I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 251: A Great Victory

Affected by the supernatural cannon outside, the people in the armored vehicle suddenly fell on their backs.

There are those who are anxious to put out the fire, those who are eager to drive to escape, and those who are dissatisfied and want to go out and fight.


Everyone has their own ideas, and no one agrees with anyone.

The little leader was so angry that his head was smoking.

"Listen to me, it's important to escape first, drive and lock the door!"

He showed off his muscular arms, picked up the driver, forced him into the main driver and let him drive. He also cursed: "How can you, a driver, join in the fun? Drive your car well."

The fire was getting stronger on the other side, but the only water-type superpower was the one who fell to the ground. There was no saliva in the car.

There are even stupid people who want to fight fire with fire, but it has no effect except making the fire bigger.

The little leader went up and started to compete, "Did you use your brain cells to level up your TN? Even if your powers are not high, your IQ is getting lower and lower, so get out of here."

Seeing that the high-temperature flames were about to ignite the roof of the car, the people who were covered in black smoke burst into tears and almost coughed up their lungs.

At this time, a ruthless person came on stage, grabbed the deceased's hand and pressed it onto the fire.

The young leader was shocked and scolded, "This will help me pull out my head——"

Before he finished speaking, the deceased's palms were actually gurgling with water.

it works!

"——Hurry up, there's still fire here." The little leader changed his words.

The ruthless man dragged the deceased over with long strides and followed the steps of a gourd and a gourd, roasting and dripping water.

By the time the fire was put out, the deceased had become a mummy due to lack of water.

The ruthless man threw it away casually and huddled in the corner, looking miserable.

The little leader was frightened for a while, so he went over and patted him on the shoulder encouragingly, "Well done, just hang out with me from now on. What's your name?"

The ruthless man looked up at him and pulled up the mask on the lower half of his face. When he raised his head, his eyelids became more and more swollen, and his entire face looked like a black-faced bun.

Even his voice was very low and hoarse, "My name is Wang Mai."

The little leader who didn’t hear clearly:? ? ?

Taking out?

Thumbs up, "Great name."

Be aware.


"Report, General, let one car go. There are no survivors in the remaining two cars."

Chu Wanfu nodded and said he understood.

He clearly saw the two cars spontaneously burning through the binoculars. It seemed that the other party did not want to leave any clues and killed them.

After the team leaders finished counting the number of people, they reported the number of casualties: ten people were slightly injured, two were seriously injured, and one person died.

This mission was a complete success.

Chu Wanfu was in a good mood and arranged for the seriously injured to stay in family rooms, while the remaining people went back to rest.


When morning came, the hotel residents who opened their curtains and windows suddenly discovered that the zombies and armored vehicles surrounding them had disappeared without a trace.

Even the protective shield that was always on standby became transparent and disappeared.

Looking outside the safe zone, countless people wearing the same clothes were bending over to pick up crystal cores from the wreckage, and about thirty people were cleaning the wreckage with shovels, revealing the originally fresh, dark brown soil.

"Finally, I can go out."

This is the common sentiment of all residents.

When Xia Yanshi appeared in the lobby at noon, she was surprised to find that wherever she could see, there were residents she was familiar with.

"Xiong Xiong, what happened yesterday?"

The armored vehicles are gone and all the zombies have been wiped out. So many people are so powerful?

Xiong Xiong dropped the rag and happily recounted the excitement he had seen last night. He kept praising General Chu for his decisive decision and bloody fighting, which made the opponent scream.

Xia Yan put on black face.

So much happened in one night?

Also, Xiong Xiong, why don’t you praise an outsider like this in front of your boss?

Xia Yan pulled its little ears in a funny way, "You continue working, I'll go out and take a look."

In the safe zone, Sang Zhengyi led his men to work in full swing, forcibly digging the ground ten centimeters lower than the safe zone, so that it was still a little sticky.

This work attitude is worthy of praise.

"Zhiji, bring some water."

At the same time, Xiong Xiong ran out of the hall, waved to her and shouted, "Boss, I'm going to the grocery store. I'll replenish the goods later."

She responded: "Got it."

After walking around the safe zone for a while, I became aware of the surrounding situation.

Zhichi took the water and asked loudly who wanted to drink water.

There is no other way. They will not take the initiative to go to the store to drink without bringing out water. Even when they enter the safe area, they will take off their shoes for fear that the content on the soles will be stained on the floor.

Seeing how cautious they were, Xia Yan bought the largest floor mat in the mall and placed it on the clean land outside the safety zone.

Prepare disposable slippers next to it, so that guests who only have one pair of shoes can wash their shoes without worrying about running out of shoes.

When Xia Yan saw them taking off their shoes and revealing their torn toes and heels, Xia Yan realized that there was another business opportunity.

Don't rush to build Lidai Island with the remaining points. Buy a shop in the mall first and place it on the left side of the clothing store, with the same sign of a grocery store on it.

It is filled with ceiling-to-ceiling shelves and two flat tables in the middle.

The first thing Xia Yan did was place an order for men's and women's socks of different lengths and autumn and winter thicknesses, including socks that children could wear.

As for men's and women's clothes and shoes, plus children's clothing, the variety was too complicated and it was unrealistic to purchase them one by one. Xia Yan simply ordered a self-service machine and placed it in the clothing store next door.

The usage is the same as the machine in the barber shop. There are detailed classifications and pictures inside. You can add purchases based on the pictures and pay points. Xia Yan will then purchase and pay for the goods according to the order.

For other miscellaneous items, Xia Yan bought some according to what everyone might use at present, such as thread gloves, sickles, backpacks, thickened all-black masks, sewing boxes, big-bellied water cups, wet wipes, etc., filling the entire utility room.

In order to achieve and help everyone buy what they need, she also set up a small blackboard in the room, and let the customers write on it themselves, and she will purchase the goods at the same time.

Sang Zhengyi and others watched Boss Xia take things out of thin air, and soon they saw the "miracle" happen with their own eyes. Before they could get curious, Boss Xia stood at the door of the store to greet everyone.

"A new grocery store has opened, and there are socks, gloves and other things on sale. Please support us."

Her voice was not small at all, and even the team picking up crystal cores in the distance could hear it clearly.

When they heard that Boss Xia had new goods, they picked them up more excitedly.

Picking up crystal cores = picking up points = buying things = getting something for free, so picking up crystal cores = getting supplies for free, who wouldn't be happy? Who wouldn't be happy!

The girls even brightened their eyes and looked down for traces of crystal cores.

Apart from anything else, socks are really needed urgently.

There is always a thread on the thumb, and the heels are worn to a shine. I dare not use force, for fear that they will be torn and I will have nothing to wear. If I don't wear socks, I will sweat and slip, and they will smell.

I also need ten pairs of gloves. When I work, I always worry that the sharp thorns will pierce the skin and cause infection. In winter, my hands are covered with frostbite. When it is slightly warm, it hurts and itches, which is very uncomfortable.

The boys expressed their dissatisfaction, saying that who likes to wear hard socks, let's make a promise first, you are not allowed to snatch men's socks later.

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