I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 256 Big Potato Big

Chu Wanfu walked around the public kitchen, going through the process in his mind, and found that the detoxification process was also very simple.

Will this work?

I recall that the dried vegetables I bought from the grocery store were tested and found to be non-toxic and edible.

Chu Wanfu signaled his men to wake up the soldiers lying on the beach to work.

Let the eight space superpowers stand next to the empty sink one by one.

He walked to Xia Yan and planned to borrow the trolley.

Xia Yan said: "How many do you want to rent? In addition, do you need to use the weekly packing boxes? Each one will only cost you 30 points."

She took out a box and held it out for him to feel the hard shell.

"Since we have cooperated so many times, the price will be the lowest. No need to thank me."

Xia Yan looked at him with a smile and took out five more small trailers. "It's only 10 points for the carts. No more."

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This is what I came here to give out points for.

Chu Wanfu glanced at her and secretly complained about profiteers. He could no longer let her lead him by the nose.

He asked his men, "Do we have any extra boxes we can use?"

The subordinate whispered back: "Not that much."

Still have to buy it.

Xia Yan pretended not to hear and looked in other directions.

Chu Wanfu glanced at her and waved his hands to stay away so as not to upset him.

There is no way, the space for superpowers is limited, so they can only use it as sparingly as possible.

It’s painful, you have to spend points for everything, it’s the end of the world, how can you still feel the pain of lack of money!

"Then please give me a hundred boxes and rent a trolley."

Xia Yan chuckled, "A total of 3050 points have been deducted from your card. Thank you for your patronage."

Chu Wanfu ordered people to carry the things away quickly. He was already stroking his chin and wondering where he could get compensation.

Perhaps, supplies cannot be given in vain?


Xiong Xiong realized that something was wrong.

Why don’t the detoxified fruits and vegetables come out?

It has been crammed into many boxes. Although the detoxification progress bar is slow, it is also rising little by little. But the problem is that after the progress bar is loaded, what about the fruits and vegetables?


The bear scratched its head, its black eyes flashing with confusion. It stretched out its paws, trying to open the entrance and poke its head in to take a look.

The street lights on the side cast a soft warm orange color, and the metal entrance actually shone with a strange white light.

The entrance is so tight that not even a bear's claws can reach in.

Suddenly, the progress bar above turned into a red color bar, and a harsh and disorderly sound sounded from inside.

"Warning, please do not damage the machine. Violators may be subject to electric shock."

Xiong Xiong became even more anxious and shook his hands, "Then spit it out quickly and don't eat my boss's stuff!"

"Second warning."

Zhizi, zizi.

The sound of strong electric current sounded from the door of the detox shop.

The people who were busy working were so frightened that they dropped what they were holding, crouched down with their heads in their hands, glanced around quickly, looked at the next door between the shelves, and asked quietly:

"What happened just now, did you see clearly?"

"Is it raining?"

"No, no, is there someone making trouble here?"

who? So fierce, dare to cause trouble here.

The movement of the electric current was so loud that Chu Wanfu instantly thought of an unpleasant teleportation experience.

I almost got electrocuted at that time...

Following the sound, I was stunned for a moment. In a blink of an eye, I felt comfortable, and the depression that was stuck in my chest disappeared.

He pointed with his chin at Xiong Xiong, who was shaking all over from being electrocuted. He raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Boss Xia, do you need me to introduce a safety education expert for training? The fee is not expensive, only 888."

As expected, things like charging fees are familiar again and again.

Xia Yan looked at him in surprise, "General Chu is going to become a businessman?"


"That's good, I thought I had to change careers."

Xia Yan gave him a "you know me" look and left with a smile.

Chu Wanfu understood instantly and felt as if he had shot himself in the foot.

Turning to the cooking table, he shouted softly: "Everyone is here, speed up!"

In front of the detox shop, after experiencing three seconds of electric shock, Xiong Xiong fell to the ground in a daze and trembled all over, with a faint purple electric current dancing in his hair.

Xia Yan didn't dare to take action directly. He took out a radish from the frame waiting to be detoxified and poked it on the arm.

"Bear Bear, are you okay?"

It doesn't look good, my eyes are rolling up.

"...Boss, it stole...our stuff...ahem." Two puffs of white smoke came out of the bear's mouth.

The eyelids slowly closed, and when they opened, the dark eyes moved downward, focusing on the face in front of him.

Suddenly, the grievances came like a tide.

Hey, I'm full of power.

The raging carp stood up and jumped up from the ground, shaking its fur vigorously, and its ears slapped on both sides, making a snapping sound.

The shiny hair sways with the movement and is very smooth.

It pounced on Xia Yan, stretched out a trembling finger, pointed at the mouth of the conveyor belt and started to complain.

Xia Yan took the opportunity to touch its furry back, crawling all the way up, and finally touched its small ears that felt great.

Her attention was instantly drawn to the ears covered with fine downy hair.

The fingers touched lightly, and the sensitive ears suddenly twitched, and the fluff slid across the fingertips, causing a slight numbness.

Fun tight.

Xiong Xiong said a lot like a machine gun, but never waited for the boss to reply. Looking back, her eyes were floating, and he couldn't help but hug her waist and shake her, and said in a coquettish tone:

"Boss, did you listen to me?"

The chubby boy's voice hit!

Xia Yan became more and more confused, and couldn't help but smile like an auntie, rubbing its chubby face, "Listen, listen, let it swallow, and eat it to death."

Xiongxiong:? Boss, what are you talking about?

Suspecting that she didn't hear him clearly, Xiongxiong broke away angrily, picked up a box of fruits and vegetables, and demonstrated it to her.


The heavy turnover box was placed on the conveyor belt and then swallowed. The progress bar above began to grow slowly. When it reached 100%, it made a ding sound, indicating that the purification was completed.


Where are the things?

Xia Yan realized that something was wrong.

"What's going on? All the fruits and vegetables were not delivered?"

Xiongxiong nodded seriously.

"How can this be-General Chu is here, come, Xiongxiong, get out of the way first, customers first." Xia Yan swallowed the second half of the sentence, put on a gentle smile, and stepped aside.

Chu Wanfu sounded the alarm in his heart, and his sharp eyes swept over the two people, as if he wanted to see through the secrets they were hiding.

The expression was too enthusiastic, and there were two boxes of fruits and vegetables missing from the cart next to them. The display screen of the detoxification shop showed that the work had just been completed, and everything looked normal.

"Wait a minute." He stopped the soldiers who were moving the boxes, "Put a potato in first."

He glanced at Xia Yan, and was cautious.

"Yes." The soldier put a big potato on the transmission platform as required.

According to the prompt, Chu Wanfu paid 3 points, the conveyor belt began to roll, the big potato gradually disappeared, and the detoxification progress bar at the top rose rapidly, and it was soon completed.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong stared at the transmission port.

The next second,

the big potato came out.

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