I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 255: Come cooperate too

"Hmm? You said these potatoes were shoveled out of the yard?"

Xia Yan pointed to the full turnover box on the cart and asked.

Sang Zhengyi took a sip of water and nodded, "Yes, they were all shoveled nearby. Isn't this also the hotel's territory? I collected them all and sent them to you."

Sang Guqiu is reserved and low-key, with her lips slightly pursed. Although her hair is no longer black and shiny, and her skin has become rough and yellow, she still reveals the elegance of a lady from a noble family.

Completely opposite to her is her younger sister Sang Yu, whose big eyes are cunning and her expression does not have the major sequelae of suffering. At this moment, watching her eyes shine, she raised her head and drank water with a proud expression.

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"We are awesome, right? We didn't hide anything, it's all here."

Looking down, the gaps between the two fingers holding the bottle were full of black mud, and the chilblains on the back of their hands had not yet completely healed.

Xia Yan praised sincerely, "Great."

"No need to thank me, I can already feel it." Sang Yu made an exaggerated gesture of patting his chest.

Sang Zhengyi couldn't stand it, "Go upstairs to eat, don't act weird here."

Sang Yu didn't object. She was really tired today. She wanted to go back and take a hot bath to have a good rest. "Sister, go home. Bye, boss."

She grabbed her sister's hand and disappeared in the next second.

Sang Zhengyi relaxed his shoulders. This girl, why is she getting more excited the more tired she is? Don't say the wrong thing later.

Xia Yan walked to the cart and opened the lid. There were neatly arranged black potatoes inside, a total of 12 boxes.

"Take these away, no need to send them to me."

"What did you just say?" Sang Zhengyi scratched her ears, doubting that she had not heard clearly.

"In this farm, whoever digs it out will own it." She thought about it and added, "Except the official."

"This, are all really for us?" Sang Zhengyi raised his voice, instantly attracting the attention of the people working nearby.

What were you talking about just now?

What to give him?

What did we miss?

Xia Yan closed the lid and said with a smile: "Well, take it away, but I have to remind you that it is best to send these potatoes to the detoxification store for detoxification before eating. The charge is not expensive, and one box is estimated to be around 50 points."

Let's not talk about now, even before, when Earl and others came to dig potatoes, she didn't charge any fees.

I don't lack food, so there is really no need to compete with them for food.

Sang Zhengyi seemed to be hit by a huge surprise that fell from the sky. His head was dizzy and his feet were unstable. He supported the potatoes with his hands and only sobered up a little when he touched the wet soil.

"Boss Xia, this, this is how I can thank you."

Xia Yan smiled and waved her hand, indicating that it was not necessary.

Sang Zhengyi was short of money. When he heard the number 50, his first reaction was that 12 boxes would cost 600 points, which was really not cheap.

But then he thought about it. There was a supermarket in Lidai Island, which had rice, flour, grain and oil. He could cook in the villa, or spend some points in the public kitchen. These potatoes could be fried into many dishes. If you calculate carefully, it would be cheaper than eating in the store!

Sang Zhengyi, who had figured it out, was overwhelmed with excitement.

He told these words to others with a trembling voice. Everyone stood up excitedly, with extremely complicated feelings. Those with shallow eye sockets looked at her with tears in their eyes.

"Boss Xia, we, we really can't repay you."

Two lines of clear tears burst out of her eyes, and she made an uncontrollable sob in her throat.

The body trembled and shook under the loose clothes, and the knuckles of the fingers wiping the tears were swollen and could not bend.

Xia Yan glanced at the red corners of their wrinkled eyes, watching the slight twitching caused by the stinging of the skin when the tears slid across the scars, and the disaster was revealed on their faces without reservation.

She softened her voice, "You don't have to repay me. Live well, and things will be better in the future."

"Yes, yes, things will be better in the future! Better every day!!"

Sang Zhengyi was old, and he couldn't hide the grief in his heart. Familiar faces of joy, anger, anger and smile flashed through his mind like a movie.

If they could meet Boss Xia at that time, wouldn't they have to starve to death?

It's all his fault...

Someone held his shoulders firmly, and when he looked up, it was her.


"I know."

Her eyes were calm, like the dawn that was about to come in the dark night, and the thick black contained a heart-pounding dawn. Just one glance calmed his heart that was like a knife cutting and constantly blaming himself and feeling guilty.

"It will be better in the future."



The subordinates couldn't help but call for a stop.

After being busy for a long time, can we get the business done first?

Those space-based psychics outside were almost dying of anxiety, and he was also anxious to go to the hotel to lie down and rest.

What can I do? It's cold here and I don't want to come back.

Chu Wanfu didn't even raise his head, "What's wrong, tell me."

His subordinate coughed lightly, "General, except for the half that should be given to Boss Xia, the rest are arranged in the space. What do you think we should do?"

He stopped writing and blew on his cold fingers, "Where is the list?"

"It's down there."

He took it out and read it carefully, nodded, "Not bad, the harvest is very good."

Hmm, then what?

His subordinate's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help but take a small step forward.

"Have you prepared the samples for the research institute?"

"It has been sent out."

Waiting for you, the daylily has frozen into ice.

Chu Wanfu put down the list and pondered, making his subordinates who were waiting on the side rub their hands anxiously. He couldn't help but remind them again.

"General, I heard that half of the fruits and vegetables of Boss Xia have been processed. There is a detoxification store on her island. Put the things in to detoxify, and you can eat them after the detoxification. I don't know if it's true or not."

The subordinates didn't dare to say it for sure, and they had to let the boss make the final summary.

Sure enough, the mist in Chu Wanfu's eyes was swept away, and he glanced at him and covered the pen.

"Let's go, go there to work."

He pushed open the door, and behind the door stood eight soldiers with red faces from the cold.

There were exactly ten people.

Chu Wanfu planned to take a shortcut, "Come, come here."

The electronic sound sounded in his ears, "Do you agree to let xxx, xx... enter the villa?"


In a flash, several people immediately moved from the cold office building to the spacious and bright villa.

"This, this is?" The subordinates exclaimed.

Chu Wanfu glanced at him and replied: "Lidai Island."

The men were shocked. The general was doing something so quiet. He rented a villa secretly? Could he bring his wife and children to settle down here?

It seems that there are family rooms for rent. We have to act quickly.

Chu Wanfu led everyone to Lidai Island at lightning speed, enjoying a sea drift.

When they reached the shore, their calves were shaking.

All the street lights in Lidai Island were turned on, illuminating the area very brightly. All the soldiers were scattered on the beach, holding takeout boxes and eating sweetly.

The public kitchen was crowded and very busy. The carts were running back and forth, and Boss Xia was standing opposite to "supervise".

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