her, and happily rolled the clothes into a big ball and forced them into the washing machine. According to his method, it only took two rounds to wash all the clothes.

Seeing that it was still early, Xia Yan called Zhikang, and the two took out the juice from the vending machine, put in several bags of melon seeds and snacks, and prepared to go in and sell another wave.

Zhikang took out a few bottles of red wine and poured them into the decanter, brought disposable paper cups, and filled the cart to the brim.

Xia Yan thought about it and ordered a lot of braised food in the mall, asking him to bring it in.

She threw the same things into the system grid, wrote two menus by hand, handed one to Zhi Kang and hung it on the front of the car, opened the curtain of the women's bath, and went straight to the leisure area along the employee passage.

The sound of movies, laughter, playing cards, and chatting mixed together, and a lively atmosphere rushed towards them.

Xia Yan took the menu and asked from table to table. Braised food and low-alcohol fruit wine are very popular.

The female soldiers were rarely relaxed and relaxed. Their tense nerves relaxed. They leaned against their companions with a smile on their faces. Although their stomachs were bulging, they always felt that their mouths were bland.

With the idea that they would miss this village, they boldly asked if the food they wanted to eat was in stock.

Xia Yan never knew how to refuse. She left an absolutely true sentence, "I'll look for it." She searched up and down in the mall, added 20 points to the purchase price as profit, and quoted them to ask if they wanted it.

Most of them would order it. Occasionally, some people would not eat it because it was too expensive. Xia Yan would not say much and would walk to the next table to continue asking.

Half an hour later, she left the second floor. During this time, she restocked Zhikang twice. The men's bath had a greater demand for side dishes. General Chu did not allow them to drink to their heart's content, so everyone had to eat the dishes with big mouthfuls.

After handing Zhikang three universal trash cans, she stretched her arms and prepared to go back to rest. Just after she walked out a few steps, she heard a voice behind her.

"Boss Xia, do I have to spend points just to stay overnight here?"

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