I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 267 On Resource Integration

As the zombies rushed forward, the soldiers who could no longer squeeze out a trace of superpowers entered the room, slammed the door shut with a bang, and locked it with their hands.

The zombies that followed them slammed into the door frame, making a deafening sound.

The soldiers moved the white steel shelves and transport vehicles and other things to block the door, and sat on the conveyor platform beside them, gasping for breath.

"General Chu, the space is full, and many supplies can only be abandoned."

The superpowers clearly looked like they were holding on, holding a bag of medical protective clothing that had just been picked out of the filing cabinet, and forcibly stuffed it into the space.

The space not only contained hundreds of boxes of various categories collected in the supermarket, but also various useful things taken from abandoned cars along the way, plus 70% of the goods in the disinfection supply center, the space was already full and could not be fuller.

As for the remaining 30% that could not be taken away, they also used shelves to build a heavy enclosure to ensure that they would not be scattered on the ground due to the impact of the zombies.

Chu Wanfu glanced at the pile of supplies, waved to call the space ability users, and ordered the rest to rest and recuperate.

The soldiers sat on the ground, with their ability guns placed within reach, then stretched out their left forearms and used their right index fingers to order a high-calorie, hunger-resistant braised pork rice bowl from the takeaway system of the points card. They counted to three seconds and got it on time, opened the lid and ate it voraciously.

The strong aroma of rice mixed with the unique smell of braised pork hit everyone's nose, and the appetite of the people who smelled it soared, especially the space ability users, who couldn't help swallowing their saliva secretly.

Compressed biscuits and the like, how can they compare to the comfort of eating!

Only after losing it, you will understand what hot carbon water - rice is.

Chu Wanfu didn't say a word, and directly took people into the villa, indicating that they should move everything in the space to the spacious hall.

The ability users were all stunned.

The villa can be used like this? !

Chu Wanfu walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. Inside was the boiled water he had prepared in advance with a little salt. He took out a bottle, unscrewed the cap, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp to relieve his thirsty throat.

"You guys come drink some water too. Put the supplies in order. Bring the rest back here later."

He took out the mineral water and threw it over one by one.

As early as when he chose to take the risk to go to the hospital, Chu Wanfu had thought of a retreat plan.

He deliberately brought ten people in, so that he could return to the villa as soon as possible when facing sudden danger.

The medical resources in the Shangjing base were too scarce. All the supplies had to be used by the top biochemical researchers and the wounded in each department first. It was impossible to have a set of supplies for everyone and replenish them in time.

But all the superpower troops responsible for going out to collect supplies would not complain. The early development of antiviral serum and the end of the apocalypse era was the deepest hope of everyone.

In order to avoid unnecessary mutations caused by wound infection, the troops relied on self-reliance most of the time, for self-protection and for the survivors in the rear.

With a large number of new survivors, Chu Wanfu's pressure increased, so he had to focus on the hospital here.

Hospitals have always been crowded places. When the apocalypse broke out, they were the first to be hit and became the first place to fall.

It is precisely for this reason that most forces will not easily choose to raid the hospital without absolute certainty, which leads to many supplies here being well preserved.

In addition, there is a retreat route of villas, which basically can achieve zero casualties.

The apocalypse is not other things, the cruelty is self-evident. Only by ensuring that the soldiers survive to the greatest extent can more survivors be saved and jointly welcome the bright future.

This is the overall view that a leader should have.

In other words, this is called resource integration.

Fortunately, he rented a villa, which may be of great use in the future. He will study it carefully when he returns.

Chu Wanfu put away his thoughts and led the superpowers who had cleared the space back to the supply room.

As soon as I landed, I heard the sound of zombies hitting the door. It was deafening and even the whole wall was shaking. It was as if the god of death was carrying many of his dead men, staring with lifeless gray eyes, numbly hitting everyone's nerves again and again.

Trying to defeat reason from the inside, making people completely collapse and despair, automatically opening the door, and hugging each other warmly with open arms.

Isn't it tiring to keep running for survival?

Watching the zombies approaching step by step, no matter where they escape to, no matter day or night, like a perpetual motion machine, as long as you look back, you can see their highly rotten faces and blue-black fingers. The survivors cannot make mistakes and their nerves must always be tense.

In this protracted war, only one side will succeed.

Come on, die early and be reborn early, become the same kind, walk with them, always pursue fresh flesh and blood, and enjoy the top despair emanating from the living!


The door of the disinfection supply center was kicked open from the inside!

The soldiers holding the charging power pointed their guns outward and fired fiercely!

Overwhelming superpower bullets shot out from the gun barrels, and the zombies blocking the corridor fell down in a large number.

"Fuck, kill you bunch of living dead!"

The vanguard team tilted their heads and spit, stepped on the corpses and swept outwards. In an instant, the narrow corridor was filled with black rotten brains, and broken arms and debris were scattered all over the sky!

The uninterrupted rain of superpower bullets tore a crack in the crowded zombie tide!

"Go upstairs and continue the sweep!"


Xia Yan snapped his fingers, blew a hooligan whistle, and happily put the two Xiaolongs back into the system grid.

Looking back, the wide store lost its treasure and suddenly became dim.

Can it be called a treasure here? It will only slowly become scrap copper and iron, worthless.

This car can play its residual heat in her hands, and it can be regarded as completing the ultimate mission of being a car.

Before leaving, Xia Yan considerately closed the door and "invited" the sales champion of the store back to the store.

Not far away, Lin waved at her in the car.

"Huh, that's all for today, go home."

Xia Yan jumped into the car, fastened his seat belt, bought a chocolate bread in the mall, put it in his mouth, reversed into the driveway, and prepared to go back.

"You just eat bread? You've been waiting for a whole day, it doesn't matter if you stop and have a good meal before leaving."

Lin couldn't bear it and advised.

It's not that you don't have food to eat, what are you fooling around with.

This is how young people's stomachs are damaged. When they feel uncomfortable and painful, they can't even take stomach medicine, so they can only endure it.

I have felt it myself, my stomach feels like it has been thrown into a spin dryer, twisting and turning so painful that I can't help but roll on the spot.

Xia Yan glanced at her and saw that although the old lady looked polite, she was very disapproving in her eyes, which could be regarded as kindness under the sharp edge.

She smiled and braked, "I'll listen to you, how about eating noodles, is it warm enough for the stomach?"

Lin's eyes flashed with satisfaction, but she hummed in her throat, "You can see for yourself."

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