Of course Xia Yan would not argue with this duplicitous little old lady.

I ordered a bowl of Yangchun noodles and chewed it slowly.

Suddenly she remembered something and took out a pen and paper, "Didn't you say you were going to write a missing person notice before? Let's write it now. When I get back, I will post a few more notices in the branch and the base."

Lin seemed to be struck by lightning, her body shook heavily, and she was stunned.

After waiting for her to take over for a long time, Xia Yan looked up in confusion, only to see Lin's eyes were red and confused, and she wiped her clothes again and again with trembling palms.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Yan seemed to hear a crisp sound of something breaking, and then it splattered all over the floor.



Lin's voice was hoarse and hoarse. She turned to the window suddenly, grabbed her sleeves with the back of her hands and wiped her eyes hard. The cuffs that had been worn for a long time were hard and rough, leaving small red marks.

Lin took the pen and paper away from her hand and said firmly, "Thank you."

Xia Yan said nothing, picked up the noodle bowl, took a sip of soup, and continued eating noodles as if nothing happened.

Lin's tight shoulders slowly relaxed with her back turned, and her gaze moved downward inch by inch, landing on the white paper that had folded paper marks due to her excessive force.

From the moment Boss Xia agreed, she was overwhelmed by the huge and suffocating surprise.

Along the way, she had been thinking about how to write a missing person notice.

It’s about writing, dear, how are you doing now?

Or write that she is still alive and there is nothing to worry about?

None of them are suitable.

The tide of surprise faded, and uneasiness, anxiety, expectation, and fear followed one after another. Each emotion was like a powerful hurricane, sweeping and raging in her brain, making her dizzy and sick to the point of vomiting!

What if that person is no longer alive? The belief that had kept her alive would be overthrown.

But what if she is still alive...

Lin lowered her head in pain and clutched her hair tightly.

What will she become...how will she escape...how will she face...

"You don't have to think so much." Xia Yan, who was driving beside him, said calmly, "It's just a base with a small population, so we may not be able to find him."

Lin, who was trapped in a demonic barrier, was stunned.

Yes, I just posted a missing person notice, the possibility of finding him is very small.

No need for internal friction.

Lin straightened up again, put her hands on her thighs, stared stiffly ahead, and gathered her thoughts.

The last ray of sunset outside the car window was slowly dissipating in the horizon. The weeds half a man tall were motionless. The small mutated beast hidden among them passed by quickly, and the sound of biting could be heard faintly.

Xia Yan turned on the car lights, and the bright high beams shone like a fan, making a way home in the darkness.


When we finally returned to the hotel, it was already close to 9:30, and most of the customers in the building had turned off the lights early to rest. Only a few young people could not sleep, lying on the floor of the safe area and looking at the thick ink sky.

It was pitch black and I didn’t know what I was looking at.

Lin hurried upstairs. Boss Xia's words: "Don't worry, I'll give it to her when I finish writing it." She took a long breath.

Xia Yan parked the car behind the hotel, took out the dozens of cars harvested today one by one, and placed the RV in the middle like a star holding the moon. It was not enough after the system marked it, so she called over the meticulous director and handed him a bottle of spray paint and asked him to spray-paint the words "Vacation Hotel" on the most conspicuous place.

Go back to the front and take out all the boxes that were put away in the supermarket. There are three boxes in total, forty boxes in length, and five boxes in width. It looks like a thick fallen wall. It is very spectacular.

The young people lying on the ground beside them were stunned for a moment, staring at each other.

Xia Yan clapped his hands with satisfaction, took out two paper knives, and invited Xiong Xiong to experience the joy of opening the blind box together.

This scene happened to be watched by Chu Wanfu who came from Lidai Island.

He came back to see if the other wave of soldiers had returned safely, not just to prick his heart.

Why does my heart throb and hurt? I have to get the defibrillator from the hospital later...

Looking at the box that was obviously more than double the size of his own, Chu Wanfu was so envious that his back molars almost shattered.

"Boss Xia, you have gained a lot."

Xia Yan, a doer who 'works hard', raised his head and smiled beautifully.

"There are cars in the back, and General Chu is welcome to pick them up when they are available for rent."

Chu Wanfu:? ? ?

Thinking about it, the soldiers should have returned a long time ago, and their stomachs were a bit full after eating.

As I followed the curve to the back of the hotel, I couldn't help but feel my eyebrows twitching and my heart filled with sour bubbles.

Cavalier Fifteen, Mercedes, Snapdragon...

She really knows how to choose, they are all luxury cars! Does it add oil?...

At this time, an armored vehicle roared in from next door, and a dragon swung its tail and stopped gracefully, which was a textbook standard.

The car door opened, and those who came out were not the soldiers he had arranged to guard outside the hospital and return to the team on their own before they could wait.

Chu Wanfu swept back and forth on both sides' mounts, and suddenly felt that he had to open up the situation.

I’ve never driven a luxury car before, shouldn’t I enjoy it while I’m still alive?

Which man’s dream ‘lover’ doesn’t have a handsome Snapdragon, Predator, Hummer and Raptor?

The soldiers finally noticed him - and a line of cars, trotting over to report the battle.

After Chu Wanfu listened quietly, he pointed to the rows of hotel chariots, his quiet voice slightly elevated.

"Your goals tomorrow are, first, to get a car, second, to pump gasoline, and third, to search for pharmacies along the way."

The target is a car? !

The soldiers looked at the car opposite with envy, their eyes brightened, their heads held high, "Yes!"

After hearing this magnificent call, Xia Yan in front looked back, not knowing what they were doing.

"Boss, this plunger?"

"It will be distributed tomorrow, one for each room."

Xia Yan retracted her gaze and waved, marked the word "balloon" on the box with a marker, and moved it aside.

After Chu Wanfu separated from his men, he was not in a hurry to go back to the villa to rest, but stood aside to watch her unpack.

"General Chu, don't look at it, there are so many boxes of ceramic tableware, you don't need it."

Xia Yan wrote down "Tableware Fifteen" and asked Zhi Cang to move it to a small trailer and send it to the detoxification store for disinfection. Seeing him towing an empty trailer back, Xia Yan knew that this was also one of the "raw materials" for high-end restaurants.

Saving points again, so motivated.

Although she got a lot of things, 1/3 of them were tableware.

It was indeed a piece of chicken ribs for Chu Wanfu, but when she offered the compressed biscuits, the moment the two looked at each other, Chu Wanfu suddenly felt that maybe he shouldn't be here?

Damn it.

This feeling of "forced buying and selling" made him unable to stop.

"How about," he tried to say: "Exchange?"

Tableware for compressed biscuits, both are what the other party needs.

Xia Yan lowered her eyelashes and glanced at the suggested retail price.

One 28, one 7.

"Okay, exchange."

She agreed too readily.

Chu Wanfu instantly felt depressed that the price was too high.

Or, re-quote?

Before he could speak, Xiongxiong led a person to "save the situation".

"Boss, something's wrong!"

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