I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 266 Lie down more comfortably

Then the second stick was swung fiercely with a whistling sound.

"The customer made a reasonable request, and you didn't respond, but you were so fierce?"

This time, most of the zombie's head was deeply sunken inside, and the minced meat in its mouth had been thrown out long ago. It fell to the ground and died for the second time without a sound.

Xia Yan picked out the crystal core inside. Although it was wrapped in pickled things, it still couldn't cover up the crystal blue color.

When borrowing his clothes to wipe the crystal core, a wallet fell out of his pocket with a click. Inside was a family photo. The man hugged his two babies, one big and one small, and smiled happily.

Xia Yan closed her eyes gently. She could imagine what the scene was like at that time.

When the zombies broke out in the store, the man was worried about his wife and daughter at home, and tried desperately to escape into the best car in the store.

There were seven seats, and in addition to his family of three, there was just enough space for both parents to ride.

Unfortunately, he hadn't exercised for a long time and his body was soft. With a big belly, he couldn't get into the car no matter what. He was soon caught up by the zombies behind him and bitten to death.

Xia Yan opened his eyes and put the crystal core in his pocket.

"For the sake of your reward, I'll let you lie down more comfortably."

She took out disposable gloves and put them on, grabbed the corpse's feet, pulled him to the bed in the employee lounge, and thoughtfully helped to cover him with a quilt.

She put the wallet back into the left pocket of his shirt.

After dealing with him, Xia Yan returned to the store with ease and put the business car that she had just chosen into the system grid.

Next, her target is a car with many seats and a large trunk space.

Like a jogging car, a sedan, it is not within the scope of consideration.

The main chassis is too low, and a higher earth pit is easy to get stuck. If you accidentally run over a zombie, won't you just wait to die on the spot?

She rented the car to facilitate customers to go out to find goods, not to help deliver snacks to zombies.

The best choices are mountain off-road vehicles and a certain brand of magic car. If that doesn't work, buses are also within her consideration.

Wait, the pattern opens up.

What if the customer also likes bulldozers, forklifts, and road rollers?

You can't judge customers by your own preferences. This is the first principle of being a good boss.

In the boutique car hall, Xia Yan once again found a boutique among boutiques - Mercedes, Super G.

'The car is equipped with a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged engine with a maximum of 585 horsepower. The 9-speed manual transmission can meet the driving needs of various road conditions. The price is between 2.1468 million and 3.5328 million yuan'

Xia Yan's eyes were straight when she saw the price.

Hiss, it's so expensive.

As for what was introduced before, under the influence of the price, everything seems so unimportant.

She happily put the car into the grid, feeling that her value suddenly increased. The six-digit cars in the store were no longer worthy of her and not worth buying.

In line with the principle of not taking the initiative and not wasting, Xia Yan took away the crystal cores lying on the ground that had not been taken out.

He clapped his hands and went to the next one.

Next door, he broke the glass with the same method, and waited for the zombies inside to rush out, and then Xia Yan walked in slowly.

Just like strolling in her own backyard, strolling leisurely, only looking at the price, the one with the highest price wins her heart.

In contrast to the beautiful years here, Chu Wanfu and his party struggled left and right in dire straits, jumping back and forth on the sickle of the god of death.


There were not many zombies in the lobby, only a few nurses wearing hats dragged their confused steps and shook.

The vanguard team lowered their footsteps and sent them to the west before they could react, holding their necks and slowly falling to the ground.

To the west of the hall was the guard room, which was empty.

To the east is the registration desk, with six registration slots, mostly blocked by a blue curtain. You can clearly see five swaying waists and abdomens inside.

Looking at the door, it is closed.

The vanguard team waved back, indicating that it is safe to enter.

Chu Wanfu approached, "Let's find medical supplies first."

"Got it."

In front of him was a horizontal corridor, with open doors on both sides of the consultation room, and it was impossible to estimate how many zombies were inside.

In comparison, there was only one rest area door open in the left corridor, which was the least dangerous.

Chu Wanfu pointed his index finger at the left corridor.

All the members lowered their center of gravity and landed very lightly.

There were more than a dozen patients gathered in the rest area, and the doctor zombies just stood with their backs to each other. The soldiers passed through quickly and silently.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding, ding ding ding ding, ding ding ding ding."

Suddenly, the simple calculator on the floor of the corridor started to sing regularly. The sound was not loud, but it was deafening in the quiet space.

The zombies in the room screamed and roared, and rushed out with a rumble, giving them a professional eardrum massage.

"Run upstairs!"

Chu Wanfu shouted.

The soldier in charge of the rear guard raised the silencer-equipped superpower gun and shot the zombie in the forehead with an accurate shot. The corpse continued to slide down the ground.

Dozens of zombies also rushed out of the room on the left side of the corridor, shaking and joining the zombie brigade.

Chu Wanfu and his ten people no longer concealed their voices, and ran on the stairs with crackling sounds.

The zombies on the second floor swarmed in after hearing the sound, and the vanguard team was the first to bear the brunt, raising the modified submachine gun and shooting.

The zombies flew backwards under the huge impact, and they couldn't get close at all!

"The disinfection supply center is in front, get ready to enter!"

Pushing open the door of the supply room, the zombie that was ramming inside plunged into Chu Wanfu's arms, opened its mouth wide to look at his hot abdominal muscles, but he didn't expect him to step back half a step and bite down right below.

The zombie's teeth were half broken due to the great force.

Chu Wanfu kept his buttocks moving backwards, staring at his intact crotch and sweating coldly, then he became furious and raised his hand to shoot him in the head.

The happiness of the second half of his life was almost ruined here!

The soldiers stood guard at the door of the supply room, covering with firepower, and the superpower bullets flew across, knocking down the zombies in a row.

The space superpower soldier strode forward, dealt with the three or four remaining zombies inside, and went straight to the sterile storage area.

On the four-story high shelves, white hollow frames were neatly arranged, with small signs hanging on them, and various product names were clearly written in white on a green background: cotton swabs, patches, infusion tube needles, surgical gloves, blood transfusion devices, etc. There were a total of thirty similar shelves.

The superpowers didn't care about many things, and put the shelves into the space together. The white steel shelves next to them were full of cloth bags wrapped in green/blue cloth. No one knew what they were, so they put them all away and handed them back to the doctors for identification.

Another room was full of locked filing cabinets. Various soft bottles of liquids and medical masks were placed on the upper layer, and the iron sheets below were locked and could not be opened.

Time was running out, and the superpowers were sweating as they walked and collected. Those who could move were taken away with the cabinets, and those who couldn't move were taken away wherever they ran.

The zombies outside the door kept roaring, constantly attracting zombies upstairs and downstairs, and there was a dark mass that could not be seen at the end.

The soldiers at the door squeezed out the last bit of superpowers, their faces flushed, and were forced into the door by the endless tide of zombies.

"General Chu, I can't bear it anymore."

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