I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 252 General Chu is also a cunning businessman

At this time, a sturdy male soldier ran over from a distance, saluted Xia Yan and said:

"General Chu asked me to tell you when I see you: please open the portal, he will send people to collect vegetables and fruits.

It turned out that Chu Wanfu took advantage of the daybreak and led a large army to explore the situation within three kilometers around. It turned out that what Xia Yan said was true. The farm was full of wildly growing vegetables, and the tall fruit trees were full of fruits.

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He immediately ordered someone to pull out a plant similar to a white radish. The white flesh below was thicker than an adult's arm. The leaves on the top were wide and covered with needle-like thorns. When you tear it open, the meridians are clear, and a fresh fragrance of radish hits you in the face .

Everyone was overjoyed. They were worried about food, but there was still a large area here.

Chu Wanfu was even more overjoyed. Not only did he collect a lot of crystal cores, but now there was a lot of food resources waiting to be collected.

In this way, no matter how many people the base accommodates, they donโ€™t have to worry about food and drink. Even other bases far away in Shangjing Base and branches can receive the rich resources they support.

How many people will this save? !

In addition, he will send the soil, vegetables and fruits here to the research institute in Shangjing to crack the secret of how this land can grow plants, and how many toxic substances are contained in the food, and whether it meets the edible standards...

Chu Wanfu became more and more excited as he thought about it. His intuition told him that this time he might directly rush into the "granary" of a certain force.

He Looking in the direction where the armored vehicle escaped last night, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

After deploying the team's mission, Chu Wanfu couldn't wait to return to the safe zone and tried to go through the portal to go back to the Propaganda Department to communicate the mission requirements and rewards, but he didn't want to be reminded that the portal was not open for work.

No way, he had to sit patiently in the lobby. Watching the sun getting higher, he didn't wait for Boss Xia to appear. He asked Manager Xiong, and he still said that the boss was resting.

Sleeping in? Until noon?

He really relied on the invincible existence of the hotel to be fearless.

Chu Wanfu was speechless. It was really a lazy man with lazy luck. He won directly with luck.

Half an hour passed quickly, and there was still no sign of anyone. In desperation, he could only find his subordinates with teleportation abilities and try to use his own way Transmit back.

The other party sensed for a long time, and stammered that the distance was too far, and he had to go back three times.

I knew it was far, but I didn't expect it to be so far.

Chu Wanfu was shocked, but he still tried bravely.

The first time he appeared on the sea, he started to teleport a second before being swallowed by the giant fish.

The second time he appeared in the center of the "battlefield" where two major bases on the coast were fighting for supplies, and he teleported again before the other party could see the figure clearly.

The third time he appeared in an underground market. Not far away there was a huge disc, on which hung many young men and women with fair skin and good looks, naked, with price tags on their chests.

The strange movement attracted the attention of people around the disc, and they showed both surprise and anger at the two people who suddenly appeared.

"Kill them! "

The psychic pulled Chu Wanfu into the portal and disappeared at the moment of the attack.

This time he appeared in a familiar base.

Chu Wanfu, who had been running all the way, glanced at the bustling first branch and walked towards the office building in the wind and snow.


After understanding the whole story, Xia Yan immediately changed the portal to open service.

A team of soldiers approached from a distance, carrying freshly dug potatoes and white radishes on their shoulders, with happiness on their faces.

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As soon as they arrived at the safe zone, they put the harvest on the ground, and then someone came to count the number, divided it into two in front of Xia Yan, put the part belonging to their base into a sack, and handed it to the space psychic to send it back to the base for testing.

Xia Yan looked at the pile of vegetables on the ground and was overjoyed. He asked Zhigang to collect them, clean them, and then send them to the official detoxification center for disinfection.

Through the system's detection, the other party really did not hide them privately.

Xia Yan was a little disappointed.

She quickly calmed down and followed him into the portal - to help Xiong Xiong restock.

A gust of cold air hit her face, making her whole body cold.

Maybe because she had been in a warm place for too long, she forgot how to write the word "cold", and the down jacket over a thin T-shirt came over her.

A breath of cold air entered her stomach, and her intestines suddenly gurgled and felt a faint pain.

Don't catch a cold, there is no medicine to take.

Thinking of this, she pressed her abdomen tightly with her hands in her pockets, shrank her neck, and walked to the next door in the wind and snow.

I haven't been here for a few days, why do I feel colder?

More than 40 degrees below zero?

But there are still people in the residential building who keep walking out, sticking to the wall, one by one, and hurrying forward.

Xia Yan looked in the direction, their target should be the office building, is it recruiting inside?

There is only this possibility, otherwise everyone would not come out of the quilt in the severe cold.

Xia Yan pushed open the door of the grocery store and planned to go to the office building after restocking.

In terms of recruitment content and efficiency, she was naturally not as good as the professional personnel. Her words were appropriate and touching. Even the restriction of prohibiting space-related psychics from participating in picking was understood and recognized by everyone.

The recruitment scene was so busy that she couldn't squeeze in. Fortunately, the oversized handwritten recruitment information could be seen clearly from a distance.

She looked at the reward section carefully, and the content was divided very carefully.

For heavy vegetables such as potatoes and radishes, if the weight exceeds 500 kilograms, an additional crystal core will be given for every 100 kilograms.

After the leafy vegetables exceed 300 kilograms, an extra crystal core will be given for every 100 kilograms.

Fruits are limited to 600 kilograms. If you pick an additional 100 kilograms, you will get one more crystal core. There is no cap on the above. If you have not completed the workload and the harvest is more than 100 kilograms, you can also get one crystal core.

In addition, completing daily tasks will add two points to the base contribution, and you can also have priority in purchasing supplies sold by the base.

Special note: The above vegetables and fruits contain toxic substances. It is strictly forbidden to cook them without permission. You can buy them as needed after detoxifying them. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences.

Xia Yan read the entire recruitment notice and only sighed - I learned it.

Chu Wanfu was even more merciful than her. He even calculated how much weight one person could pick every day, and everyone was still working like crazy hanging radishes in the front.

If you think about it carefully, there is still a huge pitfall - if everyone participates in work, what priority does the right of first refusal have?

Maybe they all saw it, but there was nothing they could do about it. There was not much work to choose from.

Applicants queued up in a long line, trying to jump to the front in the crowd. After all, work was hard to come by, and everyone was afraid of losing the opportunity because of "humility."

When resources are limited, if you don't know how to fight for them, you will be eliminated.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the staff in charge of recruitment stood on the table and shouted: "Don't crowd, everyone. Except for crowd restrictions, everyone can go to work and queue up quietly."

He yelled several times before he was able to calm down the situation.

"Hurry up and register information and issue number plates."

Xia Yan watched for a while, then returned to the main store and called Zhizhang to prepare for a large number of customers.

With Chu Wanfu's weight limit in mind, it wouldn't be too much for her to sell some backpacks, steel rakes, sickles, and gloves, right?

If you want to attack something first, you must sharpen your tool first. How far can a hand planer do?

Considering that everyone had no points in their pockets and it was unrealistic to buy things, she put up a sign in a conspicuous place and wrote on it: Available for rent, only 5 points/item per day, return at sunset.

Soon ripples appeared on the portal and a figure appeared...

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