Xia Yan turned around and looked.

Sang Zhengyi was standing not far behind him.

"Do you want to check in? That costs points."

He shook his head, "No, we plan to spend a night in the safe zone. We are not sure if there is a charge, so we came to ask."

So that's it.

Xia Yan said, "Stay outside? No charge."

Sang Zhengyi's brows relaxed, "Okay, then I won't disturb Mr. Xia's rest. I'll go out first."

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Xia Yan followed his leaving figure and looked at the survivors sitting together outside the glass. Their eyes followed Sang Zhengyi, and they scratched their red and swollen joints from time to time.

After getting the answer, his shoulders relaxed, and everyone stood up and looked around for a suitable place to rest.

Fortunately, it was warm here, and there was no need to worry about zombies coming in. Even if you lie on the hard floor, it is a good thing to be able to sleep well.

Seeing that everyone was lying in a mess, Sang Zhengyi simply called everyone to make unified arrangements and let everyone rest under the east wall.

This place is close to the main entrance of the hotel. If there is an emergency, they can rush in and take shelter immediately.

After everyone found a good place to lie down, Sang Zhengyi also found a place to lie down and rest. His tired body made a slight sound, as if he had unloaded a heavy burden.

Then he felt a warm feeling under his body. He reached out and touched it. The floor was actually warm.

Sang Zhengyi sighed.

The surroundings gradually became quiet. Occasionally, one or two zombies roared, but the brightness in front of him and the warmth under his body could dispel the uneasiness in his heart.

He closed his eyes, listened to the whispers from his side, and the faint rustling sound of biting watermelon, and prepared to fall asleep peacefully.

His body was so tired after a day of hard work that he closed his eyes for less than three seconds before his will began to blur and he was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, darkness invaded one of his eyes, and his brain sounded an alarm. He suddenly woke up and stood up.

"What - General Chu?"

The sound of General Chu startled everyone, and they didn't dare to speak out of guilt.

You know, General Chu paid for the round trip, but they didn't want to give up their points and didn't want to go back to the cold room, so they decided to rest here.

The problem is that there are still many residents in the hotel who don't belong to any forces. In their eyes, isn't this just telling everyone that General Chu is not good to the survivors under his command? What if General Chu wants to accept them into the base in the future, wouldn't it be a disgrace to General Chu?

Sang Zhengyi thought about this and hurriedly got up from the ground. He wanted to explain but was interrupted by Chu Wanfu.

"I just remembered that I haven't arranged your accommodation yet. Let's go and get a room."

Sang Zhengyi was shocked, but he didn't dare to refuse, and asked everyone to follow.

Chu Wanfu walked into the hall and tapped the front desk.

Xiongxiong wiped his mouth and looked up, "How can I help you?"

Chu Wanfu pointed at the people behind him, "Are there any vacant rooms? Help them get a room."

Xiongxiong counted the number of people, 20 people, and then looked at the remaining rooms, "There are only family rooms, and one room can accommodate up to 5 people."

Chu Wanfu nodded, took out the crystal core from his pocket and handed it over, "Open four rooms."

No one spoke, but the orange light burned in their eyes, and their hands had to pinch the corners of their clothes to relieve the burning.

After the room was opened, Chu Wanfu smiled and said good night, watching them take the elevator upstairs.

"Boss Xia went to rest?" he suddenly asked.

Xiongxiong tilted his head, his ears trembled, "Well, do you have something to ask the boss?"

"No, no, I just hope I won't disturb her."

It was not until the second half of the night that Xiongxiong understood what he meant.

With a shocking bombing, several colorful energy balls with long tails illuminated half of the sky, starting from outside the safe zone and falling on the far opposite side.

Sitting behind the front desk with his legs crossed and digging honey with a spoon, Xiong Xiong felt his buttocks vibrate again and again.

"So arrogant?"

Dare to make trouble when there are people on his side?

Xiong Xiong threw down the honey and ran from the front desk to the safe zone.

He suddenly found that it was not the opposite side that was arrogant, but Chu Wanfu.

"Bomb again."

At Chu Wanfu's command, the well-fed and energetic team threw out the superpower again, building a rainbow bridge in the night sky and landing very beautifully.

Chu Wanfu held a high-powered telescope and sneered at the lights on the opposite side that were lit again, "Want to sleep? Ha."

Then he gave another order, and the troops ready to go rushed out of the safety cover under cover, targeting the armored vehicles on the opposite side.

Xiong Xiong looked at the superpower cannons flying in the sky and was speechless. Why do both groups like to launch sneak attacks in the middle of the night?

No wonder they said at that time that they hoped not to disturb the boss.

But it doesn't matter, the boss is far away and will definitely not hear it.

Xiongxiong found the boss' rocking chair, placed it at the door and lay down comfortably, holding honey in his hand, his mouth was sweet, and there was a rumble on the opposite side.

It was like watching a movie, quite interesting.

Chu Wanfu turned around by chance and couldn't help sighing: This bear looks exactly like Boss Xia.

After a while, Zhikang also went downstairs, imitating Xiongxiong's appearance, moved the chairs of the outdoor restaurant, and watched the fun leisurely.

One or two of them did this, which made Chu Wanfu's teeth itch. He couldn't do anything to the two of them, so he had to vent his anger on the armored vehicle opposite.

Little did he know that there was chaos in the armored vehicle, and the people who had fallen asleep long ago were almost knocked over, holding up their pants and cursing.

"MLGBZ, they have been quiet all the time, why did they sneak attack today? Get them, ah!"

The screams rang out in the car, and the huge impact force blew them upside down, with blood on their foreheads.

"I underestimated them, fight back!"

After a while--

"Ru Yongnan, you NN bear, answer the message! Support, support!"

At this time, there was a sudden knocking sound outside the door, and the car became strangely quiet.

The person responsible for launching the energy bomb picked up the telescope beside him, adjusted the angle to observe the car body, and suddenly a pair of huge black eyes appeared in front of the lens, murderous, and scared him.

"Fuck, I didn't adjust the magnification." He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and comforted himself.

It's okay, it's definitely a person, not a newly researched monster...

When he adjusted it and looked up again, he found that it was pitch black inside and he couldn't see anything.

"Strange, why is it so dark?"


The huge sound startled everyone to look at the same position-the man in front of the telescope kept his hands bent and slowly fell backwards. There was a bowl-sized hole on his right eye, and half of his face was shattered.

With a bang, he fell to the ground from a height, and the bloody wounds continued to bleed, and the condensed blood flowed to the soles of several people's feet.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The energy bullets shot in through the exploded lens tube, and several bright red flames appeared on the ground. The high temperature woke everyone up.

"They are surrounding us, run!"

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