A group of picking teams came out from behind the portal.

It was their first time here, and they were so surprised to see the main store in front of them that they couldn't say a word.


After they came out, they didn't dare to walk around. According to the rules in advance, they stood with their team and waited for the leader to make unified arrangements.

After all, they didn't know where there were farms and where they could pick vegetables.

After everyone came out, Chu Wanfu slowly appeared.

When he saw the things and signs prepared by Xia Yan, he felt uncomfortable and knew it was like this...

Xia Yan smiled and waved to him, holding up the sign to indicate.

It's so cheap, aren't you tempted?

Chu Wanfu nodded perfunctorily to show his agreement. His original intention was to collect supplies as soon as possible, and he would turn a blind eye to other trivial matters and let it go.

After explaining everything, he deliberately added that if necessary, he could rent tools from Boss Xia.

If you can't resist, then join.

With General Chu's words, everyone felt relieved. It's really hard to work without tools.

Xia Yan was busy and happy. He was responsible for collecting points, while Zhigang was responsible for renting tools.

Chu Wanfu brought nearly 300 people with him, and the income from renting alone reached 5,000 points.

Chu Wanfu called his confidants, walked into the holiday gate, bought all the gasoline sold in the supermarket, returned to the hall and walked out of the safe zone, and ordered people to take out the armored vehicles in the space.

Add gasoline and prepare to expand the scope of exploration.

He has a lot of such cars, but gasoline is too difficult to get, so they can only be piled up as scrap metal.

"Let's go." Chu Wanfu jumped into the car, closed the door and left in style.

Then the soldiers escorted the picking team and walked all the way to the next farm where safety hazards had been confirmed to carry out the picking task.

In order to prevent emergencies, all soldiers surrounded the surrounding area and were highly alert.

The farm was densely weeded. The picking team was responsible for each area. They pulled away the waist-high weeds to reveal the green leaves and red stems inside. A closer look revealed that there were fruits the size of an adult's arm lying on the ground.

It's just that the color is mixed, the whole body is yellow-purple, and it looks like a twisted croissant.

No one knows what kind of vegetable this is, but they vaguely think it's edible.

It should be a mutation, so just cut it off and take it back for the leaders to distinguish.

Another team pushed aside the five-pointed star-shaped leaves, revealing the small red fruit inside. With a light poke, the thin peel burst open.

This kind of thing can't be picked, so go in and see.

"Wait, that seems to be, broad beans?" Suddenly someone called a halt and pulled a bean pod under a very thick weed leaf.

It was as thick as three fingers.

Wearing gloves, the bean pod was opened, and green beans lay side by side inside.

"It seems to be true."

This picking team was happy. They found broad beans just after entering, and this piece was full of this kind of leaves. It was really easy to get.


Suddenly, another group of people not far away exclaimed:

"The leaves in front are potato leaves. The leaves are like feathers, and the stems are diamond-shaped, thick and hairy. They are definitely potatoes!"

"We are rich, we are rich. Potatoes are heavy. Hurry up and don't let others get there first."

A noisy sound of running and the sound of leaves hitting clothes sounded, causing the nearby picking teams to straighten their backs and look with envy in their eyes.

Digging potatoes is the best task to complete. It's really lucky.

Sang Zhengyi's team, who was shoveling soil outside the safe zone, also dug out potatoes.

When they saw that everyone else in the base had rushed over, they were anxious and wanted to finish the work as soon as possible.

But the more anxious they were, the more they wanted to do the work beautifully.

A group of people unknowingly shoveled farther and farther, and found that the terrain near the safe zone was lower, and the terrain was higher as they went out. When it rained, it would flow to the low places. Everyone decided to flatten it all together, so as not to lose Sang Zhengyi's face.

So he shoveled it down, and felt something was wrong. He shoveled it up hard, and saw a big potato stuck in the shovel.

"Leader, there are potatoes here too!" Mao Er happily pulled out the potato and weighed it in his hand. It was heavy, weighing four pounds.

Wow, it's really big.

The others also came over when they saw it. It was really a potato. It was really strange that it could grow here.

Sang Zhengyi walked over with a shovel, stepping on a pit, carefully distinguished it, and took it to ask the officer in charge of recording.

When the other party heard that it was dug out outside the safe zone, he was unsure.

Although there is no farm gate in this area, there is a wooden fence surrounding it. The hotel is in the center of the farm. It looks like Boss Xia's territory.

Digging vegetables in someone else's territory? Besides, this place is deeply covered with zombie blood. It is unknown whether the potato has absorbed it or how much it has absorbed.

Don't lose the big picture because of the small, and destroy the friendship between the two sides.

Sang Zhengyi also took this into consideration. The two of them decided to continue the work of clearing the debris, and put the potatoes they dug aside and eventually hand them over to Boss Xia to deal with as a favor.

At the same time, in order to compensate Sang Zhengyi's team for their hard work, each person was paid an extra crystal core.

Sang Zhengyi was very satisfied with the result. He went back and talked to everyone about the relationship between the two. Basically, everyone agreed, and the enthusiasm for work only increased.

When everyone came back from work in the evening, the hotel was full again.

All the tables on the second and third floors and the buffet restaurant were full of guests.

Some old customers who couldn't get in line simply didn't join in the fun, either ordering something to eat from the brunch machine or ordering takeout.

They didn't go upstairs, but sat under the wall outside the hotel, eating while watching Boss Xia and Zhikang count the number of vegetables and fruits.

The recorder counted today's harvest and divided it into four full hills in the safe zone.

"Boss Xia, the vegetables and fruits are divided equally. Please sign here so that I can report to General Chu." The clerk handed over a form and a pen, which clearly recorded the number that should be distributed to Xia Yan, which was consistent with the number given by the system.

After Xia Yan confirmed that there was no problem, she took the pen and signed her name on it in a flamboyant manner.

There were three copies, and she took one of them.

This was considered the division, and the space ability soldiers waiting on the side began to pack them in batches and send them into the space, preparing to send them back to the base later.

Xiongxiong pulled a small cart and sent carts of vegetables to the public operation room one by one, and handed them over to Zhicang for cleaning.

After they were cleaned, they were taken to the official detoxification shop for disinfection before they could be sold.

This was a big job.

Xia Yan placed an order for five small trailers in the mall and bought many shatter-resistant plastic boxes, asking Xiongxiong to put the vegetables in the boxes so that the small trailer could carry a lot.

She originally planned to wash and disinfect potatoes, radishes and other long-lasting vegetables and send them to the supermarket for sale, and dry the perishable fruits and vegetables into dried vegetables.

But when she saw the full "hill" of perishable vegetables that was taller than her, she knew that it would take a lot of time and labor just to wash and cut them. If they were dried in the sun, they might not be able to be dried out even if they became moldy.

In addition, the picking team had to go out tomorrow, so she had to find a way to deal with it quickly.

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