I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 254 Recruiting people for work

Xia Yan walked into the public operation room and stood by the pool without raising his head, brushing off the mud with a brush and throwing it into the stainless steel basin nearby with a bang.

Qi's mother took it and poured the potatoes with still dirty skin into the clear pool. She stirred and touched them in the water with her hands and washed them one by one. The potatoes that were finally taken out were very clean.

Qi's father poured the washed potatoes into the turnover box, closed the lid and moved them to the trolley, waiting for the store manager Xiong Xiong to find time to drag them into Lidai Island.

Xia Yan didn't expect them to come to help. She hadn't thought of a solution at first, but suddenly an idea came to her - she could hire residents to help process the fruits and vegetables.

But before making the announcement, she expressed her gratitude to the two of them, handed over the mineral water she bought in the mall, and told them that she planned to recruit someone to handle the fruits and vegetables.

If I don't lack these points, I can't let them work here in vain.

Qi's father and Qi's mother saw that the place was too busy and were worried that Zhizhi and Xiongxiong would not be able to handle it, so they came to help. Unexpectedly, Boss Xia saw this and planned to hire them.

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This made the two people, who were unable to kill zombies and felt sorry for their son who was under great pressure to support the family, overjoyed, "Win, win, everything is as arranged by the boss!"

"Well, I'll go out and recruit people first."

"Hey, don't worry about us if you're busy, promise to do a good job."

When she put the job information notice board she had written on it and stood it up at the door, the salary of 500 points was bolded and enlarged. The first wave of new customers to sign up were actually blond and blue-eyed new customers.

"I signed up, what do I do? What do I do?"

"I can do whatever the boss asks me to do, as long as I give points."

"It should be chopping vegetables, right? That's what I'm good at."

Earl and others crowded around Xia Yan. They were taller than her, and they were afraid that she wouldn't see them with their arms raised high.

Seeing this, the old residents sitting under the wall quickly finished the food in their lunch boxes, wiped the backs of their hands, and moved forward to surround him.

Qiao Zhen, who was still smart, grabbed everyone and said, "We can't be crowded. Let's wait in line."

Bai You understood immediately, grabbed Bai You's collar, and the two of them lined up behind Qiao Zhen. The others also reacted and lined up quietly behind.

Sure enough, Boss Xia yelled from the crowd, "Get in line! Don't surround me, I can't see the light."

Qiao Zhen and others snickered, knowing this was the case.

Xia Yan counted down the queue until he reached sixty people, signaling to the people behind him that they didn't need to queue up because they had enough people for the time being.

Next, start assigning work.

Men and women stand in a row, and the number of people is exactly equal. They are divided into groups of six, and men and women are divided into five groups.

She selected the three strongest groups among the boys to be responsible for moving the fruits and vegetables on the ground into the turnover box. The other two groups were responsible for pulling the fruits and vegetables to the Lidai Island. Those who were afraid of being damaged easily were sent to the nearest operation room. Give it to Zhichi.

The girls' group is well organized. The five groups take turns cleaning fruits and vegetables every half hour. The person who replaces them will send the washed fruits and vegetables to the official detoxification shop. Xiongxiong is responsible for sending them to the conveyor belt for detoxification.

"That's it, let's get to work."

Everyone started taking action.

Xia Yan moved the vacation door to the wall outside the hall so that he didn't have to walk too far and prevented the heavy trailer from scratching the floor in the hall. He also conveniently turned off the fee limit for the vacation door in the background. .

There is a beach between the resort gate and the public kitchen, and it is difficult to move the trailer. Xia Yan simply opened the Lidai Island operation background and spent 20,000 points to arrange a bridge across the beach.

She led the girls group to the common kitchen. There were enough triple sinks, the space was large enough, and there were all kinds of pots, pans, pans, and knives. It was definitely a perfect kitchen in the eyes of a cook.

Xia Yan turned off the charging function of the public kitchen, purchased another hundred turnover boxes and five trailers, and placed them in an open space not far away.

Amidst the sound of running water, the boys' group pulled the cart and delivered the first wave of fruits and vegetables, and the girls' work began.

Qiao Zhen rolled up his sleeves, opened the box and took a look. Everything with and without mud was mixed together. He took a sharp breath and lifted the box hard, pouring it all into a trough, splashing high High splash.

She grabbed a brand new brush, picked up a random radish and started brushing the skin.

Swish, swish, swish.

Swish, swish, swish.

Throwing it into the second tank, Wang Xuewei washed it again, poured water into the third tank, and threw it into the turnover box at the back. When the box was full, she added another one on top. After a total of three turnover boxes were filled, she pulled the trailer to the official detoxification clinic. Go to the store.

Manager Xiong Xiong carried the box together to the transfer port, and the detoxification progress bar above it progressed slowly.

Seeing that everyone was sweating from the work, Xia Yan went back to the hall to take out the ice-cold mineral water, filled four boxes, left two boxes for the boys group, and put the rest next to the public kitchen.

She took the mineral water and put it on the cooking table one by one. "Here, drink water."

"thank you boss."

Just then, everyone was sweating all over and their throats were dry and itchy. They took the water, unscrewed the cap and drank half the bottle in one breath.

Just one word, cool!

Since the holiday door canceled the fees, other people who had not received the job also walked in. The soldiers who came for the first time, and the picking team with faces and hands full of frostbite, were shocked at the first step. !

Why is there such a place in the hotel?

The sun, which is about to set below the sea level, spreads its afterglow over the sea, and the gentle breeze ripples gently, making a soft rustling sound on the beach.

Peace and beauty come over you.

After seeing too many ruins of the city, their eyes were filled with numbness. As the remaining human civilization, they were always walking on the edge of extinction, like walking on the edge of a knife. If they were not careful, they would be doomed.

They were holding their hearts tightly to pursue the slim chance of survival in the difficult end of the world.

Are they tired?


Can they really find the final destination of mankind?

I don't know.

But they dare not stop and look back. The group of survivors still have the last glimmer of hope for them. Looking forward, General Chu and the leaders of the base are forging ahead.

It is a heavy responsibility and also the power to support them to move forward.

The hair was blown by the wind, and it was a little itchy on the tip of the nose. The soles of their feet fell lightly, and their tired hearts were wrapped in soft gravel.

Xia Yan looked back and saw a group of people sitting quietly on the beach, touching the gravel and looking into the distance.

She walked out of the holiday door with light steps.

In the safe zone, two hills disappeared into a small corner. Qi Hua saw her coming out and said, "Please bring some more turnover boxes, we are not enough!"

One hundred boxes are actually used up?

Xia Yan was surprised but did not ask in detail, and placed an order for 200 boxes in the mall.

Just at this time, Sang Zhengyi led his people, each holding a box, and walked into the safe zone up and down.

Qi Hua hurried to help and stacked them neatly on the cart.

"Thank you."

Sang Zhengyi wiped the sweat on his forehead and fanned with his hand. Suddenly he noticed Xia Yan beside him and walked over with a big smile...

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