"Lin, is this the supermarket you are talking about?"

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Xia Yan jumped out of the car, put her palm in front of her eyes, and looked at the industrial-style supermarket in front of her, spanning the entire block, a large flat floor, without a second floor.

"Yeah. We usually come here to buy goods." Lin got out of the car, her collar still pulled up high, revealing two eyes looking around vigilantly.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up, his right fist pounded on the palm of his left hand, and then pointed hard at the entrance of the supermarket in front of him, "Let's go!"

He casually carried the split baseball bat on his shoulder, and Xia Yan strode forward heroically.

He looked a little impatient.

Lin followed with doubts, not understanding why she was still a money-grubber even though she had a huge fortune in her hands.

No wonder people say that the richer you are, the stingier you are...

Xia Yan handed her a flashlight - he had given it to Jing Yimai before.

"Follow closely, we're going in."

Lin nodded to show that she understood.

Xia Yan took off the U-shaped lock hanging on the door.

Pushing the door, the eyes were extremely shocked. The interior space was huge, and the floor height was estimated to be nearly eight meters high. The front half of the space was relatively low shelves, stacked one on top of another like dominoes, and various bottles and jars were scattered all over the floor, revealing a row of black shelves that reached the ceiling at the back.

The key point is that there are many large cardboard boxes scattered on it!

And the higher the place, the fuller the boxes are!

"O, M, G!"

Xia Yan lost control for the first time and almost screamed.

"Lin, aren't you here to move the goods?!"

Lin, who was standing by, was cleaning the backpack that had been stripped from the zombie, taking out all the textbooks and homework inside, stacking them neatly, and putting them back in front of the young zombie with his mouth wide open.

She took the backpack strap and walked into the store first, leaving a sentence: "They are just pots, pans, mats and so on. Who would move them back after eating and having nothing to do?"

Lin's footsteps continued to echo in the huge space, as if she was not stepping on the rough marble floor, but slowly stepping on the million-level speakers, producing high-quality 3D surround sound.

Xia Yan was speechless and choked, feeling a bit upset.

This little old lady, is she taking revenge on him for scaring her just now?

In a blink of an eye, she was attracted by the jingling sound made when she was looking for cans.

Nothing could stop her excitement of buying for free.

Xia Yan quickly walked to the other side and moved the zombie lying face down to the other side, revealing the pile of cans that were pressed down.

She picked up a can and saw that it said **Canned luncheon meat.

She turned to the back and saw that it had only a three-year shelf life, so Xia Yan was ready to throw it aside.

"Don't throw it away, give it to me." Lin stretched out her hand.

"It's expired."

"It's not bad, it's still edible."

Seeing Lin insisting, Xia Yan gave it to her, and then picked up a few cans of different kinds, and found that they had long passed the expiration date.

This kind of food rarely lasts for five years, but she dared not sell it to customers. Well, she should go and see what's in the box.

Xia Yan stepped on the fallen shelf, supported herself with one hand, and took a shortcut to the back. The shelves on both sides of the wall were several times as tall as her.

There were a few cardboard boxes with big holes torn next to them. Xia Yan opened them and saw that there were colorful flags and ribbons for wrapping gifts.

It was useless.

Looking at the side, there was a box of birthday candles with various numbers or strange shapes.

Can this be used as lighting?

Although it went out in a few seconds.

Take it away and sell it cheaply later.

After putting the box into the space, she raised her head and stared at the big boxes on the top, eager to move.

It looks intact, it must be good stuff.

She looked around and soon found a simple long ladder. When she got closer, she saw that the legs of the ladder were bent and completely unusable.

She walked around the area again but didn't see a second one, so she had to buy one in the mall for 500 points.

After raising the ladder to the highest point, Xia Yan climbed up and sat on the small platform at the top, climbing to a height of seven or eight meters without any protection. If she had a little fear of heights, she couldn't do it.

She reached out and pulled out the big cardboard box, cut the tape sealing the box with a paper cutter, and couldn't wait to open it.

She was furious. Why put a box of toilet plungers so high!

She gritted her teeth and put it away, preparing to go back and give each room one for free!

She climbed down the ladder and moved to another location, climbed up again to unpack, and before opening it, Xia Yan clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly in her heart:

Merciful and omnipotent main system, you are the place of eternity, light, and happiness, please bless me with good luck in unpacking from now on, Lord, Lord.

Xia Yan opened the lid slowly with a serious look on her face, and then she slammed it shut even faster.

No, no, start over, the last one doesn't count, we should start from this one.

Maybe the main system was busy just now and didn't hear it, so she'll say it twice this time.

Xia Yan peeked out again, and when she saw the cute square plastic packaging bag with jagged edges, she laughed out loud.

"Haha, a box, eh? Circle? Damn!"

Xia Yan swears that she will definitely be a staunch atheist in the future, and whoever engages in feudal superstition will have to accept her contemptuous eyes!

Lin, who was picking through a pile of bottles and jars, heard a series of mutterings from Boss Xia, and couldn't help but look up.

I didn't expect that Boss Xia, who is gentle and kind in the store, also has a temper.

She stuffed two bottles of hand sanitizer into her backpack, and barely zipped up the bulging backpack.

She found another cardboard box and prepared to put some more things in it, so as not to make a wasted trip.

No matter how much she cursed and complained, Xia Yan still stuffed the two large boxes into the system grid. According to the last sales situation, this thing is profitable.

Xia Yan also tasted it. There was basically nothing good in the box near the door. If you want to unpack, you have to unpack from the back to the front.

So she ran to the innermost part with a ladder, and with a clang, she put the ladder in front of the shelf with the most boxes at the top.

Rub your hands, open the box, baby!



Another small square?

Xia Yan took out one and illuminated it with a flashlight. There was a line of not-so-big words on it: 90 compressed dry food.

Turn to the back to see the ingredient list: wheat flour, white sugar, edible salt, whole milk powder, etc.

Then, isn’t that the compressed biscuits that Chu Wanfu wanted?

Xia Yan opened five boxes in a row, which were compressed dry food of different flavors.

Chu Wanfu will bring people to raid here one day, it's just a matter of time.

Now, she has intercepted it in advance, and took it all away, and then sold it to Chu Wanfu!

Xia Yan was in a good mood and hummed a little song, and then unpacked a whole box of exquisite plates wrapped in bubble paper.

Just as Lin said, there were countless pots and pans, and no one took them.

All of them were cheap for Xia Yan.

She even unpacked more than 20 sets of high-end tea sets, one of which had a circle of small flowers hooked on the edge of the cup with gold thread, which was very fresh.

It made her, a girl who never liked to drink tea, want to taste tea.

Xia Yan felt that she was probably the only one in the world who could still drink tea, so she should take them all away, otherwise it would be a pity if they were smashed.

Then, on other shelves, disposable chopsticks, gloves, tin foil, etc. were stuffed into three boxes, and all were put into the grid by Xia Yan.

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