Lin had packed up the things she wanted long ago, and sent the cartons and backpacks to the RV early in the morning.

I came to help unpack with nothing in my hands.

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"Tsk, there is actually a box of toilet paper that was left out, do you want it, Boss Xia?"

When Lin saw a pile of waste paper boxes, she vaguely felt that there must be good things in them, but she didn't expect that she would really find them.

"Yes, I'll give you half when I go back."

Xia Yan stood on a tall ladder and nodded repeatedly.

Lin was not polite and said yes directly.

Even brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone two people who are completely unfamiliar with each other. It's best to divide them clearly so that no one owes anyone anything.

Then Xia Yan found a box of children's schoolbags with a picture of the Wangwang team jumping and waving on it. No need to think about it, take it.

Ocean balls and little yellow ducks?

I feel they are useless, don't want them.

Transparent umbrella?

Take it.

Just as I was putting away my happiness, a hysterical roar of zombies suddenly sounded outside the store.

A car roared from far to near, and the silenced bullet rushed out of the gun barrel at high speed. The huge impact force made the zombie fly backwards and fall to the ground.

"Someone is coming."

Lin stood up suddenly, strode to the back of the ladder, leaned against the shelf, and looked around vigilantly with a baseball bat.

Xia Yan stood high and tried to see the person clearly through the high-rise glass.

Her brand new RV was still parked outside, very conspicuous, and the other party could see it at a glance. If they were desperate, they would definitely run here.

No matter who the person was, they had to get a share.

Xia Yan thought about it and didn't bother to pay attention. He didn't open the box to take a closer look. He threw it directly into the system grid and waited to look at it slowly when he got back.

Lin was completely out of ideas and hesitated whether to run back to the RV before the other party came.

There was a sharp brake sound, and many people jumped out of the car and mixed with the zombies rushing over.

As if they were very confident, even their supernatural powers were useless.

Xia Yan paused, and vaguely heard a familiar voice saying: Boss Xia's car.

The only thing that flashed through his mind was Chu Wanfu's face.

Only he had the strength to run so far.

Xia Yan took a long breath, accelerated the speed of collecting boxes, jumped down the ladder and collected all the opened boxes below, and cleared the lower half while running.

Lin was stunned by her sudden speed, and reacted to help throw the boxes to her for her to collect.

Xia Yan accepted everyone who came, and ran all the way to the cashier, and found that there were a pile of crystal cores on the counter!

There were even a few level 5 crystal cores mixed in it!

"Oh my god, there are still people who take goods and pay for crystal cores? Isn't this too high-class?!"

Xia Yan happily rushed over and embraced him, revealing a money-grubbing expression, stroking and putting everything into the system grid.

Lin behind him changed her expression from surprise to secretly applauding.

It was obvious that those people didn't have time to take them away, but it was a bargain for Boss Xia...

Xia Yan opened all the drawers to check again, and she actually found a thin gold piece with the words "** event first prize 999 pure gold" written on it.

She accepted it with a smile.

The big noise outside successfully attracted the attention of the nearby zombies, who stumbled over here.

The group of people fought while walking, and ran into the supermarket, blocking the door with shelves, stools and other things. Then the zombies pounced on the door, making a thumping sound.

The leader turned around, found Xia Yan on the tall ladder, and waved calmly.

"What a coincidence, we can meet here."

Xia Yan smiled but didn't smile, his hands didn't stop moving, "Hello, who are you?"

Chu Wanfu didn't expect to receive such a reply, and was visibly surprised.

After seeing her deliberate delay, he simply took advantage of the situation and signaled the space ability users behind him to collect, and used the same trick back.

"Stranger, we will share half when we meet,"

"Okay. I want the back, and I'll give you the first half."

Xia Yan agreed readily.

Chu Wanfu looked around and refused, "You go east and I go west."


The two of them went back and forth, neither of them backed down. One was talking while his hands didn't stop, and the other was negotiating, but privately ordered his men to speed up.

Lin, who was caught in the middle, was in a dilemma with the box in her hand.

On one side was the store owner who could guarantee her personal safety and treated her well, and on the other side was an official who defended the country...

No choice was appropriate.

Or, let her go out first?

Xia Yan saw that although the other side had many people, they had no ladder, so it would be difficult to climb up and move.

Even if the boxes below were taken away, Xia Yan would not feel bad, because they were all canned food and the shelf life had expired, so it was useless for him to keep them.

Customers getting sick from eating is a big taboo for doing business.

Food safety is the first principle of the hotel.

In fact, the boxes on the top are not very useful to Chu Wanfu.

Porcelain bowls and plates are not suitable for their marching. In an emergency, they can just throw the iron bowls away and pick them up and wash them clean. They are afraid of falling porcelain bowls, and they are also afraid of hurting their feet when walking.

But who cares so much now, just put them away first and see how to deal with them later.

Xia Yan had the same idea.

Everyone bought for free, so it depends on who has the fastest hand speed.

No one spoke in the huge supermarket, only the sound of collecting and running hurriedly echoed.

As more and more zombies appeared, the door blocked by the shelves shook violently, and gradually a gap as wide as a palm was opened.

The highly decayed faces of the living dead squeezed in hard, and the dense gray eyes made people's scalps numb.

The soldier in charge of guarding the gate held a modified superpower gun and stabbed the zombie's head with the sharp bayonet on the top. It exploded like a crisp watermelon shattered by a powerful bullet.

The black slag-like brain matter was scattered all over the zombies below, and the more terrifying and disgusting it looked.

The indescribable stench came to the face. The gas masks that had been used too many times could only be used as decorations and could not resist it at all. The soldiers had to hold their breath and speed up their hands, just to stab a few more before changing air.

Through the wriggling reflections on the frosted glass, you can imagine the dense groups of zombies outside, and the number killed by the soldiers is almost negligible.

The subordinate reported: "General Chu, the zombies nearby have been attracted here, and they can probably hold on for another five minutes."

"Okay, everyone, pay attention, evacuate in five minutes, seize the last time!"

Chu Wanfu clapped his hands vigorously to remind, and then looked at Xia Yan, "Boss Xia, please evacuate on time later."

Xia Yan nodded, "Got it." Then he ran up and down like a puff of smoke, and even the shelves disappeared wherever he went.

Everyone accelerated the final collection action, and at this moment they didn't care whether there was zombie blood on them.

Five minutes soon came, and everyone began to evacuate to the back.

Fortunately, this supermarket is a flat floor, so even if you jump out of the window, you won't get hurt.

There was a sharp and piercing sound of shelves being dragged from the door, and a tide of zombies rushed in, and the roar echoed and swirled in the huge space, like a tornado that was getting more and more intense.

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