I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 257 Hidden Mission

"How can it be!"

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong shouted in unison.

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Chu Wanfu narrowed his eyes dangerously.

This man and a bear are indeed causing trouble.

"Boss Xia, what is impossible?"

Xia Yan ignored him and picked up the radish himself and put it in. The progress bar increased faster than testing a big potato.

Phew, the test is completed.

The two of them gathered at the transmission port, rubbing their hands and stamping their feet, wanting to reach out and grab it themselves.

Chu Wanfu was puzzled and stepped forward.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

There is still no movement at the teleportation port...

"What are you doing, where is my carrot?"

Xia Yan wailed, slapping the metal door miserably, "Give me back the carrot, I'm still waiting to sell my points."

Xiong Xiong cheered on from the side, "Boss, do it, hammer it right away!"

Only then did Chu Wanfu figure out what was going on.

It turned out that the one she sent in was swallowed, and she was just waiting to see if his one would be swallowed.

Chu Wanfu clenched his back teeth. It's true that people's hearts are sinister.

How could a good person fall into the eyes of "money" and be unable to extricate himself?

"General, are we still purifying?"

Chu Wanfu glanced at Xia Yan again and snorted coldly, "Let it go, let's try two."

Don't fight over the steamed buns, just in case your own will be fine.

Being able to make Boss Xia angry made him feel even happier.

The subordinates did not dare to object, and neatly threw two radishes up and passed them in.

After a ding sound, in full view of everyone, the conveyor belt turned again, and the radish came out!

"Haha!" Chu Wanfu couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Put that box on top."

"...Yes." The subordinate looked at Boss Xia calmly, lowered his head and asked others to move the boxes, stepped back and stood behind Chu Wanfu.

He happened to be standing in Boss Xia's blind spot.

The grievances between big bosses, idlers should not get involved randomly...

Xia Yan watched helplessly as a large box of fruit was put on, detoxified, and then sent out again. She was not feeling well.

"Xiong Xiong, try again, just let one go."

Xiongxiong did as he was told.

Chu Wanfu ordered his men to stop.

If nothing else...


Yes, it was no surprise.

"This." Xia Yan was stunned. Did he encounter a bug?

Chu Wanfu knew the principle of "Don't push the enemy when you are poor". He restrained the arrogant expression on his face, whispered a few words to his subordinates, and prepared to go back to the villa to be happy.

As soon as he left, his men were in a dilemma.

I also planned for my wife and children to live here, so... I had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Boss Xia, look at this..."

Xia Yan took a step away, "You go first."

She had to think carefully about what was going on and why she suddenly swallowed supplies. This had never happened before.

The five teams surrounding him were also whispering.

"Oh, what can I do? There's no food left."

"It's probably because the machine is malfunctioning. It should be able to be taken out later."

"But why are General Chu and the others fine?"

"Shh, don't mention this."

"Then shall we do it?"

Everyone will turn their attention to Xia Yan. It depends on how the boss arranges it.

Xia Yan guessed that some hidden mission might have been triggered, but it didn't meet the triggering criteria for the time being.

"Everyone, please continue working. Bring the washed fruits and vegetables here as usual."

"Okay." Everyone responded in unison and went back to wash with enthusiasm.

No matter where these things end up, it is not a problem for them to consider.

"Bear bear, detoxify as usual."

Xiong Xiong didn't ask too much, and whatever the boss said was what he said, and Kuku just moved.

Xia Yan stared from the side.

After almost ten more boxes were put in, she finally received the message from the system.

【Trigger high-end restaurant】

[High-end restaurant raw material collection progress: 5%]

[Purchase rules for high-end restaurants: 1. Purchase at original price (100 million points) 2. Purchase raw materials by yourself (a certain fee will be deducted) Note: The basic fee is 10 million points, and it can be built layer by layer]

So that's it.

After she read the rules, a transparent blue panel appeared in front of her, with a model of a high-end restaurant on it, which looked majestic.

It's just that the detailed contents of the whole building are blurred, and only the thin layer at the bottom is dyed with colorful colors.

At the same time, in the center of Ridai Island, a construction area wrapped in green cloth appeared.

Xia Yan closed the interfaces in front of him one by one, feeling comfortable and even walking with ease.

It was not until 12 o'clock in the evening that the two hills in the safety zone were completely dealt with.

Xiong Xiong pulled the trolley to find Zhichang, carefully packed the perishable fruits and vegetables he had cleaned, and sent them to the detoxification shop before leaving.

It won't spit out anyway, so don't worry about it.

Ten teams were queuing up, yawning and thumping their waists. It had been a long time since they came to the hotel to sleep so late.

Xia Yan paid today's salary, and then said thank you for your hard work, go to bed early, and let Xiong Xiong take everyone back.

Chu Wanfu and his party arrived late, and there is still half of the matter to be dealt with.

Since I had to get up early tomorrow, I thought about going to the farm to pick intensively, so I stopped and prepared to rest.

Then the problem came again.

How to arrange the picking team? We can't let everyone go back at this time. The base is cold and cold. It's too inhumane.

"Boss Xia, are there any empty rooms in the store?"

Xia Yan shook his head. These three or four hundred people, plus the soldiers, can't stay in the safe zone.

Lidai Island is big enough, but it is different from the safe zone and can't provide free accommodation.

Obviously, General Chu's men also have this idea. He also has his eyes on the vast land of Lidai Island.

Whether it is soldiers or survivors, the first choice is safety and being able to spend the night. They don't consider whether there are four walls and a bed here. When escaping in the wild, who hasn't experienced the sky as a cover and the ground as a bed?

It's not necessary to start being hypocritical now.

Xia Yan said: "You can live here, but you have to charge points. Not much, 25 points per person."

The price is of course cheaper than a single room. After all, there is nothing here. Except for land and safety, she doesn't provide anything.

She is for earning points, and there is no reason to push customers away.

The main thing is that there is no loss, and it is good enough to get points for free.

The other party did not agree immediately. The soldiers are definitely fine, but the picking team needs to consider it because they have to pay for it themselves.

After counting the number of soldiers, Xia Yan was paid a level 5 crystal core and began to camp on the spot. The space ability users took out tents, camp beds, wooden mattresses and other things, and prepared to sleep in their clothes for a night.

Xia Yan looked at it a few more times and spent 200,000 points to build a public toilet to avoid everyone running around.

The space ability users in the picking team were not here, so they could not use the beds. Since they were all lying on the spot, they might as well go back to the safe area to sleep for a night, as long as they were not cold.

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