I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 269 Perform a Magic Show

Xiongxiong's voice was that of a boy who had not yet fully developed. He usually spoke with a slightly elongated and slightly raised ending tone, but at this moment, as if he had encountered something terrifying, his boyish voice was so sharp that it almost became a line.

Xia Yan's hand holding the paper cutter trembled, "What's wrong?"

"Yes, yes, yes, boss, come quickly."

Xiongxiong ran out of breath, and the short, shiny hair on his chest rose and fell violently, creating layers of halos.

Xia Yan cast his eyes on the blonde girl beside him. The latter's pupils were also dilated to the limit due to the horror. Her right hand was pressed on her chest, and her face was pale and she couldn't say a word.

She jumped off the cardboard box and put away the paper cutter, "Take me over to have a look."

Chu Wanfu, who was standing by, followed silently.

Xiongxiong walked in front, took a few deep breaths, and tried to describe what had just happened.

"Just now I sent the plunger back to the store, ready to distribute it tomorrow, and a man came to knock on the counter with the female customer in his arms, saying that he seemed to hear some strange noises outside and wanted me to deal with it.

"After all, I am the store manager, and it is my job to deal with customers' questions, so I followed him.

"I didn't expect that the man would lead me around the back of the hotel, hold his female companion and go out, standing outside the safe area and laughing loudly, while laughing he said he wanted to show me a magic trick."

Xiong Xiong trembled all over when he thought of the next scene, and the female customer walking in the middle of the crowd was even more pale.

Xia Yan looked up.

After nightfall, the lights on the top floor will be turned on on time, and the light in the safe area is as bright as daytime. When the line of sight moves down, the windows of the north-facing room are neatly arranged up and down, and the heavy curtains faintly reveal the light inside, which is in sharp contrast to the dark room next to it.

Perhaps hearing some noise, a corner of the curtain was lifted, revealing a face that could not be seen clearly looking out.

Xiong Xiong then said in a tearful voice: "Before I could refuse, the man's body swelled up like it was inflated, staring at me with his eyes wide open, getting more and more swollen, and soon his eye sockets burst, and he fell out with a snap, and then his body exploded with a bang."

The female customer finally couldn't suppress her emotions at this moment and cried out.

"I, I almost died, thanks to the store manager Xiong Xiong who pulled me back, otherwise..."

Xiong Xiong said: "The same second that the man exploded into bloody mud, she also swelled up all over, and in a few seconds she swelled up like a fat man of two or three hundred pounds. I didn't think much about it, and pulled her back. I didn't expect that after entering, her body stabilized and gradually returned to its original appearance."

Xiong Xiong glanced at the female customer who lowered her head and sobbed, and added in his heart: She "lost" after a series of farts.

Several people stood at the scene of the incident.

One step away from the safe zone, there was indeed a ground of bright red limbs and debris. Two eyeballs the size of a newborn baby's fist were intact, and the light gray pupils were pointed at the people in the safe zone from left to right. It seemed that a clown was making a weird expression with his eyes. Against the dark night, it was really scary.

Chu Wanfu was a little interested. One exploded, and the other was forced to explode? Was it the dead man's ability, or was it remotely controlled by someone?

How would Boss Xia deal with it? If it was the latter, dying in front of her employees, wouldn't it be a deliberate provocation? With her style of doing things, what would she do?

Just thinking about it, I heard a long voice in my ear.

"So, he committed suicide."

Xia Yan watched the protective shield slowly refresh, and the yellow and white things splashed on it were washed away and returned to its owner.

Xiong Xiong asked the female customer, "Have you been threatened? Did he threaten you?"

The female customer only raised her head slightly, trying to avoid her former boyfriend on the ground, looking from bottom to top, and shaking her head after struggling to turn her dizzy head, "No, everything was normal when we were together."

Suddenly she remembered something and added, "... We went out for a walk in the afternoon, he had to pee, so he ran to the bushes to solve it... Then we came back together... Ugh."

She tilted her head to the side and suddenly vomited violently.

Xia Yan stared at her abnormally flushed face and felt something was wrong.

"... Me," she bent over almost like she was bending over, vomiting so hard that her lungs were torn apart, and she looked so painful that she wanted to vomit out all her organs, "... Save me..."

With a click, a bloody object came out of her mouth.

"... Ah ah ah ah!"

The female customer clenched her throat with both hands and screamed in horror, and her face, which was suddenly raised, was covered with bloodstains - she was bleeding from all seven orifices without knowing it!

She stared at her bloodshot eyes, stumbled and stretched out her hands to ask for help. A stream of bright red blood gushed out of her nasal cavity, fell into her open mouth, and dyed everything red.

"... Cough, cough."

She touched the bottom of her nose, shook violently and put her hands in front of her eyes. Her eyes suddenly widened, her pupils contracted to the limit like a pinhole, and then expanded to the maximum extent. Her eyes rolled back, her whole body shook like a sieve, and she fell to the ground with trembling convulsions.

Viscous liquid seeped out from the torn skin and gradually spread, and the person who merged with the pool of blood lost his life.

All this happened too quickly. From the female customer vomiting to falling to the ground and dying, it only took a few seconds. Before the few people could make a move, everything stopped.

Zhikang, who rushed over, panted, pressed on the abdominal cavity of the corpse and touched it carefully. After dozens of seconds, he looked at Xia Yan and shook his head.

"The internal organs are abnormally soft like cotton, and the blood vessels have ruptured, causing the abdominal cavity to be full of blood. There is no way to save it."

It seems that when the man dragged her outside just now, her internal organs were severely damaged, and she swelled up with him, which made her suffer severe damage. She has been holding on until now and has not been exposed.

In this case, even if she enters the hotel, she cannot be guaranteed to survive.

It is impossible that a seriously injured and dying person can be revived with full blood as long as he returns to the hotel.

What do you think the hotel is, a resurrection city? A paradise where life can be refreshed infinitely?

What do you think of her, the master of life and death?

Xia Yan turned on the background monitoring and watched the surveillance video of the two people today carefully.

These two people, like other new customers, rarely take the initiative to have verbal and physical communication with other residents, never gather in groups, and go out only a few times.


In the restaurant on the second floor at night, a person sat opposite, didn't say a word, and left after eating noodles.

But there are many empty tables nearby.

Xia Yan zoomed in with his fingers and slowed down.

The man's lips moved quickly while blowing the cool air, and the two people opposite him clearly showed a look of fear. After the man left, the two people lowered their voices and quarreled in a low voice.

As for what was said, the voice was so soft and far away that it was impossible to record it.

What was said was not important. What was important was the person sitting opposite - the new customer, Fan Jie.

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