I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 265 Going to the Car Dealership

"Lin, come down quickly.

Xia Yan stretched out his hands to catch her as she jumped down.

In fact, she didn't have to jump out of the window to escape. Somehow, under Chu Wanfu's repeated urging, she climbed up the back window.

By the time he reacted, he had landed smoothly.

Lin, on the other hand, was old, so she was stuck on it and was not very flexible. One of her legs was still dangling in it and she couldn't lift it up.

The soldiers at the back saw this and helped put their legs away, then flexibly stepped out of the window one by one, closing the window tightly with their backhands.

The soldiers surrounded them in a fan shape, holding sharp pickaxes in their hands, killing the scattered zombies that came after hearing the sound one by one, gouging out the crystal core, and quickly moved forward.

Xia Yan finally experienced the pleasure of being protected.

It’s really cool.

There was a reinforced armored vehicle parked in the open space not far away. The driver saw them come out and start the vehicle, mercilessly crushing the zombies that jumped on the front of the vehicle, and stopped in front of everyone with a beautiful squeak.

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The driver stuck his head out and said, "Get in the car."

The soldiers jumped onto the carriage one after another in a well-trained manner, and the heavy and hard soles of their shoes made loud sounds.

Chu Wanfu opened the car door and looked back at her, "Come up here and I'll take you to the front to get the car."

Xia Yan was stunned, "No need, I have a way."

In his questioning eyes, Xia Yan took back the RV and took it out again in the blink of an eye.

The luxurious car that belonged to her landed silently, as if it had never moved here.

Xia Yan turned on the driver's seat and asked Lin to get in the car.

"General Chu, don't interrupt. Let's go first."

After that, he stepped on the accelerator, and the RV suddenly rushed out at a speed that was not its own, and quickly disappeared around the corner of the street.

The zombies crowded in the supermarket roared loudly, and there was a roaring sound as the shelves were overturned.

The scattered zombies wandering not far away noticed their presence and approached unsteadily.

Chu Wanfu looked away and jumped into the car.

"Let's go to the hospital."


"Boss Xia, General Chu and the others didn't follow. Where do you want to go next?"

Lin looked in the rearview mirror and saw that the armored vehicle had never followed. She endured it again and again, and finally asked.

Xia Yan Yueyue's plump and tender fingers tapped on the steering wheel, making a crisp sound. After thinking about it, he said:

"Let's go to the car sales company and get a few more cars back."

After I go back, I will find someone to renovate it and add a layer of steel protection to the outside. Then I can rent it out to customers in the store.

Lin nodded happily.

Location on the edge of the city.

There are fewer shops facing the street, and the road has been widened by more than half. Under the light that penetrates the clouds, the asphalt road is vaguely glowing with water.

Compared with the tragedy in the city center, this place has maintained its pre-apocalyptic situation.

There was a bus with a bee shell parked in the middle of the road ahead. The roar of its engine caused the zombies inside to riot.

I saw a group of half-tall little zombies roaring out of the car. The two braids on their heads were jumping stiffly in the air. Their original young faces were covered with corpse spots, their heads were tilted to the side, and there was a black bloody hole on their necks. , a piece of neck bone can be vaguely seen.

Behind them, a female zombie carrying a canvas bag stained with blood came down. The frame between the bridge of her nose had long been distorted, and her delicate makeup was confused, like a spilled palette. She stood on the asphalt and shook her head. He stretched out his hand blankly.

The RV passed by, and under the clearing function, the zombies who had just gotten out of the car were pressed tightly against the frame of the little bee, unable to even struggle.

Lin closed her eyes.

The gray clouds completely swallowed up the sun, and the sky and the earth were vast and heavy. Even the originally hot wind cooled down, causing the hairs to stand on end.

A large GG sign stands quietly in the sky in the distance. The bright colors are gradually fading without maintenance, like a sign of the end of the world.

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Xia Yan followed the sign and turned onto the cement road, stopping in front of the company with a herringbone sign.

The sound alarmed the zombies inside. Employees and leaders in dirty suits plopped in front of the glass windows. Survivors who came to seek refuge without knowing the truth at the entrance were bitten. The locked door became a guillotine.

The glass was splattered with blood and scratching fingers left long marks, showing how desperate they were at that time.

Lin refused to get out of the car.

"Wait for me here." Xia Yan closed the car door with a bang.

Under Lin's 'kind' gaze, Xia Yan pulled the glass door. The friction of the lock made the zombies inside start to riot, screaming and banging on the door.

Xia Yan bought a glass breaker in the mall, took it in his hand and hit the two corners under the glass. He heard a clicking sound and a fine spider web immediately appeared on the glass surface.

Under the huge impact of the zombies, the spider web cracked bigger and bigger, shattered into pieces with a crack, and fell to the ground with a crackle. The zombies rushed out crazily and rushed towards Xia Yan on the opposite side.

Lin couldn't help but clench her fingers and put her upper body close to the car window.

Even though she knew that zombies would not attack Boss Xia, seeing so many rotting and stinking zombies surrounding them, the horror instantly made her feel as if she was there!

The zombies swarmed over, and some of them were chewed until there was no piece of flesh on their bodies. They walked diagonally towards her with their heads tilted and eyes tilted.

Xia Yan frowned, took a baseball bat and pushed it aside, kicking another zombie in the waist to prevent the zombies from getting too close.

They smelled like a fermented dry toilet in summer. Just passing by would make you smell the stench that wanted to get into your bones.

"Go away, stay away from me."

Xia Yan's mouth was tightly closed, and only the sound came out of her throat.

She walked into the company, and the stench that hit her instantly forced her to retreat. She sniffed her sleeves and vomited.

Xia Yan hesitated at the door for a second, took out the gas mask and put it on, and rushed into the store.

The clothes can't be stinky in vain, at least the cars have to be taken back to subsidize!

The zombie staff in the store came over with "enthusiasm", and Xia Yan kicked one away with a strong kick. The zombie flew backwards and got up from the ground, shaking his head and running towards the exit, leaving the wealth of the store to her, an outsider.

Xia Yan snorted at the attitude of letting others take advantage of her. This group of unmotivated employees, how come no one entertained such a big customer like her?

Even if she bought it for free, someone should be left to introduce the product.

Xia Yan muttered, and in a blink of an eye, she saw an "employee" in work clothes lying in front of the half-open car window.

Looking closely at the car, it was low-key and luxurious matte paint, full leather interior, seven luxurious seats, and a car refrigerator function.

She was very satisfied and poked it with the top of a baseball bat.

"Brother, how much is this car?"

The zombie turned around and howled in dissatisfaction with being disturbed. His mouth was full of minced meat, which had rotted and stank. With the roar, a cloud of black smoke with an ominous symbol could be vaguely seen.

Xia Yan took a half step back and then raised the baseball bat and swung it hard, instantly hitting the zombie's head with a deep dent.

"Dare to yell at customers? I'll deal with you for your boss!"

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